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Unit Structure
1.0 Abstract
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Personality Development
1.2.1Tips for enhancing one’s personality
1.2.2Types of personality
1.2.3Knowing Yourself
1.2.4Positive Thinking
1.2.5Johari’s Window
1.2.6Communication Skills
1.2.7Non-verbal Commun ication
1.2.8Physical Fitness
1.3 Emotional Intelligence
1.3.1 Meaning and Definition
1.3.2 Need for Emotional Intelligence
1.3.3 Intelligence Quotient versus Emotional Intelligence
1.3.4 Competencies of Emotional Intelligence
1.3.5 Skills to Develop Emotional Intelligence
1.4 Etiquette and Mannerism
1.4.1 Introduction
1.4.2 Professional Etiquette
1.4.3 Technology Etiquette
1.5 Communication Today
1.5.1 Significance of Communication
1.5.2 GSC’s 3M Model of Communication
1.5.3 Vitality of the Comm unication Process
1.5.4 Virtues of Listening
1.5.5 Fundamentals of Good Listening
1.5.6 Nature of Non -Verbal Communication
1.5.7 Need for Intercultural Communication
1.5.8 Communicating Digital World
1.6 Summary
1.7 Referencesmunotes.in

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The growth I ndia has been experiencing for the last two decades is
phenomenal and there has been an immense rise in the number of
institutes and centres offering professional and technical education yet the
industry and the employers are unhappy with the kind of workf orce being
churned out.
With the growth of technology taking place at a missile’s pace,
many things have changed the approach and lifestyle of a person. This
gener ation is urging the human to update according to the pace. Most of
the discoveries in this p eriod show how the world has become a virtual
village. One has to move according to the trends of the period.
The need of the hour is to capitalize on the skills and get updated.
This era witnessed the need for more skills, and soft skills are one of the m.
When the world has become mostly materialistic, there is a need to have a
corner for personality development. The revolutionary smart phones have
replaced many things which existed for many years i.e., wrist watch, alarm
clock, calendar, and camera andso on. In this process we need to ensure
that it should not replace human beings.
The skills that enable you to fit -inat a workplace include your
personality, e motional intelligence , attitude, flexibility, motivation, and
manners. Soft sk ills are so important that they are often the reason
employers decide whether to keep or promote an employee. In order to be
successful at work place , you must get along well with all the people with
whom you interact, including managers, co -workers, client s, vendors,
customers, and anyone else you communicate with while on the job.
Soft skills are different from hard skills (also known as technical
skills). Hard skills are part of the skill set that are directly relevant to the
jobtowhich you are appl ying. These are often more quantifiable, and
easier to learn than soft skills. They include the expertise necessary for an
individual to successfully do the job. They are job -specific and are
typically listed in job postings and job descriptions. Hard skil ls are
acquired through formal education and training programs, including
college, apprenticeships, short -term training classes, online courses,
andcertification programs, as well as on -the-job training.
Personality refers to an individual’s characteristics, style,
behaviour, mind -set, attitude, unique way of perceiving things and seeing
the world. Genetic factors, family backgrounds, varied cultures,munotes.in

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3environment, current situations play an imperative role in shaping one’s
personality. The way you behave with others reflects your personality. An
individual with a pleasing personality is appreciated and respected by all.
Personality development is defined as a process of developing and
enhancing one’s personality. Personality d evelopment helps an individual
to gain confidence and high self -esteem. Individuals need to have a style
of their own for others to follow them. You need to set an example for
people around you. Personality development not only makes you look
good and pre sentable but also helps you face the world with a smile.
Personality development helps you develop a positive attitude in life .A n
individual with a negative attitude finds a problem in every situation.
Personality development helps an individual to inculc ate positive qualities
like punctuality, flexible attitude, willingness to learn, friendly nature,
eagerness to help others ,and so on .
1.2.1 Tips for enhancing personality
There are some tips for enhancing personality.
Smile a lot -Nothing works bette r than a big smile when it comes to
interacting with people around. Do not forget to flash your trillion -
dollar smile quite often. Believe me, it works! As they say “ a smile is
a curve that sets everything straight ”. A smiling face wins even the
toughest soul. Wear your smile whil e interacting with others. Smiling
not only helps in enhancing an individual’s personality but also
winning other’s heart s.
Think positive -It is essential to think positive. Remember there is
light at the end of every dark tunne l. Do not always think negative lyas
it not only acts as a demotivating factor but also makes an individual
dull and frustrated. Don’t get upset over minor things. Be a little
flexible and always look at the broader perspectives of life.
Dress Sensibly -Dressing sensibly and smartly go a long way in
honing one’s personality. One needs to dress according to the
occasion. How would a female look if she wears a sari to a
discotheque? Obviously ridiculous! No matter how expensive your sari
is, you can’t wear i t to a night club or a pub where everyone is dressed
in smart casuals. Price has nothing to do with smart dressing. An
individual who is well dressed is respected and liked by all .N oo n e
would take you seriously if you do not wear suitable clothes fitting
with occasions. Do take care of the fit of the dress as well. An
individual should wear clothes as per his/her body type, height,
physique ,and so on. Someone who is bulky would n ot look very
impressive in body -hugging clothes. It is not necessary that so mething
which looks good on your friend would also look g ood on you. Wear
the right make up. You do not have to apply loud make up to look goodmunotes.in

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4and a ttractive. Even minimal make upif applied sensibly can really
make you stand apart from the rest.
Be soft -spoken-Do not always find faults in others. Fighting and
quarrelling lead to no solution. Be polite with others. Be very careful
of what you sp eak. Avoid being rude and short -tempered.
Leave your ego behind -An individual needs to hide his ego
everywhere he goes. Be it office or workplace you need to leave your
ego behind if you wish to win appreciation from others. An individual
who is good from within is loved by all.
Help others -Do not always think of harming others. Share whatever
you know. Remember no one can steal your knowledge. Always help
Confidence -Confidence is the key to a positive personality. Exude
confidence and positive aura wherever you go.
A Patient listener -Be a patient listener. Never interrupt when others
are speaking. Try t o imbibe thegood qualities of others.
1.2.2 Types of personality
An individual’s personality refers to his/her appearan ce,
characteristics, attitude, mind set and behaviour with others. Some types
of personality are listed below.
1.The Duty Fulfiller -Such individuals take their roles and
responsibilities seriously and perform whatever tasks are assigned to
them . Duty fulfillers are serious individua ls and believe in honesty and
peaceful living. They never do anything which is not good for
themselves, th eir job, families ,o rf o r society . Such individuals are
good and responsible citizens who abide by the legal system and can’t
even dream of breaking the law. People with such a personality type
are extremely hard working and often find it difficult to say NO to
others, eventually becoming overburdened at the end of the day. Such
individuals adopt an organized approach towards work and are
extremely loyal and faithful. They also show a strong inclination
towards creativity and aesthetics.
2.The Artist -Artis ts have an eye for natural beauty and creativity .
Rather than worrying about thefuture, they believe in living for the
moment. Such individuals are extremely cool -headed and do not get
into unnecessary fights and troubles. They do not blindly copy others
and aspire to create a style of their own.
3.The Protector -You would find such a personality type in very few
people, making it a very rare personality type. Protectors are
systematic individuals who want the best system to get things done.munotes.in

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5They often thi nk irrationally. They are pessimists who find a problem
in every situation. Such individuals do not trust others and only believe
in themselves.
4.The Idealist -Such people have astrong set of values and ethics .T h e y
find happiness in helping others. They consider themselves lucky if
they get an opportunity to help others.
5.The Scientist -Such individuals believe in careful and strategic
planning. They are good observers who believe in constantly g athering
information and upgrading their existing knowledg e. Scientists are
extremely intelligent people who have a very sharp analytical mind.
6.The Guardian -Such individuals are perfectionists who ensure that
everything everywhere is going on smoothly. They are mature
individuals who have a clear set of standa rds.
7.The Performer -Performers strive hard to grab theattention of others
and love being the centre of attention. They are fun loving individuals
who enjoy fun and excitement in life.
8.The Inspirer -Inspirers are talented individuals a nd often act as role
model for others. They have great people skills.
9.The Giver -Individuals with “The Giver” personality type enjoy the
company of others and do not prefer staying alone.
1.2.3Knowing Yourself
Knowing yourself is to know your motivation, preferences,
perso nality and understanding how these factors influence your judgment,
decisions and interactions with other people. T hrough this self -awareness
onedevelops the ability to kn ow how you are feeling and why and the
impact ofyour feelings on your behaviour. But it involves a capacity to
monitor and control those strong but subliminal biases that all ofus
harbo ura nd that skew our decision making . Internal feelings and thoughts,
interests, strengths and limitations, values, skills, goals, abilities,
leadershi p orientation and preferred communication style ar ej u s taf e w
elements that self -awareness comprises. Knowing yourself has many
benefits; some of them are as follows.
Understanding yourself in relation to others
Developing and implementing a sound self -improvement program
Setting appropriate life and career goals
Developing relationships with others
Understand the value of diversity
Managing others effectively
Increasing productivity
Increasing your ability to contribute to Organization s,your
commu nity and family.munotes.in

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6In others words ,it helps one to know what one is good at and
choose a career they enjoy. Depending on other ’s thoughts or beliefs in
terms of what is good for us leads to personal and professional
Knowing yourself is a lso important for managers in organizations
as those who have attained heightened states of self -awareness tend to be
superior performers. This is because they can relate and understand others
better and thus will be capable of reducing the potential of confli ct.
Usually this kind of person will be open to feedback and make positive
modifications to personal behavio ur so as to create trusting and productive
work environments. Working effectively with others will the refore
increase managerial and o rganizational effectiveness.
How to Gain?
The first step in becoming aware of ourselves is to recognize our
weaknesses, strengths, biases, attitudes, values and perceptions. There are
many ways to enhance our self -awareness. Some of these include
analyzing our own experiences, looking at ourselves through the eyes of
others, self -disclosure, acquiring diverse experiences and increasing our
emotional intelligence.
Self-analysis: It requires people to examine themselves as an object in
an experience or event. It req uires a person to step back and observe the
positive and the negative impact that may have influenced behaviours,
attitudes, thoughts or interactions. Self -analysis is not always an easy
process, yet it is a necessary skill for synthesizing information re levant to
professional or personal effectiveness.
The self -analysis process should begin with reflection on and
exploration of thoughts and feelings associated with effective events. By
reflecting on these feelings and thoughts, individuals can obtain new
perspectives relevant to their lives based on these learning experiences.
From obtaining new knowledge and perspectives, individuals can become
more effective by implementing new behavioural and cognitive changes in
future situations.
One of the mean s to gain insight about our self is through
reflecting on, examining and analyzing our behaviour, personality,
attitudes and perceptions.
1. Behaviour is the way in which we conduct ourselves -the way in
which we act. Our behaviour is influenced by our feeli ngs, judg ements,
beliefs, motivations, needs, experience and opinions of others. Patterns of
behaviour develop through our reactions to events and actions over a
period of time. Behaviour consist of four components:munotes.in

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7I.Motivation: The drive to pursue one a ction over another. Being
aware of our core drivers, those things that motiva te you positively or
negatively can help you understand the roots of your behaviour and
make adjustments as necessary to modify your behaviour.
II.Modes of thinking: The way you pr ocess the various inputs your
brain receives. Being aware of how you take in and make sense of
information can help you understand how you make judg ements or
decisions that lead to choosing one behaviour or course of action over
III.Modes of acting: The course of action you apply in a given situation.
Being aware of how you express your reaction to the things that
happen to and around you can help you understand the alternatives
available to you when certain events arise.
IV.Modes of interacting: The wa y in which you communicate and share
ideas, opinions and feelings with others. Being aware of how you talk
and work with others can help you understand how your preferred
style meshes with those with whom you work and live. Personality
describes the relat ively stable set of characteristics, tendencies and
temperaments that have been formed by heredity and by social,
cultural and environmental factors. These traits determine how we
interact with and react to various people and situations. Some of the
aspects of personality are believed to be a result of nature -those traits
with which we are born and that we possess through heredity. Other
characteristics of our personality are thought to be as a result of our
environment -those factors that we acquire th rough exposure to people
and events in our lives.
2. Personality traits are enduring characteristics that describe an
individual’s attitude and behaviour. Examples are agreeableness,
aggression, dominance and shyness. Most of these traits have been found
to be quite stable over time. This means a person who is cold and
uncaring in one situation is likely to behave similarly in other situations.
The “Big five” model is a powerful instrument because it organizes
numerous concepts into a “short list” of just five factors that are
representative of the characteristics that can be linked with satisfaction and
success. The Big Five has five primary components: extroversion,
agreeableness, emotional stability, conscientiousness and openness to
I. Extro version: represents the degree to which an individual is
social or antisocial, outgoing or shy, assertive or passive, active or
inactive and talkative or quiet. A person who rates high for first
traits in these pairs is extroverted, while someone who rate sh i g hf o r
second traits is introverted. Extroversion or introversion, in itself, is
not necessarily bad, but extremes at both the ends of the spectrum
can be equally dysfunctional. A person who is too outgoing could be
perceived as overbearing and a pers on who is too reserved would
lack the skills to relate to others.munotes.in

