A SYBSc Geology Sem III 2 Syllabus Mumbai University

A SYBSc Geology Sem III 2 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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4th Semester Syllabus for Courses in Geology. Mumbai University Revised March 2017

University of Mumbai

for B .Sc IVth Semester Courses in
(November 2017 onwards)

• Theory Syllabus for Courses:
• USGE 401 - Economic Geology
• USGE 402 - Optical mineralogy and Systematic
• USGE 403 - Field Geology and Hydrogeology

• Practical Course Syllabus for USGE .4.PR

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4th Semester Syllabus for Courses in Geology. Mumbai University Revised March 2017

S.Y. B.Sc. Geology Course: USGE 401
Title: Economic Geology

Learning Objectives: To understand the fundamentals processes involved in the
formation and distribution of various ore deposits.
Number of lectures: 45
Unit 1
(15 lectures)
Introduction to economic mineral deposits
Introduction, definition of metalliferous and non- metalliferous deposits, ore mineral,
gangue, tenor of ore, industi al minerals, overburden and country rock.
Classification of economically important metalliferous and non -metalliferous mineral
deposits. Stratabound and stratiform ore deposits.
Structural and stratigraphic controls on mineralization, metallogenic epochs a nd provinces.
Ore genesis - I
Processes of formation of mineral deposits.
Magmatic concentration (early and late magmatic mineral deposits)
Sublimation and pegmatitic deposits

Unit 2 (15 lectures)
Ore genesis - II
Hydrothermal processes, cavity filling and metasomatism:
Hydrothermal processes: Principle, character of solution, types of openings in rocks,
factors affecting deposition from hydrothermal solutions, wall rock alterations.
Cavity filling deposits: processes of formation and characteris tic features of: fissure veins
and its types (in brief), stock work, saddle veins, ladder veins, pitches and flats, breccia filling deposits, solution cavity fillings.
Contact Metasomatic Deposits: definition, criteria of replacement, resulting mineral
Sedimentation deposits, Metamorphic deposits
Evaporation deposits: brief account of non- metallic deposits of ocean water, lake water,
ground water and hot springs.
Residual deposits: conditions favouring formation of residual deposits.
Mechanical co ncentration: principles and processes of formation of placer deposits
(eluvial, alluvial, beach and aeolian).

Unit 3
(15 lectures)
Ore genesis - III
Oxidation and solution in the zone of oxidation, ore deposits in the zone of oxidation.
Supergene sulphide enrichment: requirements for supergene sulphide deposition,
recognition of sulphide enrichment. Gossans and cappings, role of iron gossans, limonite and false gossans.

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4th Semester Syllabus for Courses in Geology. Mumbai University Revised March 2017

List of recommended reference b ooks

1. Jensen M.R. and Bateman A.M. (1981), Economic mineral deposits, John Wiley &
2. Evans A.M. (1993), Ore geology and Industrial mineral s, Blackwell Science.
3. Prasad U. (2000), Economic Geology - Economic Mineral Deposits, 2nd ed., CBS,


Identification (with the help of physical properties), chemical composition, origin and Indian occurrences of Ore minerals and Industrial minerals of following minerals.

Psilomelane Pyrite
Distribution of mineral deposits
Formation, association and Indian distribution of following ore minerals: Mica, Copper, Manganese, Lead and Zinc, Bauxite, Chromite, Gold

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4th Semester Syllabus for Courses in Geology. Mumbai University Revised March 2017

S.Y. B .Sc. Geology Course: USGE 402
Title: Optical Mineralogy and Systematic Mineralogy

Learning Objectives:
To introduce the basic concept needed to understand the optical mineralogy and to
learn the physical and optical properties and characteristics of common rock forming minerals.
Number of lectures: 45
Unit 1
(15 Lectures)
Optical Properties of Minerals:
Nature and behaviour of light: Non- polarised and Polarised light, Refraction and
Refractive index, Double refraction, Nicol prism and Filter poloroid, Isotropic and Anisotropic substances, Polarizing Microscope: Its Construction and Working.
Optical characteristics: Relief, Becke’s test, Twinkling, Pleochroism, Birefringence, Polarization colours, Newton’s scale, Extinction and Extinction angle, Anomalous polarization colours, Uniaxial and Biaxial minerals, Optic al indicatrix, Interference
figures, Optic sign, Sign of elongation, Use of Quartz wedge, Mica plate and Gypsum plate.

Unit 2
(15 Lectures)
Systematic Mineralogy: part I
Stability relationships, Condition of formation, Crystallography, Physical and optical
properties, Composition and structure, Diagnostic Features, Occurrence and Uses of:
Silica Group
Feldspar Group
Feldspathoid Group Mica Group

Unit 3
(15 Lectures)
Systematic Mineralogy: part II
Stability relationships, Condition of formation, Crystallography, Physical and optical
properties, Composition and structure, Diagnostic Features, Occurrence and Uses of:
Amphibole Group Pyroxene Group Olivine Group
Garnet Group
Zeolite Group
Clay minerals

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4th Semester Syllabus for Courses in Geology. Mumbai University Revised March 2017