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8II. Agreeableness: measures the degree to which a person is friendly
or reversed, cooperative or guarded, flexible or inflexible, trusting or
cautious, good natured or moody, soft -hearted or t ough and tolerant
or judgmental. Those scoring high on the first element of these
paired traits are viewed as more disagreeable and difficult to work
with. Being too agreeable could cause a person to be too
accommodating; however the others may take advan tage of these
III.Emotional Stability: characterizes the degree to which a person is
consistent or inconsistent in how they react to certain events, react
impulsively or weigh options before acting and takes things
personally or looks at a situat ion objectively. Those who rate high on
emotional stability are viewed as generally calm, stable having a
positive attitude, able to manage their anger, secure, happy and
objective. Those who rate low are more likely to be anxious,
depressed, angry, insecu re, worried and emotional.
IV.Conscientiousness: represents the degree to which an individual is
dependable or inconsistent, can be counted on or is unreliable,
follows through on commitments or are generally perceived to be
careful, thorough, organized, per sistent, achievement oriented,
hardworking and persevering. Those who score lower on this
dimension are more likely to be viewed as inattentive to detail,
uncaring, disrespectful, not interested or notmotivated , unorganized,
prone to giving up easily and lazy.
V. Openness to experience: characterizes the degree to which people
are interested in broadening their horizons or limiting them, learning
new things or sticking with what they already know, meeting new
people or associating with current friends and co-workers, going to
new places or restricting themselves to known places. Individuals
who score high on this factor tend to be hig hly intellectual, broad
minded, c urious, imaginative and cultured. Those wh o rate lower
tend to be narrow minded, less inte rested in the outside world and
uncomfortable in unfamiliar surroundings and situations.
Professionals who are open to experience are more willing to reflect
on feedback for personal development.
VI.Self-monitoring: is the tendency to adjust our behaviour relative to
the changing demands of social situations. The concept of
monitoring our own personality can help us come to grips with both
those qualities we view as positive and those we would like to
change. By being aware of the role of self -monitoring, we can
assess our own behaviours and attitudes; diagnose which elements
we are satisfied with, and identify and develop plans for addressing
those aspects we want to change. When self -monitoring, it is
important to set personal standards in accordance wit h certainmunotes.in

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9accepted norms. High self -monitors are very sensitive to external
cues and constantly adapt their true selves to conform to a situation
or set of expectations. Low self -monitors are more consistent,
displaying their feelings, attitudes an db e h a viours in every situation.
3. Attitudes are evaluative statements or learned pre -dispositions to
respond to an object, person or an idea in a favourable or unfavourable
way. Attitudes are narrow in scope. They can vary from situation to
situation. Strong attitudes can have an impact on professional and
personal relationship. Our attitude can determine whether we think
positively and take control of a situation or think negatively and feel
helpless to change or respond to a situation. Our attitude is an im portant
component of our ability to be productive at work. Our attitudes can
influence people around us. Being aware of our own attitudes and making
a choice about which attitude to display to others is very important to us as
individuals or as managers. Our attitude can affect our behaviour as well
as our interaction with others. Our friends, significant others, family
members, co -workers and others are definitely influenced by our thought
and feelings towards situations. As managers it is also importan t to
recognize that our employees are affected by the attitudes we display
towards them and towards the work that needs to get done. A manager’s
attitude is a large factor in how people feel about their jobs. If a manager
is upbeat most of the time and s upportive of his or her colleagues,
employees will generally respond well and work hard to produce the
desired results. On the other hand if a manager is pessimistic and
belittling towards his or her employees, staff morale will suffer and
ultimately so w ill the expected outcomes.
4. Perceptions: Perception describes the process by which
individuals gather sensory information and assign meaning to it. When we
encounter a person or situation, we use our senses to absorb various
inputs. Next ,our brains sel ect aspects from stored information in order to
process and organize these inputs. Finally ,our brains interpret and
evaluate the person or situation. Individual perception may not always be
consistent with reality; it is only perceiver’s interpretation of reality. Our
perceptions are influenced by many factors, such as our culture,
environment, heredity, the media, peers, past experiences, intelligence,
needs, emotions, attitudes and values. Perception can be the result of
multiple casualties .A sh u m a n beings we tend to form perceptions based
on our biases. If we are not aware of our biases and don’t check our
understanding with others, we might miss out on important information
and situations by relying on distorted perceptions. Some of the more
comm on filters are stereotyping, selective perception, projection
expectation and interest.
Other’s perception about us is also viewed to be important, as we
can understand how we are shaped by others opinions of us. This concept
is referred to as social mir roring. By seeing ourselves through others eyes
we can learn about our strengths and also about areas in which we canmunotes.in

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10improve. Learning to read accurately how others see us enhances our
“self-maps” ,our images and judgments of our self.
Self-disclosure: Another means of self -awareness is through self-
disclosure -sharing your thoughts, feelings and ideas with others without
self-deception, without distortion. Talking to others allows usto share our
feelings and responses. Self -disclosure is a key fact or in improving self -
awareness; we must disclose information and interact with others to
further clarify our perceptions.
Diverse Experiences: Another way of increasing self -awareness is
through acquiring multiple experiences in diverse situations and meeting
people from diverse backgrounds and regions . As we encounter new
situations, we use existing skills and acquire new ones, meet people and
develop friendships, see new places and learn first-hand about things we
might have only read about. Being ope n to experiences broadens our
horizons. It helps us to see ourselves in a new light while giving us new
information about ourselves and our ability to interact with the world.
This boosts our confidence level and encourages us to reach out to further
ourexperiences even more.
1.2.4 Positive Thinking
Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on
optimistic and positive thoughts and expects positive results .People with
positive thinking mentality look at the bright side of life and anticipate
happiness, health and s uccess. Such people are confident that they can
overcome any obstacle and difficulties they might face.
Positive thinking is not a concept that ever yone believes and
follows. Some consider it as nonsense, and scoff at p eople who believe in
it. However, there area growing number of people, who accept the power
of positive thinking as a fact, and believe in its effectiveness.
Positive thinking is the idea that you can change your life by
thinking positively about things . However, research shows that positive
thinking really does have a scientific basis. You can’t change the world,
but you can change how you perceive it and how you react to it. A nd that
can change the way you feel about yourself and others, which can in t urn
have a huge effect on your well -being.
Gain Control of Yourself: Do not be critical of yourself to others.
Whilst it can be useful to confide your concerns to someone you trust,
telling the world is something else. Be kind to yourself. Make a list of
your good qualities and believe them, believe in yourself.
Don't Be A Complainer: By being negative you can isolate yourself
from others and cut yourself off from positive solutions to problems.munotes.in

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11Learn to Relax: Allow time for yourself each day, if only for af e w
minutes it is important to find time to relax and unwind. See our page
onMindfulness for more.
Boost Your Own Morale: Treat yourself every now and again.
Especially if you have overc ome a problem or made a personal
Congratulate yourself on a job/task well done and perhaps tell a
friend. Justified praise is a good boost to morale.
Learn to Channel Nerves and Tension Positively: When you are
nervous, adrenalin is pumped thr ough the body and you feel more
keyed up and alert. This extra energy can be used to good effect;
enabling you to communicate with greater enthusiasm and intensity,
for example.
Learn to be Assertive: Stand up for what you believe in and do not be
pressure d by others. See our section on Assertiveness for more.
Developing Habits of Positive Thinking
If you think about positive thinking as ‘being happy’, it is much
easier to work out what y ou should do to develop habits based on it. For
example, what do you like doing? And with whom do you like spending
Three very good ways to build positive thinking skills are:
1.Meditation: People who meditate every day show more positive
thinking th an those who do not.
2.Writing: A group of undergraduates were asked to write about an
intensely positive experience every day for three days.
3.Play: It’s important to make time for yourself to have fun.
1.2.5Johari’s Window
The Johari Window model is a simple a nd useful tool for
illustrating and improving self -awareness, and mutual understanding
between individuals within a group. This model can also be used to assess
and improve a group's relationship with other groups. This model is
particularly useful in team development.
It was developed by American psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry
Ingham in 1955, hence the name Johari. Joha ri Window is generally used in
self-help groups in exercises which help a person to learn and discover
things about themselves, like heuristic exercise. Johari Window is a method
used for self -discovery. Johari window model is based upon two things –to
acquire the trust of others by revealing your information to them and by
learning about yourself through feedback by others.munotes.in

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12The Joha ri Window Model
Here as you can see in the photo there are four different panes and
each signifies one cr ucial idea behind it. Further, the panes are in the
horizontal axis as well as the vertical axis. So, you have to determine in which
window you fall and based on that your personality can be known. The
information transfers from one pane to the other as th e result of mutual
trust which can be achieved through socializing and the feedback got from
other members of the group.
1.Open/self -area or arena –Here the information about the person his
attitudes, behaviour, emotions, feelings, skills and views will be known by
the person as well as by others. This is mainly the area where all the
communications occur and the larger the arena becomes the more effectual
and dynamic the relationship will be. ‘Feedback solicitation’ is a process
which occurs by understa nding and listening to the feedback from another
person. Through this way the open are na can be increased horizontally
decreasing the blind spot. The size of the arena can also be increased
downwards and thus by reducing the hidden and unknown areas throug h
revealing one’s feelings to other person.
2.Blind self or blind spot –Information about yourselves that others
know in a group but you will be unaware of it. Others may interpret
yourselves differently than you expect. The blind spot is reduced for an
efficient communication through seeking feedback from others.
3.Hidden area or façade –Information that is known to you but will be
kept unknown from others. This can be any personal information which
you feel reluctant to reveal. This includes feeling s, past experiences, fears,
secrets etc. we keep some of our feelings and information as private as it
affects the relationships and thus the hidden area must be reduced by
moving the information to the open areas.munotes.in

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134.Unknown area –The i nformation which are unaware to yourselves as
well as others. This includes the information, feelings, capabilities, talents
etc. This can be due to traumatic past experiences or events which can be
unknown for a lifetime. The person will be unaware till he discovers his
hidden qualities and capabilities or through observation of others. Open
communication is also an effective way to decrease the unknown area and
thus to communicate effectively.
1.2.6Communication Skills
Communication skills are the abilities you use when givi ng and
receiving different kinds of information. Communication skills involve
listening, speaking, observing and empathising. It is also helpful to understand
the differences in how to communicate through face -to-face interactions, phone
conversations and digital communications like email and social media.
Types of communication
There are four main types of communication you might use on a
daily basis, including:
1.Verba l:Communicating by way of a spoken language.
2.Nonverbal :Communicating by way of body language , facial
expressions and vocal s.
3.Written :Communicating by way of written l anguage, symbols and
4.Visual: Communication by way of photography, art, drawings,
sketches, charts and graphs.
There are different types of communication skills you can learn
and practice to help you become an effective communicator. Many of
these skills work together making it important to practice communication
skills in different contexts whenever possible.
Active liste ning: Active listening means paying close attention to the
person who is speaking to you. People who are active listeners are well -
regarded by their co -workers because of the attention and respect they
offer others. While it seems simple, this is a skill t hat can be hard to
develop and improve. You can be an active listener by focusing on the
speaker, avoiding distractions like cell phones, laptops or other projects
and by preparing questions, comments or ideas to thoughtfully respond.
Friendliness: In fri endships, characteristics such as honesty and
kindness often foster trust and understanding. The same characteristics are
important in workplace relationships. When you’re working with others,
approach your interactions with a positive attitude, keep an op en mind and
ask questions to help you understand where they’re coming from. Small
gestures such as asking someone how they’re doing, smiling as they speakmunotes.in

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14or offering praise for work well done can help you foster productive
relationships with both colleagu es and managers.
Confidence: In the workplace, people are more likely to respond to
ideas that are presented with confidence. There are many ways to appear
confident such as making eye contact when you’re addressing someone,
sitting up straight with your shoulders open and preparing ahead of time so
your thoughts are polished. You’ll find confident communication comes in
handy not just on the job but during the job interview process as well.
Giving and receiving feedback: Strong communicators can accept
critical feedback and provide constructive input to others. Feedback
should answer questions, provide solutions or help strengthen the project
or topic at hand.
Volume and clarity: When you’re speaking, it’s important to be clear
and audible. Adjusting you r speaking voice so you can be heard in a
variety of settings is a skill and it’s critical to communicating effectively.
Speaking too loudly may be disrespectful or awkward in certain settings.
If you’re unsure, read the room to see how others are communic ating.
Empathy: Empathy means that you can understand and share the
emotions of others. This communication skill is important in both team
and one -on-one settings. In both cases, you will need to understand other
people’s emotions and select an appropriat e response. For example, if
someone is expressing anger or frustration, empathy can help you
acknowledge and diffuse their emotion. At the same time, being able to
understand when someone is feeling positive and enthusiastic can help you
get support for yo ur ideas and projects.
Respect: A key aspect of respect is knowing when to initiate
communication and respond. In a team or group setting, allowing others to
speak without interruption is seen as a necessary communication skill.
Respectfully communicating also means using your time with someone
else wisely —staying on topic, asking clear questions and responding fully
to any questions you’ve been asked.
Understanding nonverbal cues: A great deal of communication
happens through nonverbal cues such as body language, facial expressions
and eye contact. When you’re listening to someone, you should be paying
attention to what they’re saying as well as their nonverbal language. By
the same measure, you should be conscious of your body language when
you’re commun icating to ensure you’re sending appropriate cues to others.
Responsiveness : Whether you’re returning a phone call or sending a
reply to an email, fast communicators are viewed as more effective than
those who are slow to respond. One method is to conside r how long your
response will take. Is this a request or question you can answer in the next
five minutes? If so, it may be a good idea to address it as soon as you seemunotes.in

Page 15

15it. If it’s a more complex request or question, you can still acknowledge
that you’ve r eceived the message and let the other person know you will
respond in full later.
1.2.7 Non-verbal Communication
Non-Verbal Communication is the process of conveying
meaning without the use of words either written or spoken. In other words,
any communica tion made between two or more persons through the use of
facial expressions, hand movements, body language, postures, and
gestures is called as non -verbal communication.
Non-Verbal Communication, unlike verbal communication, helps in
establishing and main taining interpersonal relationships while the verbal
communication only help in communicating the externa l events. People
use non -verbal communication to express emotions and interpersonal
attitudes, conduct rituals such as greetings and bring forward one’ s
Types of nonverbal communication are:
1.Eye contact: Eye contact with audiences increases the speaker’s
credibility. Teachers who make eye contact open the flow of
communication and convey interest, concern, warmth, and
2.Facial expressions : The face is an important communicator. It is
commonly said that the face is the index of the mind. It expresses the
type of emotions or feelings such as joy, love, interest, sorrow,
anger, annoyance, confusion, enthusiasm, fear, hatred ,surpris e, and
3.Movement :The way you move your arms and legs such as walking
quickly or slowly, standing, sitting or fidgeting, can all convey different
messages to onlookers.
4.Posture :The way you sit or stand can also communicate your comfort
level, professionalism and general disposition towards a person or
5.Gestures : While gestures vary widely across communities , they are
generally used both intentionally and unintentionally to convey
information to others.
6.Space : Creating or closin g distance between yourself and the people
around you can also convey messages about your comfort level, the
importance of the conversation, your desire to support or connect
with others and more.
7.Paralanguage : Paralanguage includes the non -language elemen ts of
speech, such as your talking speed, pitch, intonation, volume and

Page 16

168.Facial expressions :O n eo ft h em o s tc o m m o nf o r m so fn o n v e r b a l
communication is facial expressions. Using the eyebrows, mouth,
eyes and facial muscles to convey can be very effect ive when
communicating both emotion and information.
9.Eyecontact : Strategically using eye contac t(or lack of eye contact)
is an extremely effective way to communicate your attention and
10.Touch : Some people also use touch as a form of communicatio n.
Most commonly it is used to communicate support or comfort. This
form o f communication should be used sparingly and only when you
know the receiving party is okay with it. It should never be used to
convey anger, frustration or any other negative emoti ons.
1.2.7 Physical Fitness
Physical fitness is an important component to leading a healthy
lifestyle. It helps one to maintain fitness, develop muscular strength and
improve cardiovascular health. A regular fitness activity improves the
absorption of nu trients by the body, improves digestive processes and
increases physiological processes.
Emotional Intelligence :
Meaning and Definition
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, use, and
manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve st ress,
communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and
defuse conflict. Emotional intelligence helps you build stronger
relationships, succeed at school and work, and achieve your career and
personal goals. It can also help you to co nnect with your feelings, turn
intention into action, and make informed decisions about what matters
most to you.
Emotional intelligence is a very important leadership skill. It is said to
have five main elements such as -self-awareness, self -regulation,
motivation, empathy, and social skills.
Need for Emotional Intelligence
The need foremotional intelligence is vast in terms of personal and
professional success. It is a core competency in many vocations, can
support the advancement towards academic and professional success,
improve relationships, and boost communication skills, the list goes on.
Emotional intelligence is an integral part of forming and developing
meaningful human relationships.munotes.in

Page 17

Intelligence Quotient is known as IQ, it’s a measure of a person’s
relative intelligence. Emotional Quotient is known as EQ, is the ability to
identify and manage your emotions and the emotions of others.
Stands for Emotional Quotient (aka
emotional intelligence)Intelligence Quotient
Definition Emotional quotient (EQ)
or emotional intelligence
is the ability to identify,
assess, and control
theemotions of oneself, of
others, and of groups.An intelligence quotient
(IQ) is a score derived
from one of several
standardized tests designed
to assess intelligence.
Abilities Identify, evaluat e, control
and express one’so w n
emotions; perceive, and
assess others' emotions ;
use emotions to facilitate
thinking, understand
emotional meanings.Ability to learn,
understand and apply
information to
skills, logical reasoning ,
word comprehension,
math skills, abstract and
spatial thinking, filter
irrelevant information.
In the
workplaceTeamwork, leadership,
successful relations,
service orientation,
initiative, collaboration.Success with challenging
tasks, ability to analyze
and connect the dots,
research a nd development.
Identifies Leaders, team -players,
individuals who best work
alone, individuals with
social challenges.Highly capable or gifted
individuals, individuals
with mental challenges
and special needs.
TestsMayer -Salovey -Caruso
Test (em otion -based
problem -solving tasks);
Daniel Goleman model
Score (based on emotional
competencies).Stanford -Binet test;
Wechsler; Woodcock -
Johnson Tests of
Cognitive Abilities.
Components of Emotional Intelligence
1.Self-awareness: This is the ability to r ecognise and understand personal
moods, emotions and drives and the effect of them on both self and
others. Self -awareness depends on one’s ability to monitor one’s own
emotional state and to correctly identify and name the emotions being
felt.Developing this ability is essential for realistic self -assessment and
builds self -confidence and the ability to take oneself less seriously.munotes.in

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182.Self-regulation: This i s the ability to control or re direct disruptive
emotional impulses and moods. It involves the ability to suspend
judgement and delay action to allow time for thought. From a
neuroscientific perspective, you can frequently observe this skill, or lack
of it, by watching response times. If an angry client is in rapid -fire mode
responding to what you say in le ss than about half a second then it is
very likely that they are not giving conscious thought to what is
being said to them. Those with this ability will frequently demonstrate
trustworthiness, integrity, and comfort with ambiguity and openness to
3.Internal motivation: Frequently seen within veterinary professionals,
internal motivation is about working with and for an inner vision of what
is important, curiosity and desire for learning and development, a drive
that goes beyond external rewards such as money or status. There is
often a strong drive to achieve, optimism even in the face of failure and
organisational commitment. There are also risks, particularly in the
presence of an undue sense of perfectionism.
4.Empathy: This relates to the ability to understand the emotional make -
up of others and the skill to treat people according to their emotional
reactions. It includes skills in building and maintaining relationships with
those we come into contact with on a daily basis. Though central to a
servic e profession, empathy can tend to be somewhat less well
developed in those with isolated background and intensive /competitive
scientific training. Empathy often does, but does not necessarily, imply
compassion; it can be used for both good and bad.
5.Socia l skills: This involves the ability to manage relationships, build
networks, find common ground and build rapport. It will often help when
leading change, being persuasive, building expertise and getting great
performance from teams.
Whilst complex and so mewhat uncertain, Emotional Intelligence reflects
a central set of competences within what it is to be a veterinary
professional. Education in this area remains basic within the profession
but in the increasingly more challenging environment ahead it may m ake
the difference between success and failure.
Skills to Develop Emotional Intelligence
Developing emotional intelligence is an on-going process. The
journey differs from person to person. Nonetheless, according to Andrews,
the following actions may lea d you to better self -awareness, empathy, and
social skills.
What emotions are you feeling right now? Can you name them?
When in a stressful situation, what emotions typically arise? How would
you like to respond in these situations? Can you stop to pause and
reconsider your response? Taking a moment to name your feelings and
temper your reactivity is an integral step toward EI.munotes.in

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Audit your self -perception by asking managers, colleagues,
friends, o r family how they would rate your emotional intelligence. For
example, ask them about how you respond to difficult situations, how
adaptable or empathetic you are, and/or how well you handle conflict. It
may not always be what you want to hear, but it will often be what you
need to hear.
Studies show that reading literature with complex characters
canimprove empathy . Reading stories from other people’s perspectives
helps us gain insight into their thoughts, motiva tions, and actions and may
enhance our social awareness.
Etiquette and manners have been around as long as man has been
here. There isevidence of this in even the most primitive of tribes and
groups of people in the vast, far reaches of the wor ld. Etiquette or manners
expected in any group arethe social rules that we live by in order to show
respect to others and ourselves. Professional etiquette builds leadership ,
quality, business and careers, and increases physiological processes.
According to the Oxford dictionary , Etiquette is the conventional
rules of personal behaviour in polite society. It is about being well -
mannered, courteous and showing respect for each other.
Professional Etiquette
1.Don’t Use a Speakerphone. Roughly 70 percent of e mployees found
using a speakerphone in a shared or ope n office to be unacceptable. If
it’s a call you need to take hands -free, use a headset or find a private
room to avoid distracting your co -workers.
2.Gossiping Isn’t Good Team Building. Talk about the wea ther,
sports, upcoming e vents, or send a sweet GIF, but don’t fall into
gossiping as a way to relate with co -workers.
3.Don’t use all letters in uppercase. Using all caps indicates an
aggressive tone, or a lack of digital skills, neither of which will be
appreciated by co -workers. The only time caps are acceptable in the
workplace is when you are sending “CONGRATULATIONS!” to
celebrate an achievement.
4.Reply Carefully. More than 60 percent of employees consider it poor
workplace etiquette to hit reply -all to e mails. This rule requires some
finesse. Don’t reply all to an email asking for your order for the staff
lunch. Do reply all to a department -wide update to make sure everyone
knows you’re on the same page.munotes.in

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205.Politics Aren’t Welcome. More than half of employee s think it’s
inappropriate to discuss politics in the workplace. Even if you think
your political interests are aligned with your co -workers , it’s best to
keep politics off the clock.
6.Silence Your Phone. You’re going to compulsively check your phone
at lea st once every half hour anyway; do you really need a ringtone or
vibration for every notification? Your co -workers certainly don’t think
you do.
7.Don’t Copy the Whole Team. Before sending an email ,ask yourself:
who needs to see this? If it’s not something that the entire organization
needs to know, there’s no reason why everyone should be copied. Be
more selective when sending general correspondence to co -workers.
8.Take Calls When y ou’re Available. It should be clear that taking a
call while going to the bat hroom is poor workplace etiquette, but
roughly 45 percent of employees think it’s still worth mentioning. It’s
embarrassing to have to reschedule a call because of your bladder, but
it’s far more uncomfortable for everyone involved to be on a call while
you’re using the restroom.
9.Use Styles Appropriately. Forty percent of workers think the improper
use of bolds or italics in work communications areunacceptable. This
is somewhat similar to using all caps in the way that it could convey an
unintended tone. B old/italics also have a tendency to draw the
attention of the eye, so if a random word is bolded or italicized it can
beconfusing anddistract viewers from the message itself.
10.Keep Your Jokes to Yourself. More than a third of employees think
itspoor work place etiquette to send joke emails to the entire team. It
really depends on your work culture whether or not it’s appropriate to
send joke emails, but the important qualifier here is ‘to the entire
team.’ Rarely, if ever, will there be an occasion for you to send an
unsolicited joke email to your entire organization.
Technology Etiquette
The proliferation of technological tools such as cellphones, tablets,
social media and email have facilitated and expedited business
communications, but they also have sometimes isolated meeting
professionals from others.
1.Language : When sending emails and texts, use professional language
and style . Avoid fancy fonts, casual language and anything else that
conveys a very relaxed style. Also, be careful not to use offens ive
language and humour that could be misunderstood.
2.Brevity : Don’t be long -winded in online communications; brevity is
expected. But don’t be too short in your replies. It’s usually best to
write complete sentences: Avoid one -word answers such as “yes,”munotes.in

Page 21

21which can be viewed as curt unless you have established a casual
working relationship with the person.
3.Response time : The nature of the message or email you receive
should dictate how soon you respond. In general, it’s best to respond
within the same busine ss day, but in some cases this isn’t necessary,
and in others a more immediate reply is needed.
4.Reply all : Be careful when using this function because it’s important
to respect the privacy of the sender. Each email needs to be handled
sensitively: In many cases, you need to send a reply only to the sender,
particularly if your response contains confidential or personal
5.Attachments : It’s best to ask before sending attachments in
unsolicited emails, since many companies instruct employees not to
open these attachments. Also, ask whether the recipient prefers
attachments in one file or separate ones, and (in some cases) how they
should be sent.
6.Out of Office : Before you go away for an extended period of time,
provide messages on your email and phon e systems indicating when
you will be away, when you will return and who should be contacted
in your absence.
In the last decades the ways people use to communicate between
them are changing quickly. In only one century we have change df r o m
letters and telegraph to mobile phones and social networks. It’s true that
the communication nowadays is faster than before. We know whatever
thing that happens in wherever place immediately. Nowadays we have
more technology than never before to imp rove our communication, but it’s
true too that this doesn’t mean necessarily that now we communicate
better than before.
1.5.1 Significance of Communication
As we continue to emphasize the importance of communication
skills, it’s important to m ention that effective communication involves
both listening and conveying information. The success of your
communication depends on how well you balance the two. This is what
makes talking different from communicating.
With talking youareonly concerned with expressing your thoughts
without listening towhat theother person hastosay. Communication
requires youtotalkandlisten inequal measure. Your ability totalkand
listen willhave ahuge effect onevery aspect ofyour life.munotes.in

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22Ahealthy relationsh iprequires effective communica tion. You must
beabletoexpress your needs toyour partner andatthesame time beable
toperceive their needs aswell.
When itcomes toyour business life, good communication will
allow you toconverse positively and productively with clients and
colleagues leading tocareer success. This iswhat wecall good
interpersonal skills.
Benefits of Effective Communication in Personal and
Professional Settings :
It increases your chances of getting the job you want on your te rms.
It helps with developing your leadership skills and getting a better
position among your friends, co -workers, or any other team members.
It brings you new networking and career opportunities and eases your
daily teamwork.
It lets you understand peo ple way better and also be more
understandable, not only verbally but also by your facial expressions
and other signals that you send while having nonverbal
It shows you how to maintain good relationships with people all the
time, even duri ng an argument.
It eases your pain while interacting with organizations and institutions,
no matter which level of bureaucracy they are at.
It boosts your grades by making both your studies and your
interactions with your professors easier.
It saves you r time and energy that you would have wasted on poor
communication followed by misunderstandings, guilt, and anxiety.
1.5.2 GSC’s 3M Model of Communication
In order to explain the process of co mmunication, GSC has
developed 3M Model. The 3M are Message, Media, and Meaning.
Message: Amessage may consist of the s ounds, words, or behaviours
ina communication interaction. The message itself is transmitted
through a channel , the pathway or route for communication, to
areceiver , who is the target or recipien to ft h em e s s a g e .T h e r em a yb e
obstacl es in the communication process or noise. Noise refers to any
interference in the channel or distortion of the message. This is a fairly
simple model in which a message is simply passed from sender to
Media: Following types of media are used for communication.
Radio: Traditional radio and digital equivalents such as podcasts.
Video: Video and film based content such as television, movies,
promotional videos, commercials and video -sharing websites.munotes.in

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23Publications :Publications such as books, magazines, newspapers,
blogs and research papers.
Social Media: Digital tools that allow people to communicate and
share and produce content.
Messaging: Traditional mail and digital messaging tools such as email
and messaging apps.
Digital Communication: Forums, chats and other tools that allow
people to socialize, share information and form communities.
Games: Digital games and virtual environments.
Applications: Applications isa general term for software that people
use inc luding mobile apps.
Graphics: Graphics such as signs, billboards, digital advertising,
t-shirts and product packaging.
Public Speaking: Speaking directly to groups of people often with
visual aids such as graphics, slides and video.
Art & M usic: Art displayed in public and musical performance.
Performance: Theatre and other performance ssuch as dance.
Meaning ful Communication :
Meaningful communication is a skill set and it can be developed
with both practice and courage. Making real change sto a communication
style is a long -term project. Such change smay require frequent ,effortful
reorientation of attention and conversational habits. However, the goals of
meaningful communication, which include gaining emotional connection
and depth, can make this challenge truly worthwhile.
1. Add value
People want to hear something they don’t know. Even if you’re
giving a persuasive talk, you should offer your audience information or
concepts they don’t know. That’s right, even persuasive presentations
involve some teaching.
You need to have some idea of what your audience knows in order
to teach them something new. You can often do some research to get more
information about their level of knowledge. Sometimes, you can simply
ask them.
2. Be relevant
Your content needs to be helpful and useful. It should be at the
appropriate level for your audience’s knowledge, skills, and experience.
Try to find out what your audience needs and wants. In most cases, you
want to give people information that they can u se, act on.munotes.in