List Of Recommended Reference Books

1. Read H.H. (Rev. ed. C.D. Gribble) (1988), Rutley’s Elements of Mineralogy”
(27TH Edition), CBS Publications.
2. Cornelius K. and Hurlbut Jr. S. (1994), Manua l of Mineralogy , Twenty first
Edition and Minerals and Rocks Exercises in Crystallography, J. Wiley & Sons.
3. Dana J.D. and Ford W.E. (rev. ed.) (2010), Dana’s Manual of Mineralogy , J. Wiley
& Sons.
4. Rogers A.F. and Kerr P.F. (1942), Optical Mineralogy (2nd Edition), McGraw - Hill
Co. Inc., New York.
5. Berry L.G., Mason B.H. and Diet rich R.V. (1983), Mineralogy, concepts,
descriptions, determinations, W.F. Freeman and Co.
6. Deer W.A., Howie A.H. and Zussman J. (1992), An introduction to rock forming
minerals, Longman Scientific and Technical.
7. Shelly David (1985), Optical Mineralogy (2nd Edition), Elsevier.
8. Nesse W.D. and Schulze D.J. (2004), Introduction to Optical Mineralogy” (Third
Edition) and An Atlas of Minerals in Thin Section, Oxford University Press.
9. Perkins Dexter (2011), Mineralogy (International Edition), Pearson Education.
10. Wenk H.R. and Bulakh A. (2004), Minerals : their constitution and origin,
Cambridge University Press.

Study of Physical and Optical characters, mode of formation and occurrence in Rock types
of the following :
Igneous rock forming m inerals: Quartz, Orthoclase, Microcline, Albite, Labradorite,
Leucite, Nepheline, Sodalite, Muscovite, Biotite, Hornblende, Augite, Aegirine, Hypersthene, Olivine, Tourmaline and Apatite.
Metamorphic rock forming minerals : Garnet, Staurolite, Chlorite, Talc, Serpentine,
Actinolite, Tremolite, Anthophyllite, Epidote, Andalusite, Kyanite, Sillimanite, Calcite, Dolomite, Asbestos, Chrysolite, Magnesite.
Study of Physical properties, mode of occurrence and conditions of origin of the following Secondary mineral s: Quartz (Rock crystal), Amethyst, Calcite (Rhombohedral,
Scalenohedral & Nail -head spar), Stilbite, Scolecite, Mesolite, Chabazite, Laumontite,
Apophyllite (Prismatic & Pyramidal), Gyrolite and Okenite.

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4th Semester Syllabus for Courses in Geology. Mumbai University Revised March 2017

S.Y. B.Sc. Geology Course: USGE 403
Title: Field Geology and Hydrogeology

Learning Objectives:
Understanding of c onstruction & working of field equipment, Outcrops observations,
measurements, recordings & interpretations and Hydro geological concepts,
exploration, exploitation & recharge of groundwater .

Number of lectures: 45

Unit 1 (15 Lectures)
Nature of Geologic Surveying:
Uses of geologic surveying, Diversity of Surveys, Scope of geological field- work.
Study of Outcrops, Importance of Contacts and Discrimination between different types of
contacts. Di scrimination of Strike and Dip .
Topographical Maps (SOI) - Map Index and Map Scale, Map folding, map reading. Study
of Geological Maps and understanding Map Symbols. Field Observations: Schedule for F ield Observations. General Suggestions for Field work:
Beginning a field problem. Collecting and trimming samples. Taking photographs.

Data recording and mapping in various terrains
Lava flow mapping- Mapping in igneous terrains
Field observations of sedimentary rocks
Data recording for structurally complicated terrains - foliations and lineations

Methods of Geologic Mapping:
Method of reconnaissance mapping – Contact mapping on topographical map, Tape and
Compass, Detailed geological mapping using Pla ne Table survey.
Mapping of horizontal contacts using Altimeter: Its construction and use.

Unit 2
(15 lectures)
Ground Water:
Definition, Utilisation, Hydrogeologic Cycle, Subsurface movement of water, Zones of
Groundwater. Definition of Wate rtable. Types of Aquifers. Presentation of Water Level
data on Maps and Graphs. Natural and Artificial Discharge of Groundwater. Springs.

Occurrence of Groundwater:
Origin of groundwater. Rock properties affecting groundwater. Vertical distribution of groundwater. Geological formations as aquifers.

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4th Semester Syllabus for Courses in Geology. Mumbai University Revised March 2017

Groundwater Movement:
Darcy’s Law, Coefficient of permeability. Groundwater flow rate. Laboratory and field
measurements of permeability. Tracing groundwater movements. Groundwater flow -lines
and flow -nets.
Unit 3
(15 lectures)
Surface Investigations for Groundwater: Conventional methods – surface indicators of ground water, biological indicators , Test -

Geophysical log in ground water exploration:
Resistivity logging, Potential logging, Temperature logging.

Geophysical exploration for ground water:
Resistivity method and Seismic method.

Ground water recharge:
Artificial Recharge of Groundwater: Concept. Methods. Water Spreading, rain water harvesting.
Waste water reused. Recharge mounds. Induced recharge.

List of recommended reference b ooks

1. Coe, A.L (Ed) (2010) Geological field techniques, Wiley- Blackwell
2. Compton R.R. (1985), Geology in the Field., John Wiley and Sons.
3. Gokhale N.W. (2009), A Guide to Field Geology, CBS Publ. India
4. Berkman D.A. (1987), Field Geologists' Manual.,Monograph Series 9., The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Victoria, Australia.
5. Mathur S.M. (2001), Guide to Field Geology., PHI Learning., India.
6. Todd D.K. (1980), Groundwater Hydrology, 2nd ed. John Wiley.
7. Bouwer H. (1978), Groundwater Hydrology., McGraw -Hill
8. Chorley R.J. (ed) (1969), Introduction to Geographical Hydrology., Metheun.
Calculation of true and apparent dip
Calcu lating rake and plunge of lineation
Plotting geological map and outcrop completion Flow Nets.
Problems on permeability, porosity and rate of flow. Water table contour map and its application

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