Page 24

243. Be accurate
Know your subject well. Ideally, you’ ll speak on topics that you
know. If necessary, d o some research, using reliable sources.
Being accurate doesn’t mean that you have to include every piece
of data and content you can find a bout a topic. Filter out what you present,
because much of it isn’t relevant.
4. Be clear and organized
Once you have decided on what you’ll say, organize it and make it
crystal clear. Use meaningful graphics, tell stories, make analogies and
provide exam ples.
1.5.3 Vitality of the Communication Process
Communication entails the transfer of ideas, thoughts or feelings
by the sender to receiver via verbal or nonverbal means. This transfer
gains special significance in business especially in the service sec tor, since
the service providers work with humans and what distinguishes humans
from any other species is their ability to communicate with others.
Communication affects a wide variety of business issues including
productivity and job satisfaction via impr oving the conveyance of
information in every level of the organization. Thus, in order to establish
effective communication, the managers in an organization have to channel
the receiver what they mean to communicate in a simple, direct and
precise manner w hether it be on the oral or written modality. To achieve
this end, they should also take into consideration the gender and cultural
variations in terms of communication.
1.5.4 Virtue of listening
One of the main virtues of a true leader is listening. Lis tening, not
hearing, gives the advantage of analysing and of ensuring that one
addresses issues and matters in an appropriate manner and with that level
of importance they may or may not warrant. One would also be in a better
position to address matters in the appropriate language, thus ensuring one
is heading in the right direction.
Shutting down, pretending to listen and pretending to address
others' interest sis far from looking ahead long term. No leader with a
vision can ever ignore the messages peopl e are transmitting, particularly if
they come with a certain level of enthusiasm and/or concern. Failing to
listen tomeans there is either a defective structure or that, alternatively,
there is no true leader but an administrator.
1.5.5 Fundamentals of G ood Listening
The Five Fundamentals of Effective Listening
1. Attending to Nonverbal Behaviours –Your nonverbal behaviours tell
the speaker you are either interested and comprehending what is being
said or you are disinterested and would rather be somew here else. Are you
smiling and nodding in understanding or are you yawning, scowling, or
staring the person down? Is your body position leaning in to themunotes.in

Page 25

25conversation to show you are engaged or are you leaning back with your
arms folded indicating you’re f eeling defensive? Your body language
should communicate “Go ahead, I care, I’m listening.”
2. Asking Questions –The best leaders ask questions –lots of them. But
not all questions are created equal and different types of questions serve
different purpos es. Open -ended questions encourage the speaker to share
more information and go deeper in tothe conversation. Clarifying
questions help you understand the full context of what is being shared
whereas prompting questions encourage the speaker to reflect dee per on
their own thoughts. Close -ended questions allow you to limit the
conversation or find out specific information and leading questions allow
you to bring the conversation to a close.
3. Reflecting Feelings –Reflecting feelings is the skill of captur ing the
speaker’s feelings and restating them in non -judge mental terms. It
demonstrates to the speaker that you are aware of the emotion behind the
content of what is being shared. Using phrases such as “It sounds like
you’re really _______” (frustrated, a ngry, sad, etc.) or “I can sense your
_______ (apprehension, anxiety, pride, etc.)” indicates you are
empathizing with the speaker which allows him/her to trust you more and
share more information.
4. Paraphrasing –Paraphrasing demonstrates that you hear da n d
understand what was being shared. The basics of paraphrasing include
restating key words or phrases, following the speaker’s sequence, listening
to understand, and showing empathy. You don’t want to robotically repeat
what the speaker said verbatim, twist the speaker’s words, or prejudge the
5. Summarizing –Summarizing is the skill of being able to concisely
recap what the speaker said over a longer period of time. The exact words
aren’t as important as capturing the key ideas, feelings, or action items that
were shared. It can help to take notes, summarize periodically throughout
the conversation, and to follow the order and sequence of information
shared by the speaker. Don’t act like a parrot and repeat the exact words
shared or add you r own conclusions to the summary.
These five fundamentals may seem like no -brainers, but the truth is
that most leaders don’t do them very well, or even at all. Just like a
professional athlete continuously practices the fundamentals of his/her
sport, lea ders should continually practice these fundamentals of listening.
1.5.6 Nature of Non -Verbal Communication
Non-verbal communication is a type of communication that does
not use any oral or written word. It can communicate some human feelings
more accurate ly than those of other methods of communication. Some
important features of this communication are discussed below:munotes.in

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26No use of Words: Non-verbal communication occurs without
using any written or oral word. It is communication without words or
language like oral or written communication. Instead of written or oral
words, it relies on various non -verbal cues like physical movement, tasks,
colours, signs, symbols, signals charts, etc. to express human feelings,
attitudes and information. It uses gestures, faci al expressions, eye contact,
physical propinquity, etc. for communicating with others.
Different meanings: Non-verbal symbols can have numerous
meanings. A single message of non -verbal communication may express
different meaning to different persons or in different places. The symbols
and signs that we used as the media of non -verbal communication are not
always accurate in expressing the true meaning of the communication.
Cross -culture aspects give diverse meanings to similar expression in
admiration of t his communication. In many cases, they are vague and
inconsistent. So the media of non -verbal communication should be used
Pervasiveness: Non-verbal communication is pervasive in nature.
If we look around us, we can see the numerous aspects of non-verbal
communication. This communication is unconscious in the sense that it is
generally not intended nor rehearsed. It comes approximately instantly.
Now we need to learn how to observe and detect them. Murphy and his
associates mentioned that 60% to 70% effect of the message comes from
non-verbal cues.
Vague and imprecise: Non-verbal communication is fairly
blurred and imprecise. Since in this communication, there is no use of
words or language which expresses clear denotation to the receiver. Facia l
expressions, gestur es, body engagements, the way you use your eyes –all
communicate your feelings and emotions to others. How you stand or sit is
one of the important elements in how you are perceived by others. For
example, we all know someone who “tal ks with his hands.”
Culturally determined: Non-verbal communication is learned in
the early days, passed on to you by your parents and others with whom
you associate. Through this procedure of growing up in an exacting
civilization, you espouse the taints and mannerisms of your cultural group.
1.5.7 Need for Intercultural Communication
Intercultural communication offers the ability to deal across
cultures, which is increasingly important, as the world gets smaller.
Getting smaller doesn’t mean the world is becoming identical, it means
having more and more contact with people who are culturally different.
Being able to deal with this cultural difference peacefully, never mind
creatively and innovatively, is becoming a survival issue to thrive in a
global w orld as a global leader.munotes.in

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27Intercultural communication skills ar e those required to
communicate or share information, with people from other cultures and
social groups.
While language skills may be an important part of intercultural
communication, they are by no means the only requirement.
Intercultural communication also requires an understanding that
different cultures have different customs, standards, social mores, and
even thought patterns.
Finally, a good intercultural communication skill requires a
willingness to accept these differences and adapt to them.
1.5.8 Communicating Digital World
Effective communication lies at the heart of a successful business.
Without being able to communicate, a team will have more difficulty
accomplishing goals and interacting with customers. For this and many
other reasons, communication management is an important area of study
and mastery.
The digital age has brought real -time, 24 -hour communication
between businesses, employees and customers to the forefront. Wha t is the
result of this digital shift? Maintaining positive relationships with both
employees and customers means keeping up with an ever -evolving digital
The digital world has resulted in some ‘un -programming’. Before
the advent of s mart phones, s ocial media apps and tools, our conscious
mind was more adept at filtering. It was easier and a more conscious
decision to identify what’s ‘appropriate’. Now, we have the means of
greater anonymity. We can hide behind a screen and/or persona. For
instance, communication through body language and tone is lost.
The golden rule; know your audience. Certainly, collaborate and
ask what works or doesn’t and why. Don’t be afraid to talk to the person
who sits at the desk next to you either. In this new digital wo rld, you still
need to connect with people through communication. You need to
effectively communicate, which means you need to carefully choose tools
and systems. In addition, assess, modify and/or improve communication in
order to effectively communicate.
Most importantly, remember that effective communication is based
on mutual trust. According to Helen Morris -Brown; “Most successful
connections happen when we meet face to face”. However, in the digital
world, we have less face -to-face communication. The refore, manage
digital and written communication in a similar way.munotes.in

Page 28

This unit isequipped with thenecessary skills abstract. It has
covered personality development with emotional intelligence including
Etiquette and Mannerism. In today’s con temporary world the importance
of communication areexplained.
Gajendra Singh Chauhan, Sangeeta Sharma, Soft Skills: An Integrated
Approach to Maximise Personality, wileyindia ltd.
Adair, John. Effective Communication. London: Pan Macmill an Ltd.

Page 29

Unit Structure
2.1 Objective
2.2 Introduction
2.3 What is a resume?
2.4 What is a curriculum vitae?
2.5 Scannable resume
2.6 Develop an impressive resume
2.6.1 The do's and d on'ts resume writing
2.7 Different format sof resume
2.7.1 Chronological resume
2.7.2 Functional resume
2.7.3 Hybrid resume
2.8 Job application and cover letter
2.9 Summary
2.10 Summative question
After going through this chapter, you will be able to
oUnderstand the need forjob communication
oDistinguish between resume and curriculum vitae
oHighlight the do's and don'ts of writing a resume
oLearn the different formats of resumes
oDevelop job application sor cover letters
There are two obvious choice sin front of a graduate or post
graduate student, either to be an employee or become an employer. It
means, either you sta rt your own business or employ yourself in a growing
business. At thebeginning stage getting employed or sec uring a job is the
basic priority of students. This chapter will help you get a cutting edge
helping you to stand out and increase your chances of selection. ‘Resume’
is not a piece of paper it is a ticket to your dream job. This isthe very firstmunotes.in

Page 30

30interac tion between you and the organization. To make it effective you
should plan and place it really well.
What is a resume, and why do you need one when you are job
searching? A resume is a written document of your education, work
experience, credentials, and accomplishments. Mostly all professional
positions require applicants to submit a resume and cover letter as part of
therecruitment process.
Your resume is the first document a hiring manager will look at
when reviewing your job applica tion. Hence “first impression” w hich you
create in the mind of the employer needs to be impressive.
Well planned and well written resume suggest sthat you meet all
the requirements for the position you are applying for and you deserve an
interview call. The ultimate aim of any resume is to earn an interview call.
The best resume is the one that enables the prospective employer to know
everything about the job applicant inthe shortest possible time. Ideally, 15
to 20 seconds of resume reading, your prospective employer should know
who you are? So, the real challenge in resume writing life is presenting all
the information, concerning a job aspirant through a neat, simple and
concise method.
AResume is like you’re sale statement in which you are p romoting
yourself. A clear print resume will cut through the competition and get
you the much awaited job call.
A CV, also known as curriculum vitae or we take that means the
course of life in Latin. CV is a complete sketc h of your accomplishments
in the arena of education employment research and University
engagement. In the USA, CV is mostly used to present a person's
academic status and achievement. What academic appointments doyou
hold with re search projects you work o n,etc.?CV is usually longer than
the resume and it may run into more than three pages depending on your
profile. Broadly a CV is a reflection of your scholarly identity while your
resume construct syour professional identity.munotes.in

Page 31

31Parameter Resume Curriculum vitae
Length Shorter Longer
functionally and hybridVaried by careers
Purpose All purposeMostly for academic
and scientific positions
Experience Professional Scholarly
AScannable resume is an el ectronic resume that is used using a
scanning machine for document imaging technology to store it in the
computer database. It is not different from the regular resume as the basic
section remains the same in both. More and more employees are using
image b ased technology to manage in screen job applicants this
technology saves time and resources for recruiters by automatically
extracting key information from the resume received from job aspirants.
To ensure that important information about you is extracted when your
resume is scanned by prospective employers you need to work on two
aspects keywords and formatting. The following points explain how to take
care of these aspects:
Use most appropriate and job related keywords.
Keep the resume format simple and font face consistent to avoid
any miss reading by the scanner.
Do not use any fancy design with graphics and pictures avoid
bullets tables and visuals
The following are some of the useful tips to help you master
resume writing so that you could wri te an impressive resume and get an
interview call.
Know your purpose. Be clear that
your resume purpose is to get a
interview call.Include insignificant details such as
sexual, religious and political
Keep you r resume simple ,concise
and direct.Avoid theuse of fancy designs ,
coloured graphics and photos .
Get the resume proofreadingDo not load your resume with too
many details
Make sure to use ball type or Bullet
points to present your credentials.Mentio npeople as reference with
their prior consent.munotes.in

Page 32

32Few key points to keep in mind while drafting your resume.
Begin with your personal details like name ,address ,telephone number
and email address .
Mention your career objective clearly and concisely .
Illustrate your past experience at workplaces. View of the below
headings could be a part of your resume .
Achievements and awards .
Professional membership and affiliation .
Interest and hobby pertaining to the applied job.
The ideal format for your resume depends on your educational
backgroun d, work experience and kind of j ob you have applied to.
The popular job role of fresher will use one of these three standard
resume formats:
Chronological resume
oPlaces your most current w ork experience towards the top, and is
the most frequently used format by job -seekers today.
Functional resume
oEmphasizes your skills and abilities. This format is best for
candidates who need to downplay gaps in their employment, or
just want to highlight a specific skill set.
Hybrid resume
oCombines aspects of the chronological format and the functional
format. Ideal for showcasing both your relevant work experience
and technical skills.
https://resumegenius.com/blog/resume -help/chronological -resume munotes.in

Page 33

33Chronological R esume –Example

Page 34

34Functional Resume –Example

Page 35

35Hybrid Resume –Example
What's the best way to write a letter to apply for a job? Your letter
should detail your specific qualifications for the position and the skills youmunotes.in

Page 36

36would bring to the employer. Your job application letter is an opportunity
to highlight your most relevant qualifications and experiences. An
effective cover letter will enhance your application and increase your
chances of landing an interview.
Unless an employer specifically requests a job application letter
sent by postal mail, today most cover letters are sent by email or attached
as a file in an online application tracking system.
Aletter of application , also known as a cover letter , is a
document sent with your resume to provide additional information about
your skills and experience to an employer. The letter of applicat ion is
intended to provide detailed information on why you are a qualified
candidate for the job.
Your application letter should let the employer know what position
you are applying for, what makes you a strong candidate, why they should
select you for an interview, and how you will follow up .
As with all cover letters, a job application letter is divided into sections:
The heading, which includes your name and contact information.
Agreeting addressed to a specific person, if possible.
Theintroduction, which should include why the applicant is
The body, which discusses your relevant qualifications.
The close, which thanks the reader and provides contact
information and follow -up details.
Your signature to end the letter.
Here's an overview of what to include in a cover letter for a job
Rajesh Kumar
Contact No: 1234567890
ABC Retail Solutions
Email: enquiries@abcleretailsolutions.com.au
RE: Application for Retail Sales Assistant position .
Dear Mr. ABC,
As an extremely motivated and dedicated student with robust
communication and interpersonal skills, I would like to apply for the
position of Retail Sales Assistant.munotes.in

Page 37

37As a student ,I have been involved in my school activity, which has
helped me to develop strong interpersonal skills. While working for
various events, including drama and sports and other school events, has
permitted me to work closely with my peers while supporting the school
as a whole.
These experiences have indorsed me to develop strong time
management and organizational skills, which I see as being very important
when seeking to work in casual employment while cont inuing to study.
Iam aware that you will receive many applications for this job, but
Iwould like to meet you in person and exhibit my promising and workable
skills .
Thanking you in advance for your time,
Rajesh Kumar
A resume is a small document that captures your professional
experience. It is a well -organized summary of your education employment
history and experience that are relevant to do a job that you are applying
for. The main objecti ve of any resume is to produce a n interview ca ll.
Resume are prepared in three main formats: functional, chronological,
hybrid. To make the desired impression on prospective employers you
need to do a lot of homework before designing your resume. This
homework will help you align yo ur resume with the mission and
expectations of the organization you are applying to work in. A powerful
resume will create a positive impact to bring an expected outcome. It can
go a long way in leading you to achieve greater h eights in your career.
1.What is the resume?
2.What is the difference between a resume and curriculum vitae?
3.What is ascannable resume? What are the two aspects that need to be
taken care of while making a scannable resume?
4.Why is a cover letter important?

Page 38

Unit Structure
3.1 Objective
3.2 Nature of Presentation
3.3 Planning a presentation
3.3.1 Deciding the purpose of the presentation
3.3.2 Identifying and analyzing the audience
3.3.3 Determining the location and the time
3.3.4 Selecting the topic
3.4 Preparing the presentation
3.5 Delivering the presentation
3.6 Summary
After going through this chapter, you will be able to
oUnderstand the importance of professional presentation .
oPlan the initial steps f or preparing presentation .
oExplain the complete procedure of planning a presentation .
oDiscuss the types of visual aids andtheir utilities .
oExplain how to manage stage fright and anxiety .
Presentation purpose is to inform, expl ain and persuade the
audience from the present er’spoint of view. Purpose of presentation might
be to introduce a product or explain a process or narrate the experience to
a small group of knowledgeable audience at the conference ,a seminar or a
business m eeting. It is followed by a question answer round from the
Presentation skills can be developed or sharpened with some
knowledge and practice over a period of time. The success of the
presentation depends not only on what are you presenting but also on how
are you presenting the topic.
Presenting material clearly and effectively is an art and skill in
getting your message understood. In today’s corporate world, presentation
skill is required in almost every arena, and most of you will be expect ed to
give presentations on many events. While some of you will take this in
stride, some may find it much more challenging.munotes.in

Page 39

There are many aspects that you need to keep in mind when
drafting a presentation. They include the ob jective of the presentation, the
core subject matter, the audience, the venue or place, the time of day, and
thelength of the talk. Once all the seaspects are treated correctly with the
optimum use of visual aids ,the chances of presentation be ing an effe ctive
onewill be brighter.
Finding about the environment
oThe environment includes the venue ,the organizer location ,the
time available ,and other speakers in the audience a nd your own
position with respect to audience.
The Venue
oIfitisyour home ground ,which is a place inwhich you will be
more comfortable; stillcheck all the other requirement syou will
need before your presentatio n. If it is outside you must mak e
efforts to get familiar with the room, the sitting arrangement, the
speaker ’s position. Is there aplatform? How will it be arranged?
Will there be other ssitting on the platform while you speak? Is
there a mike? Is there a podium? Is itsheight comfortable?
oEven though if the sethings appear to be very small or minor
before the presentation but during the presenta tion, they carry a lot
of weight age. Check all the electronic equipment very carefully
before the start of a presentation.
The occasion
oThe occasion of the presentation will decide the kind of tone of the
presentation. A simple examp le:if the occasion of a presentation is
an inaugural function then the presentation will have a very
positive vibrant and upcoming tone i n contrast to the presentation
that is made for a farewell of an employee. So while planning a
presentation always kee p the occasion of the presentation in mind.
Time management
oCheck beforehand the time allotted to you. Preparation work
depen ds on the given time. Do not drag any topic as it tends to
become boring. Manage your time well by keeping everything
short and sim ple.
The audience
oThe talk must suit the needs and interest sof the audience. The
content and the tone of the pitch depends on the nature of the
audience. Take care of the words you use in the presentation, avoid
using t echnical jargon .Age group of the au dience is one of the
factor sto be taken into account while preparing for the

Page 40

oIf the presentation is addressed to children then you could involve
story telling methods or anything that kids would feel excited like,
doing dramatic re presentations of emotions of sorrows and joys.
Young adults
oIf the presentation is to be presented to young adults then more
sophisticated techniques of involving small talk could be included.
The use of t echnology should be according to the kind of audien ce
for example ,if young audience is present the ntheuse of
technology should also be as per their usage and comfort .
Senior citizens
oSenior citizen audience are more acquainted to simplify ingthings
and would like to get into details during the presentat ion.Hence
while presen ting to the senior citizens keep their priorities in mind.
One of a simpler observation is if the presentation is to be
presented to senior citizen audience; they would prefer a larger
font size.
oCorporate audience are p rofessional in nature and would like
anything to be presented in a very straight and sophisticated
manner. Using larger font size or story telling method of
presentation may not apply tothem.
Tips to manage audience
oDo not get personal with the audience during the presentation .
oDo not engage a certain type of audience while doing a
presentation .
oAlways keep the control of the stage to yourself while presenting .
oEstablishing connect with the audience is one of the most crucial
part of making a presentation . As it is the audience which decides
whether the presentation is been effective or not.
For preparing a presentation ,Yardstick says that" for one minute of
presentation 1 hour preparation is required" The most important t hing is to
decide exactly what to say, find out the required information, give a proper
shape. It must be logical and have a smooth flow from one point to the
next point. Make written notes about the presentation that could be
referred while delivering the presentation. This does not suggest writing
the presentation word by word and read ingit in front of the audience.
Writing pointers may help the presenter while presenting the presentation.
Speed and content
oWhile making PowerPoint slides do follow the principle of
minimal approach which means minimum text has to be put forth
on the slide and rest is to be explained by the speaker.munotes.in

Page 41

41oThe average speed of presentati on is hundred words per minute.
Find out your own speed by delivering a speech. And A4 size s heet
type is one and half line spacing in 12 font size makes a 2 minute
speech. 4 to 5 minutes presentation is round about 400 to 500
oPresentation must sound like a conversation. Use shorter sentences
to enables the listener to grasp.
oCheck w hether the words and terms you use are suitable for your
oKeep the style formal. There is a formality in official presentation
as distinguished fr om social or personal style presentation.
Composition of the presentation
oOpening :Y o ug e ta b o u t1 0s econds to make a good impact and
impression. Create a good s trong solid introduction and reh earse it
till it comes naturally.
oStart with your name even tho ugh you haven't been introduced. I t
reinforces your presence and help sthem to remember you.
oThe int roductory remark s must build a rapport and grab attention
of the audience. It gives the audience the time to adjust to your
personality and volume of the speaker while the introductory
sentence has been spoken.
oBody of the presentation: Plan the main body of the presentation
carefully. Choose points and elaborate each one briefly. Make one
visual for displaying three main points. One each for elaboration of
each point.
oUse of visual aid s:A picture is worth a thousand w ords. This
saying holds completely tr ue when it comes to making
oPresenting information visually not only helps the presenter but is
also beneficial for the audience. It is easy to retain and understand
the information and visual aid like tables, pie chart ,b a rg r a p h ,
exceldatato present greater information in smaller format.
oYour appearance and posture : Physical appe arance and
personality makes an impact on the audience.
oBe formally dressed; practice before the actual presentation if you
are not used to wearing formal clothi ng. Make sure you are well
groomed from head to toe. Audience notices your body language
even before you begin to speak. P ractice standing comfortable;
being still and quiet.
oStand firmly and take a deep breath. Decide what to do with your
hands. Never pu t them in pockets while presenting. Holding a
paper or a bunch of card or pencil may be helpful. All in all have amunotes.in

Page 42

42simple smile on your face which will comfort you and the audience
The presenter should demonstrate th e below qualities while
presenting in front of audience :
Lively ,enthusiastic ,interested in the topic and consider it vital to
speak to the audiences with enthusiasm .
Has a sense of responsibility to the audience and tries to say
something that will be worth the listener ’stime.
Have a sense of responsibility to others in the program and if allotted
5 minutes do not snooze others in the program. Show respect even if
they might take 10 minutes for what they may have to say.
Essence of leadership s hould be there. Maintain eye contact ;speak
responsibly and with authority in a positive ,friendly andstraight
forward approach.
Keep head on sh oulders. D o not let the confidence turn into
overconfidence .
Be ready to accept feedback and benefit by it .
Effect ive presentations are based on c lear analysis of the objectives
and their audience. Planning of a presentation involves a decent beginning ,
a proper middle and a good ending. While prepari ng a presentation; ensure
the beginning defines the topic p rovide d in preview and captures th e
audience attention. The body i n middle of the presentation focuses on key
points with explanation and verbal signposts to engage your audience
throughout the presentation strength and the issue. The conclusion or
ending replicates the main points and leave sthe presentation open for
questions. Dressing appropriately, maintaining eye contact and handling of
visual aids are some things that are crucial to make your presentation
successful and acceptable. Everyone feel ssome kind of normal stress or
anxiety while facing the audience but preparation and stress reduction
techniques can help you overcome the stage fright.


Page 43

Unit Structure
4.1 Objective
4.2 Introduction
4.3Types of interviews
4.4 Preparatory steps for job interview
4.4.1 Background information about the organization
4.4.2 Common questions asked during an interview
4.5 Interview skill tips
4.6 Summary
4.7 Summative question
After going through this chapter, you will be able to :
oKnow about the importance of job interview .
oKnow about the company before giving interview for a job in it .
oKnow the different types of i nterviews .
oKnow the preparation steps to face a job interview .
oLearn positive traits .
oKnow the tips to crack a job interview .
Interview is a formal meeting in which a person or a group of
person s;questions, consult sor evaluate sanother person or group of
persons . Reporters and w riters have meeting with eminent persons to ask
questions so as to gather materials for a media story or broadcast. It is an
oralface-to-face communication.
Interview reviews the views , ideas and attitude of a person being
interviewed as well as the skills of the interviewer. Both the interviewer
and the interview eemust be well prepared for int erview. When the
interview for p ublication is confined to outstanding personalities and
generates increment and inevi table experience for everyone, then
implement interview needs a good deal of preparation by both the
interviewer and candidate for mutual benefits.munotes.in

Page 44

Employers conduct different types of job interviews, such as
behavioural interview s, case interviews, group interviews, phone and
video interviews, online interviews, second interviews, and even
interviews held during a meal.
Those are important job interviews to understand if you’re
searching for a job, but there are other interviews you may experience
throughout your career. These employment -related interviews include exit
interviews, mock interviews, and informational interviews.
Behavioural Interviews
Interviewers use behavioural based interviews to determine how
you’ve handled var ious job situations in the past. The idea is that your past
behaviour predicts how you’ll act in the new job. You won’t get many
easy “yes” or “no” questions and in most cases, you’ll need to answer with
an anecdote about a previous experience.
Case Inter views
Interviews that include the interviewer giving you a business
scenario and asking you to manage the situation are called case interviews.
They’re most often used in management consulting and investment
banking interviews and require you to show off y our analytical ability and
problem -solving skills.
Competency Based Interviews
Interviews that require you to give examples of specific skills are
calledcompetency -based interviews, orjob specific interviews. The
interviewer will ask questions that will help them determine if you have
the knowledge and skills required for the specific job.
Exit Interviews
Anexit interview is a meeting between an employee who has
resigned or been terminated and the company's Human Resources
department. Companies conduct these types of interviews, so they can
learn more about the work environment and get job feedback. You may be
asked why you left your job, why are you taking a new joband what
would you change about your job. These tips will help you handle an exit
interview so you can move on gracefully.
Final Interview
Thefinal interview is the last step in the interview process and the
last interview you find out whether or not you’ll get a job offer. This type
of interview is usually conducted by the CEO or other me mbers of upper
management. The key to a final interview is to take it as seriously as all
the preliminary interviews —just because you were asked in for a final
interview doesn’t mean you got the job yet.munotes.in

Page 45

45Group Interviews
Employers may hold group intervie wsbecause they’re often more
efficient than one -on-one interviews. There are two types of group
interviews: one involves an applicant being interviewed by a group (or
panel) of interviewers; the other involves one interviewer and a group of
Informal Interviews
Hiring managers may begin the screening process with a
relaxed, informal conversation instead of a formal interview. This is more
of a casual discussion than a typical job interview. On a similar note,
achat over a cup of coffee is anot her less formal type of job interview.
Informational Interviews
Aninformational interview is used to collect information about a
job, career field, industry or company. In this case, you’re the
interviewer and you find people to speak with so you can lea rn more about
a specific field.
Mock Interviews
Amock interview provides you with an opportunity to practice for
an interview and receive feedback. Although you can do an informal mock
interview with a friend or family member, a mock interview with a car eer
coach, counsellor or university career office will give the best feedback.
Off-Site Interviews
Employers sometimes schedule job interviews in a public place,
like a coffee shop or restaurant. Perhaps there is no local office or maybe
they don’t want c urrent employees to know about the possibility of a new
hire. In any case, it’s good to be prepared for off -site interviews.
On the Spot Interview
Sometimes you’ll be expected to do an on the spot interview. For
example, you may turn in your application a nd be asked to do an interview
right away. Or when an organization (typically retail or hospitality)
announces they will be holding open interviews on a specific date. In
situations like these, hiring personnel use on -the-spot interviews to screen
applican ts and immediately decide who should and should not be included
in the next step of the recruiting process.
Panel Job Interview
Apanel job interview takes place when you’re interviewed by a
panel of interviewers. You may meet with each panel member separ ately
or altogether. And sometimes there will be a panel of interviewers and a
group of candidates all in one room.
Phone Interviews
While you're actively job searching, you may need to be prepared
for a phone interview on a moment's notice. Companies oft en start with anmunotes.in

Page 46

46unscheduled phone call, or maybe you’ll get to schedule your call. In
either case, it’s good to be ready and prepared to ask phone interview
questions to ask the interviewer as well.
Restaurant Interviews
One of the reasons employers take job candi dates out to lunch or
dinner istoevaluate their social skills and to see if they can handle
themselves gracefully under pressure. Remember you’re still being
observed when you participate in a job interview at a restaurant so use
your best tabl emanners; choose foods that aren’t too messy. Also take a
look at what to wear when interviewing over a meal.
Structured Interview
Astructured interview is typically used when an employer wants to
assess and compare you with candidates in an impartial w ay. Essentially,
the interviewer asks all the candidates the same questions. If the position
requires specific skills and experience, the employer will draft interview
questions focusing exactly on the abilities the company is seeking.
Unstructured Job In terview
An unstructured interview is a job interview in which questions
may be changed based on the interviewee's responses. While the
interviewer may have a few set ofquestions prepared in advance, the
direction of the interview is rather casual, and que stions flow is based on
the direction of the conversation. Unstructured interviews are often seen as
less intimidating than formal interviews. However, because each
interviewee is asked different questions, this method is not always reliable.
Video Interv iews
Perhaps you’ve applied for a remote job or you’re interviewing for
a position in another state (or country). Software programs such as Skype,
Zoom, and Face Time are making video calling easy and video
interviews are becoming more common.
Reference : https://www.thebalancecareers.com/
8.4.1. Background information about the company
It is better to prepare tha n to feel sorry. It means before going for an
interview it is necessary for the candidate to know more about the
company in which the interview is held. Few area scould be :
The vision and mission of the organization.
The present company management like the name of the CEO etc.
The location of the place for interview and the place of work .
Any landmark that the company has achieved in latest time, 50
years of operation completion or any sales target completion.munotes.in

Page 47

47All this will give you a base for the interview.
8.4.2. Commonly asked questions to a fresher during an Interview :
Tell us about yourself ?
In whi ch school or college activity you have participated ?W h a t
did you enjoy the most in them?
What subject sdo you like the most/ least? Why?
How did you spend your college vacation?
What contribution did you make to NSS or any other social service
while in college? What did you learn from it?
Why did you choose your particular specialisation?
Have you ever change dyour major places of interest while in
college? Why did you make the change?
What are your strength and weaknesses?
Why should we hire you and not the next candidate who has
similar experience like you?
What causes you to lose temper?
What kind of work interest syou have?
What kind of trouble have you encountered with other people on
the job?
Tell me about your family background?
Have you g otanalytical mind? How do you know?
Where do you prefer to work in ?Large company or small
company? Why?
Where do you see yourself five years from now?
What major problems have you encountered and how do you deal
with them at workplace?
Have you learn edfrom your mistakes?
Do you prefer working with others or in team?
What are some of the things that you find difficult to do?
Can you describe yourself as a bird or animal?
Are you willing to go where the company sends you?
How would you describe yo ur best friend?
Below are few tips that would assist the candidate during an interview :
Before the interview :
oAlways reach the venue of the interview on time.
oDo a background check about the organization in advance .munotes.in

Page 48

48oRead care fully the j ob description sent to you .
oBe formally dressed for the interview .
oAlways remember the name and the contact number of the
concern edperson to meet in the company .
During the interview :
oListen carefully to the questions asked .
oDon’t be in a hur ry to answer, evaluate the reason for the question .
oDon’t lie during the interview .
oKeep your body language positive and carry a smile on your face .
Post interview :
oPart ways on a positive note after the interview .
oKnow how to follow up about the results of the interview .
oDon’t boost or troll the organization post the interview .
Interview ha s a powerful target with two people :one who wants
the job and the other who wants to hire. In other words ,t h ep u r p o s eo ft h e
interview is to find the ri ght candidate fo r a job. Interviews have become
very structured and company's expectations from job aspirants have gone
very high. Now-a-days,job aspirants face heavy pressure as they have to
prove their calibre in just few minutes during the interview. M ost of the
big organization shave hired people who look after the recruitment
process. Resume writing is the first step to be shortlisted for an interview.
Know ing the profile of the company t owhich you have applied forthe job
is very important. There ar e different types of interview :screening
interview ,informative interview ,behavio ural interview ,stress interview ,
and many others as discussed in the chapter. Before you face an interview
you must go through the preparatory steps for facing an interview .
Introspect and analyze your background ,highlight your achievements and
analyze your skill sets .During the interview, maintain composure and
answer without getting pressurized. Do revise most commonly asked
question sso that you are not t aken by surpris e when faced in an interview.
1.What information you should collect forthe company research before
you appear in interview and why?
2.Describe some guidelines for personal interview. How can you build a
positive support from the i nterviewer in the personal interview?
3.Describe in brief the preparatory steps for job interview?
4.Why is it important to consider your social media profile before

Page 49

Unit Structure
5.1 Objective
5.2 Introduction
5.3 Ambience/Sea ting arrangements for group discussion
5.4 Importance of group discussion
5.5 Difference between G roup discussion , Panel discussion and D ebate
5.5.1 Group discussion
5.5.2 Panel discussion
5.5.3 Debate
5.6 Traits evaluated in a group discussion
5.7 Types of group discussion
5.7.1 Topic based group discussion
5.7.2 Case based group discussion
5.8 Tips for participants in group discussion
5.9 Summary
5.10 Summative questi on
After going through this chapter, you will be able to :
oUnderstand the definition and meaning of group discussion .
oKnow the difference between a group discussion ,panel discussion
and debate .
oUnderstand the d ynamics of group discussion .
oKnow about the traits to be developed for successful group
discussion .
oUnders tand the reasons for failure in group discussion .
In the ever progressing wor ld, India too has come a long way. Our
country has the best of many things. Among all of it ,is also population of
the country. As read in https://www.livemint.com/ India’s total population
is of 121crs ,and counting as per the 2011 census counted by the
department. It is obvious that in such a type of scenario getting a job is
very dif ficult. For example in the corporate world for 1 vacancy ofmunotes.in

Page 50

50management trainee there will be a round ofabout 100 to 150 applicant s.
Practically it is not possible for the HR of the organization to interview all
150 candidates. But at the same time ,the or ganization cannot afford to
lose the best potential candidate. Hence organizations have come up with a
very effective selection tool for recruitment called as group discussion.
Group discussion is amanagement tool used mainly by
organiz ations or busines s school to ass ess the personality of the candidates
before interviewing them. His/her intelligence can easi ly be assessed by
psychometric test. Group discussions help the organization evaluate the
soft skills of the candidates. In other words ,group discu ssion serves a sa
substantial elimination tool when there are many candidates applying for a
limitedvacancy. The group discussion can act as a benchmark to select the
best among the lot.
During a g roup discussion ,as e to f1 2 –15 candidates or students
gather in a room to discuss an allotted topic. The topic is given just before
the discussion and there are evaluators or examiners judging the
performance of the participants.
The most popular s eating arrangements of discussions are ‘U’
shape, ‘V’ shape, Semi -circle or full circle. Generally participants have
little or no control on where they are going to sit. Each participant must
choose a seat from where they can easily address the whole group . Tip to
remember is that during the discussion the participant need not look back
or maintain an eye contact with the judge. Eye contact is must among the
group members with whom the discussion is happening. It is the
responsibility of that organization f or arranging an appropriate place for
such important event. The basic requirement would include as p a c i o u s
room with proper ventilation, chairs that would make the participants
comfortable and other hygiene factors.
Another important factor is of light .The participant sshould be
able to see each other proper ly.In the absence of good light or ventilation ,
the participants are not able to perform to the best output levels.
The main idea of conducting g roup discussion is to bring together
a set of candidates on a common platform to share their ideas, information,
which will give an opportunity to demonstrate not only their knowledge,
but also to understand and enhance their learning by gripping the thou ghts
of other pe ople. Below points highlight the importance of group

Page 51

51Problem Solving –When participants coming from various
background and knowledge base give their opinions, it
generate sapipeline ofthoughts and solutions foragiven
Team Buildi ng–Over aperiod oftime,group discussions help
tobuild team cohesiveness. Asthose who arediscussing topics
will bond and prove asateam building exercise forthe
Discussion GD)Panel
Meaning Ag r o u pi ss e tt o
discuss a topic
and members
are evaluated.Experts meet
and discuss and
put forth point.A topic is discussed
or debated by
dividing members
‘for’ and ‘against’
teams .
Participan tsStudents/ Job
applicantsExperts from
the field of the
Time 15-20 min utes 30–40 min utes20-30 min utes
Objective Evaluate skills
like leadership
skills and
listening skillsNo evaluation is
done only
knowledge is
sharedPoints are allotted
bases the arguments
and decision is taken.
The main purpose of hosting a group discussion is to evaluate traits
in the participants. Depending on skill set that is required to pe rform a
particular job effectively ,certain traits are observed. Traits like :

Page 52

The topics given for group discussion can be divided as follows :
Topic Based Discussion
oFactual Topic –Environment, woman rights, economic poli cy
related topics are given.
oControversial Topic –Political topic or any disputed topic or law is
oAbstract Topic –Here the topic could be a phrase or words that
will test the thinking of the partici pants. Eg. Pink Panther, Blue
Pyjamas etc .
Case Based Discussion
oDuring this discussion ,a case is given to be solved or di scussed.
Many a times the real situation of the organization is given as a
case and the participants are evaluated based on their ability to
solve it .
Below are few do’s and don’ts while appearing for a group discussion:
Do’s Don’t
Dress formally . Don’t rush into i t.
Keep the discussion on t rack. Don’t be a ggressive .
Keep eyecontact while speaking . Don’t be judg emental towards
others .
Allow others tospeak. Don’t speak too much .
Maintain positive attitude . Don’t make extreme expressions
like laugh or frown .
Listen carefully toothers Don’t look or be uninterested
when other participants are
Group discussion is a very old method of selecting a candidate for
a job as it tests the competency and communication skills of the job
aspirant. They are usually face -to-face but with the technology
advancement ,social media is also used to conduct gro up discussions. To
be an active participant in group discussion ,you must be updated about
the current topic and must have the knowledge in the areas of human
concerns. Be sure that you know the difference between panel discussion ,munotes.in

Page 53

53debate and group discuss ion as each is conducted in a different way with a
different purpose. Group discussions can be distinguished by the topic on
which the discussion is happening ;it could be a case based or factual
topic. While participating in a group discussion ,take care of individual
traits like creativity ability ,to take initiative ,lift articulation and verbal
cue. The participant must have confidence throughout the group
1.What are the personality traits a candidate should possess to be
successful in a group discussion?
2.What are the types of group discussions?
3.What roles can a candidate play during a group discussion?
4.What is the main difference between a group discussion and a panel
5.What is the basic rule of conducting a group discussion?

Page 54

Unit Structure
6.1 Objective
6.2 Introduction
6.3 Current workplaces
6.3.1 Google Inc.
6.3.2 Facebook
6.3.3 Adobe
6.4 Motivation
6.5 The Six Thinking Hat M ethod
6.6 Summary
6.7 Summative questio n
After going through this chapter, you will be able to :
oDefine creativity and its significance .
oKnow the importance of creativity in the workplace .
oFind out how motivation can be increased in the workplace .
oLearn about De Bono’s Six Th inking Hats .
Creativity is the ability to transcend traditional ways of thinking or
acting, and to develop new and original ideas, methods or objects.
Creativity is a skill that is intrinsic in nature and is difficult to put it in
words. It would be simpler for any onetoexplain creativity using examples
or mentioning people with hi gh creativity quotient. Example -Steve Jobs,
Einstein. The results of creativity are , an invention, a new way of looking
at the world, but it’s tough to apply y our head around the actual concept of
creativity. The more you research, the more you experience creativity is an
unbelievable phenomenon.
“Creativity is a combinatorial force: it’s our ability to tap into our ‘inner’
pool of resources –knowledge, insig ht, information, inspiration and all
the fragments populating our minds –that we’ve accumulated over the
years just by being present and alive and awake to the world and to
combine them in extraordinary new ways.” —Maria Popova, Brain

Page 55

55Creativi ty is the act of translating new and imagined ideas into
actuality. Creativity is considered by the ability to distinguish the world in
new ways, to see hidden possibilities, to join dots between apparently
unrelat ed spectacles, and to generate alternative s.
Creativity is two phased: thinking, then producing. So if you have
coined an idea but can’t translate the idea into reality, you could be
imaginative but not creative.
Employers and organizations are trying their best to ensu re their
employee sare creati vely hydrated. Below are few examples from the blog
of-World of Digits –Blog.
1. Google
Google isan inspiration for many start -ups. The giant industry
fosters a learning culture: The bigger the organization is getting, th e
more is the need for creativity and learning culture prevails in the
Google provides with free meals, organizes team excursions, offers
financial incentives, the opportunity for the staff to attend conferences
ledbyimportant CEO’s, gym classes and even allows dogs at
thework place.
Itensure sa good balance between professional life and personal life
by limiting stress. On e way is to arrange the workspace in a pleasant
way for its employees. However, let’s not forget that entrepreneurship
polic ies or creativities expect maximu m productivity from the
employee resulting in company goal fulfilment .
2. Facebook
Of all those facilities that Facebook offers to its employees ,s o m eo f
them are :food, stock -options, open working spaces, laundries on th e
spot, etc.
Facebook ,the king of the social networking site foster open
communication within the organization. Such practice encourages
creativity and personal learning.
As there is a very competitive environment and work achievement
pressure, company ha s come up with Conference rooms, separate
buildings, lots of open spaces where managers work at the same level
as the other employees in order to support the feeling of equality.
3. Adobe
Adobe as a company gives lots of impor tance to confidence. It
believes in positive and healthy culture for its employees. In turn ,the
employees work using their creativity and commitment.munotes.in

Page 56

56Adobe does not believe in micromanagement ;hence gi ves a free hand
to the manager and other sto complete their work as per their
Inanutshell ,Adobe does everything to increase employee crea tivity
and learning culture within the organization.
Ref:https://creativecorporateculture.com/examples -of-creative -
corporate -culture/
Keeping employees motivated isthe key challenge in environment
sectors , retail, call cent res and other high volume low pay workplace. But
companies have made it a point to motivate their employees continuously.
There are many stories about how important role motivation plays in
creativ ity. Leaders should not only read the assessment score of their
employees but also try to understand the important features of their
personality. This will help them i n devising ways to help employees
achieve objective .Leaders as well as employees need to identify things
which motivate them in working together. For this to happen ,leade rs have
to commit themselves to building a meaningful and purposeful
relationship that really matters to their employees. This allows employees
to better understand whom the y are serving just as it helps the leader to
understand their employees.
First thing that boost smotivation is a trustworthy leadership.
Leaders who support their employees wholeheartedly and take care of
their best interest s, and trust them; makes the e mployees motivated to
achieve bigger targets. Trust for sure is a powerful motivational tool.
There are manyexample sofemployee sw h ow e r e motivated by the trust
their office manager have in them. Being relevant is another factor that
motivates employees. Today ,when everyone is in the race to be noticed
and get recognised for their work, employees getmotivated to achieve
something to remain relevant. Hence ,employees are in search of new
ways of learning ,improving the skills and investing in themselves.
Helpingthem in increasing their relevance would help employees a lot in
increasing the performance level and enhancing their loyalty to the
organization. The most i mportant factor that encourages motivation is
desire to advance in career. Awaited advance ment triggers extreme
motivation to employees to achieve. Employees need to be mindful of
every opportunity that lies around them ;regardless of whether it is below
or above their expectations. Many people get confused in today's
workplace especially about their future. To prevent employee sf r o m
carrying the load of failure, they need to be motivated to see things in
proper pers pective. Employee should be prepared to embrace their
unexpected failures and navigate confidently through uncertainty and
changes. Remember an employee who does not believe in himself or
herself will never achieve anything in life and for the organization.munotes.in

Page 57

57In the context of motivation and interest ,there can be afactor of
self-indulgence. Motiv ation focused on satisfying self-indulgence can be
risky. There is no need to remind how people's greed and selfishness
contribute dto economic hardship of some Global Giants in the field of
finance. Regarding the downside of motivational leaders ,Peter Drucker
has said in his book ‘The Effec tive Executive’ ,every time you meet a
person with great strength ,you arealso meeting someone with great
weakness. So ,as a leader one should ensure that employee’s motivation
are good and have balance intention.
Happiness is one of the most crucial fa ctorsthat makes people
motivated. Desire to achieve happiness is one of the greatest motivations
for scaling new heights in one's career. Happiness boost sself-esteem
giving hope for a better future. Actually one must be motivated to earn a
living that br ings trem endous joy and happiness and also help achieve
one's goal.
The all -time famous book ‘Six thinking hats’ is written by Edward
de Bono. Heisrenowned internationally in the arena of creative thinking
and innovation . Edward de Beno has written numerous books on these
subjects. The book was first published in the year 1985 and since then ; is a
benchmark in the field of creativity and parallel thinking. With the help of
the book the author suggested to think in differe nt ways. For
symbolization of change in mode of thinking pattern ,the author has used
‘Hats’ as a concept. So ,it’s referred as changing the thinking hat while we
arein a meeting or having aconversation. Each Hat has a specific colo ur
and wore to think i n a specific manner. One thing to be re membered is that
wearing of hat sis used only for analogy.
The six hats are of Blue, Whit e, Red, Black, Yellow and Green colour.
1. Blue hat
The blue hat represents control: setting the focus, defining the
problem a nd shaping the questions. This hat can be worn in the beginning
of the meeting. It is also the only hat that can be worn during the whole
meeting, but only by one person, the facilitator that is leading the meeting.
2. White hat
When the white hat is worn the focus is neutral and onobjective
information; what information you have, need or miss.
3. Red hat
Wearing the red hat gives you an opportunity to express feelings,
emotions and intuition without any need to explain or justify them.munotes.in

Page 58

584. Black hat
When critical thinking is needed, the black hat is put on. This hat is
the hat of caution and survival.
5. Yellow hat
The yellow hat calls for optimism and covers hope and positive
thinking. Yellow hat thinking is constructive and generative.
6. Green hat
For creative thinking and new ideas ,the green hat is put on. Under this
hat,options and ideas are laid out, modified and improved.
Creativity is to do anything in a differen tw a yt or e a c ht h ee n d
result. P eople usua lly do not attempt to be creative because of the fear of
failure. Many people also think creativity is a gift and cannot be learnt but
that is actually not true. Creativity is very necessary in this monotonous
world. People have realized the importance of crea tivity in all wal ks of
life-be it education, medicine, advertisement, cinema etc. Workplace
without creativity appears trap and routin e. When output has come down,
to improve the environment for better productivity in an organization ;
creativity bar must be raised. Creati vity is helpful in problem solving. De
Bono had used the concept of lateral thinking which forces people to
generate lots of new ideas.munotes.in

Page 59

1.How can you define creativity and why do you think creativity is
necessary in today's organ ization?
2.Describe the role of leaders in nurturing creativity of an employee?
3.Explain briefly the six thinking hats technique?
4.How can creativity be employed to solve workplace conflicts and
5.Discuss the factors in workplace enviro nment in people who
discourage creativity? How can these factors be rectified to promote
creativity at workplace?
https://www.creativityatwork.com/2014/02/17/what -is-creativity/
https://99designs.com/blog/creative -thinking/what -is-creativity/
https://truscribe.com/six -examples -of-creativity -at-work/
https://zety.com/blog/creative -thinking -skills


Page 60

Unit Structure
7.1 Objective
7.2 Introduction
7.3 Theories of ethics
7.4 Cor relations between values and behaviour .
7.4.1 Prohibitory and righteous
7.4.2 Knowledge and wisdom
7.4.3 Love and Empathy
7.4 .4 Fairness and justice
7.5Importance of work ethics
7.5.1 Teamwork and productivity
7.5.2 Wealth and protection
7.5.3 Positive image
7.6Problems in absence of work ethics
7.6.1 Discourage in unethical behavio ur
7.7 Summary
7.8 Summative question
After going through this chapter, you will be able to :
oUnderstand the best ethical practices .
oKnow the definition and correlation of ethics in society .
oSuggest ways to inculcate good ethical practices at workplace .
oTell why ethics are important for organization .
oKnow what problem organizations face due to lack of ethics .
To live peacefully in a society ,we all need to abide by certain rules
and regulations for the smooth functioning of the society at large. In
absence of rules and regulations ,the world would not be a safe and happy
place to live. The world would be difficult to live in if individuals behave
in their own ways without bothering whether their behavio ur would cause
problem to others. This can have disastrous consequences. An
organization can also work smoothly if the workplace behavio ur of its
managers and staff strongly abide to it sethics. Whenever mana gers or
staffs do not follow the organizational ethics ,it adversely affect sthe workmunotes.in

Page 61

61environment. So, now -a-days,organizations take it as t heir priority to
ensure ethics is followed by their managers and staff. They view lack of
ethics quie t seriously.
Organizational ethics are the standard sand principles which
companies follow and keep them as areference point in their business
dealings. These include fairness, compassion, integrity and responsibility.
In an organization it is the duty of the leader to ensure their employees
understand the importance of ethics and follow them in their work.
Companies must organize workshop to teach them ethical p ractices and
make them aware about company policies regarding ethical behavio ur.
This will he lp them to avoid the pitfa lls. Organizations need to adhere to
the following ethical practi ces while doing their business:
Consideration and compassion :Organization must take c are of both
mental and p hysical wellness of their employees. If some employees are
found to be addicted to drugs or alcohol ,the organization must intimate
some advisory program to help them get rid of this addiction and live a life
of hope and enthusiasm.
Social responsibility :For their progress ,organization and their
employees are dependent on the environment and communities for society
in which they operate so it is the responsibility to protect the environment
and communities living in their vicinity.
Financial ethics :The credibility of the organization is lost if any fina ncial
scandals involving the organization is unrevealed. With the financial
sector gaining increasing importance in the global economy , adhering to
the financial ethics has become essential to formalized creation of wealth
There are three major theories whose basis is the competition
among the employees for influence ,resource and information. So it is very
important that the norm or criteria for right path should have been set by
the following and lawyers can wor k efficie ntly. The first theory -the
Utilitarian theory emphasizes that the consequence will write the plan and
the action. The underlying objective is more prod uction in less time and
thatthe benefit should be maximum. Second theory is based on the right
that is ,all the people are entitled to exercise certain fundamental right ,for
example ,right to speech and expression ,right to religion ,right to
education etc. Third assume sthe importance during the time of promotion.
Decisions about the pro motions are in fav our of favouritism then, the
employees trust in the management will drown.munotes.in

Page 62

Values are implicated in the individual by whatever he or she
learns through his or her surroundings. In school , the teacher’s gui de their
students by telling what is right and wrong. Values exert control over your
attitude ;it influences your behavio ur.
7.4.1 Prohibitory and Righteousness
The righteous ofpeople in any organization will refuse individual
benefit ; if they are aligne d with the goals of their organization. One must
not give in to unethical luring for selfish motives. Because it requires a
high degree of self -control to avoid this temptation, but that is the right
7.4.2 Knowledge and Wisdom
Wisdom refers to your ability to convert the available information
into something useful. Wisdom is derived from the individual’s experience
of exploring information intelligently to come to a wise decision. Many
times you may come across options which cause an unethical dilemm a. In
such situations,you must use your knowledge to distinguish between the
right and the wrong.
7.4.3 Love and Empathy
Your love and empathy for someone is reflected through your
caring words. In the context of an organization ,love refers to th ep r o f o und
positive reaction to employees and amongst colleagues in any given
situation. The love ,empathy , and kindness expressed by employees for
each o ther create s positive v ibe in the organization which enables them to
behave ethically correct in all situatio ns.
7.4.4 Fairness and Justice
All individuals must be treated equally by the leaders in an
organization. In the leaders ,behavio ur towards employee’s objectivity and
fairness must be th e keywords. They must not show bias toward sany
individual or group. All employees must receive positive and fair return
for the energy and efforts they put in their work. Leaders must be able to
allocate organizational resources fairly .
When leaders areknown for their impeccable ethical beh aviour,
they become role models for workers and the lat ter are encouraged to
follow them. The ethics form a base in building the reputation of the
company a nd integrity of its employees along with right talent joining
hands to work in the organization resu ltsinto improvement of business.
The following are some of the advantages enjoyed by the company due to
ethic based work culture.munotes.in

Page 63

637.5.1 Teamwork and Productivity
The ethic s awareness among the employees of t he company
increases the positivity in the workp lace environment, generated by
following ethics. If keeping employees loyal to the company is part of t he
company's business value; then it results in increased productivity and
motivation of employees.
7.5.2 Wealth Protection
If the organization is immer sed into ethical culture ,then it helps in
safeguarding it s assets. The employees who abide by e thics of th e
organization will safeguard its business assets. Ethics demand thatthe
employees should take care of the employer ’sproperty. They will never
spend the organization resources to make personal calls or use office
supplies or equipment for personal use.
7.5 3 Positive Image
By following ethical choices ,the organization ,management and its
employees create a positive image of their organization in th e public
domain. On esuch ethical choice could be proper discharge of waste
generated by the organization as a part of its social responsibility. Building
positive image will automatically attract more clients and the
organization ’s business will grow mult i folds.
If ethics are not follow ed in organization and public get to know about
any malpractices happening in the organization then every now and then,
organization will be in the news .T h ed a m a g e d image will stay in the
minds of the people for a long time. It takes lot of money and efforts to
restore the image and sometimes the image cannot be restored.
Lack of cohesiveness among employees –If the leader of the
organization displays a lack of ethical behavio ur,it spells disaster for
the employees as well as the organization. First ,he or she loses respect
among the employees and then this unethical behavio ur generates
animosity and lack of t rust among the employees. This environment is
detrimental for the progres s of the company as it deters the employees
from collaborating to achieve business goals.
Performance deterioration -The lack of ethics in the organization ’s
function leaves a negative impact on its employee’s performance.
They tend to make quick money b y flouting rules and regulation. The
honest employees who are ethical in their behavio ur get demotivated
by seeing their colleagues making progress through wrong means. This
lack of motivation is reflected in their performance which adversely
affect sthe o rganization ’sp r o g r e s s .munotes.in

Page 64

647.6.1 Discouraging unethical behavio ur-
Gener ally, unethical practices crop up because of poor planning for
loop holes in the business conduct of the organization. Therefore ,the
organiz ation must set realistic goals for its employees to achieve which
may prevent them in indulging in unethical practices. While monitoring
the employee’s performance ,they should be given practical suggestions
and tips so they could achieve their goals. Workshop should be organized
to train employee s and they should be given credit for their g ood
performance. Transparency in the functioning of the orga nization will
nurture trust, coope ration and positivity.
Ethics have become very crucial in today's business world aided
with technology growing atfast pace. Without rules and regulations which
are based on ethical work culture ;organizations go berserk following t heir
goals. Organizations should adhere to ethical practices to have a good
reputation. Their success is very much dependent on the ethical practices
they adhere to. Organizations must have a robust system to fix
accountability. Leaders can impact positively by appreciating ethical
behavio ur done by employees of the organization. Ethics is very important
for the growth of the orga nization as following them give sthe employee
positive energy.
1.How do you think employee cohesiveness affects an organization?
2.Discuss ethical theories.
3.How can an organization nurture ethics?
4.Describe the importance of work ethi cs. Is it equally important for the
employees at all the levels?
5.Why un ethical organization has low productivity?

Page 65

Unit Structure
8.2Need and Importance of capacity -building
8.2.1Elements of capacity bu ilding
8.3Zones of learning
8.3.1 Induction -training
8.3.2 Job instruction training
8.3.3 On -the-job training
8.3.4Refresher training
8.4Strategies for capacity building
8.6Summative question
“Learning is a Lifelong Pr ocess” .“We now accept the fact that
learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most
important task is to teach people how to learn.” –Peter Drucker. Most of
theleader’s worldwide will agree on the above, in the ever evolving wor ld
‘Chang e’ and ‘Learning’ are two of the main component sfor survival.
Capacity -building is defined as the "process of developing and
strengthening the skills, instincts, abilities, processes and resources that
organizations and communities need to survi ve, adapt, and thrive in a fast -
changing world." An important element in capacity -building is change or
adaptation that is created and sustained over time from within;
transformation of this type goes outside completing tasks to changing
attitudes and apti tudes.
Capacity building equips organizations to stand and catch up with
the upcomin g trends and stay ahead in comp etition. Earlier capacity
building was synonymous with training or performance appraisal, but now
it has taken a new definition.
By definition, capacity building is a quantifiable progress in an
organization's ability to achieve its mission through a mix of goodmunotes.in

Page 66

66leadership, sound ethical values, and commitment to achieving long term
Ap rogressive management technique is a well -accepted principle
in the business world. However, the technique was in olden times for
small shrift in the non -profit realm, where the focus has more often been
on short term achievements than long term goal accomp lishm ents.
Without capacity building, you are only aiming short term and not
long term vision and mission. It may prove as a lack of a strong
groundwork which may lead to organizational uncertainty, which will
reflect improper communication between manage ment and employees and
"mission drift" —a loss of focus. Organization s only focus on flagship
projects and forget about capacity building leading to a nempty space in
organization post achieving the short term goals. Hence it is important to
do capacity b uilding to keep the employees learning and evolving. With
capacity building, you'll continue focus and regulate the best ways to
deliver origination’s vision and mission. Leaders will create and uphold
strong foundations for missions, measure core effectiv eness and external
effect, and plan and cultivate long term strategic relationships.
8.2.1 Elements of capacity building
There are three major elements of capacity building which
emphasize the importance of building correct relationship and
increase in the productivity of an individual and employee as well as
the organization.
Partnership :This element refers to initiatives aimed at building or
strengthening partnership and enhancing resources. Good partnerships
and better resources help in building cap acity and promoting in
empowerment of each individual in the organization, which leads to
better work an d maximum productivity through innovation and
management .munotes.in

Page 67

67Organizational development :Capacity building final lyleads to
organizational development by maximizing profit and stakes. It also
helps the organization acquire a leading position in the market a head
of its competitors.
Civil society strengthening :T echnicalskills and building capacity of
an organization in the area s of strategic planning advo cate project
developmen t and management finally helps in empowerment of the
society and the country. This contribute sto country's growth and
global recognition achieving progress on the economy ,technology and
innovation fronts .
Organizations give employees oppo rtunity to learn new skill set by
providing them training.
Below are various types of training:
1. Induction training:
Orientation training given to the new employees in order to get
them acquaint edwith the internal si tuation of an organization. It is to
support the new employees to understand the procedures, code of conduct,
policies prevailing in that organization.
2. Job instruction training:
This training provides an overview about the job and qualified
trainers ex hibit the entire job. Addition altraining is of fered to employees
after inspect ing their performance.
3. On the Job training:
The employee is put on to the job and trained. It gives them first -
hand experience on what is to be done and how.munotes.in

Page 68

684. Refreshe r training:
This type of training is offered when the organization has taken a
new program. This training gives elevation to the skills of employees. This
training can also begivento the employees who get promoted.
Capacity building strategies are employed on routine basis by
many organizations depending upon the needs of the employees and job.
These strategies are progressive in the form allowing freedom to the
professionals from limitations and to move them forward by offering
something new and productive . The following strategies need to be
focused to build capacity and to promote i nnovation and development in
the organization.
Assessing the individual : Before evaluating our goals and
milestones ,we first need to evaluate the kind of talent p ool that the
organization have and then do the capacity building exercise.
Identifying competencies : Each job requires specific
competenci es to be performed at its best. T he organization needs to
map the kind of competencies req uired to perform the job levels
andhelp their employees achieve the same.
Seeking feedback :Timely feedback should be taken from all the
stakeholders of the organization which would help the organization
clear it sstanding among the competitors and prove itself better in
near future.
Assessing organizational needs : To do an optimal level of
capacity building , the organization first need sto be clea r with what
kind of results they are looking forin short term and long term.
Preparing for diverse workforce :To do capacity building ,we
need employees who can do multitasking .Hence,we would need a
diverse workforce.
Networking with professionals: Networking is vital for
professional growth and success .Your networking circle should
include professionals and maintain solid contact with people from
all areas of life.
Learning through free online courses: Today , Internet has given
power to everybody who wants to learn. With the help of online
courses and certifications ,the organization with m inimum
investment can do best for capacity building of its employees to go
to the next level. Example : During Covid -19,students and
professionals have earned a lot of certification.munotes.in

Page 69

Today's competitive workplace demands that you continuously
upgrade your skills and knowledge to remain relevant as a professional.
Successful professionals keep thems elves abreast with new technical skills
in the fa st changing business world. This helps a professional in the
workplace to acquire new knowledge in techniques and skills so that he or
she can adapt to change and deliver the best. The capacity building
exercise provides organization opportunity to use present knowledgeable
people to create more talented workforce leading to healthy working
environment at workplace. Many strategies and ways are planned by the
organization for capacity building.
1.Describe the issues that make capacity building important .
2.What are the elements of capacity building ?Describe them .
3.What are some of the opportun ityprovided by organizations for their
employees to hone their skills and enhance their ability ?
4.What are the new ideas youcanexplore for learning ?
5.How important you think is learning networking skills for
development of an organization?


Page 70

Unit Structure
9.1 Objective
9.2 Introduction
9.3 Leader and Leadership
9.4 Leadership Traits
9.5 Leadership Styles
9.6 Team Building
9.6.1 Team development stages
9.7 Types of Teams
9.7.1 Cross -functiona lteam
9.7.2 Problem solving t eam
9.8 Summary
9.9 Summative Questions
After going through this chapter, you will be able to :
oKnow how great leaders evolved .
oHighlight about traits of great leaders .
oExplore the ways in whi ch leaders a djust to corporate culture .
oUnderstand various leadership styles .
oUnderstand the various stages of team building .
oKnow the various types of team structure in today’s organization .
Now-a-days,in every management conversations we hear
managers talking about Leader and Leadership of the organization. What
defines and distinguish a manager and a leader? What is leadership? It can
be a little more difficult than you may think, but giving the time to define
leadership and what makes a leade r is very important for constructing a
progressive culture and developing future of an organization.
Aleader is an individual who can p redict how things can be
changed for better and who assemble people to move toward that better
vision. Leaders first bringpeople together towork towards making the
organization vision and mission come true. To be a successful leader ,o ne
needs to motivate people and be empathic towards them.munotes.in

Page 71

71Some of the renowned leader of our time are BillGates -Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation, Larry Page –Alphabet, Warren Buffett -
Berkshire Hathaway, Mukesh Ambani -Reliance Industries Ltd., Satya
Nadella -Microsoft. All of the above are leader swho have translate dt h e
vision of the organization into reality and exhibit excellent leadership
The difference between a leader and leadership is that ;leade rs
exemplify leadership mind set and actions. It’s who you are as an
individua l or human that makes you a leader. Just by doing l eadership
actions or allotment of leadership position does not make you a leader.
To understand the difference between ‘Leader’ and ‘Leadership’
below examples could be of help :
To translate vision is lea dership. A leader is visionary.
To work toward an objective is leadership. A leader is influential.
To estimate and predict market trend s is leadership. A leader is an
To take charge and motivate others is leadership. A leader is
inspiration fo re v e r y o n e .
To practice and preach others the right things is leade rship. A
leader is determined to do right things.
To resolve problems is leadership. A leader recognizes
To make appropriate decisions is leadership. To be a sound
decision -maker ,is to be a leader.
To have a role in organiza tional role is leadership. To have respect
is to be a leader.
It would be ideal if only those who are leaders were placed in
leadership positions, but that’s not what always happens. You can be a
leader without a position. Be a leader and work toward the desired goals
and outcomes, rest of thepeople will join you.
How can you become a Leader?
Leaders are established throu gh constant learning and practis ing
leadership behavio urs. Is behavio uralone enoug h?You need to establish
relation between leadership practices and your mind -set, attitudes, and
One of the waysis by reflecting on your leadership behavio urs that
can spot the irregularities in your mind -set that keeps you from being amunotes.in

Page 72

72leader. G enerally this requires constructive feedback from o thers, because
we are blind to our own contradictions.
For example, a general manager highlighted the positive, progress
moving features of new programs in his speeches. But in person, he
consistently fou nd flaws with most new programs. He saw himself as
improving the programs, but others saw him as critical and tough to
As he worked with a coach, he was able to understand how his
mind -set was interrupting his development as a leader. Even though he
“knew” how to be encouraging and forward -thinking, he needed to find
ways to represent being a positive change -agent when not on stage.
There are 3 questions to hel pyou in developing yourself as a leader:
In what zone do you want togrow as a leader? (Wheth eryour
mind -set and actions are uneven.)
How could you practice this and get constructive feedback?
Who could help you in your development in future?
Leadership skills can and should be demonstrated. But one can’t
mistake leadership for being a lea der. You are a leader as leadership is the
output of who you are as an individual. Work on line up of your mind -set
with the actions you wish to live.
Fewleadership qualities have been observed throughout history.
Some were exhibi ted by bad leaders while others were demonstrated by
good leaders. In either case, the traits of those in charge correlate to their
ability to complete their goals. Those specific traits , significantly
determine how much –or how little –their groups look ed up to them.
Fortunately, you can look into history on your side and use the learning’s
from others to develop commendable leadership strengths.
There are seven specific qualities of good leaders that are
noticeable as contributing to their greatness a nd success. The good part is
that each of these leadership qualities; attributes, characteristics, and traits
can be cultured through practice and repetition.munotes.in

Page 73

73Qualities of good leaders are:
1. Vision
“Good business leaders create a vision, ar ticulate the vision,
passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.” –
Jack Welch .
They have a clear, inspiring idea of where they are going and what
they are trying to achieve and are excellent at strategic planning. This
quality parts them from managers. Having a clear vision turns them into a
special type of person. While a manager gets the job done, great leaders
nurture the emotions of their employees for greater good.
2. Courage
“Courage is rightly considered the foremost of the virtues, for
upon it, all others depend.” –Winston Churchill .
Courage is one of the most important qualities of a good leader.
Owning the quality of courage means that you are willing to take risks for
accomplishment of your goals with no assurance of success. Because there
is uncertainty in life or business, every commitment you make and every
action you take involves a risk of some kind. Among all the seven
leadership qualities, courage is the most distinguishable outward trait.
3. Integrity
“With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to
hide. With integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no
guilt.” –ZigZiglar .
In every strategic planning meet that is conducted for large or
small organization, the first va lue that all the gathered employees agree
upon for their company is integrity. They all agree on the importance of
comprehensive honesty in everything they do. The basic of integrity is
truthfulness. It requires that you always tell the truth, to all peopl e, in any
given situation. Truthfulness is the foundation quality of the trust that is
necessary for the success of any organization.munotes.in

Page 74

744. Humility
As rightly stated by Larry Bossidy, the former CEO of Honeywell
and author of the book Execution , explained why humility make syou a
great leader:
“The more you can contain your ego, the more realistic you are
about your problems. You learn how to listen, and admit that you don’t
know all the answers. You exhibit the attitude that you can learn from
anyone at a ny time. Your pride doesn’t get in the way of gathering the
information you need to achieve the best results. It doesn’t keep you from
sharing the credit that needs to be shared. Humility allows you to
acknowledge your mistakes.” –Larry Bossidy .
Great l eaders are not only those who are strong and decisive but
moreover also humble. Humility doesn’t show that you’re weak or under
confident of yourself. In fact it means that you have the self -confidence
and self -awareness to recognize the value of others w ithout feeling
endangered. This is one of the rare traits of great leaders because it
requires control of one’s ego.
In such situations you are willing to agree that you could be wrong,
that you are aware that you may not have all the answers.
5. Strat egic Planning
“Strategy is not the consequence of planning, but the opposite: it’s
the starting point.” –Henry Mintzberg .
Good leaders are outstanding in planning. It’s another one of the
more important leadership quality. They have the ability to look ahead, to
anticipate with some accuracy and experience where the industry and the
markets will head or move. Because of increasing competitiveness, only
the leaders and organizations that can accurately anticipate future markets
can possibly survive. Only great leaders with foresight can gain
theadvantage of being the first movers.
6. Focus
“Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what
is going on around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather
than their past failur es, and on the next action steps they need to take to
get them closer to the fulfilment of their goals rather than all the other
distractions that life presents to them. –Jack Canfield .
Leaders mostly focus on the goals of the company and the
situation. Leaders are focused on results, on what have to be achieved by
all the stakeholders of the company. Great leaders aim on st rengths of
everyone. Leaders b y focusing on the strengths of the organization, do the
best in satisfying challenging customers in a competitive world.munotes.in

Page 75

757. Cooperation
“If your imagination leads you to understand how quickly people
grant your requests when those requests appeal to the ir self -interest, you
can have practically anything you go after.” –Napoleon Hill
Leader’s ability to get everyone working and pulling together is
essential to his/her success. When everyone works for the leaders goals
with their own wish is the heights of Leadership. When someone de cided
to work for your set goals willing ly, it does not mean th at they are sold to
your idea; b ut in majority cases the employees have a belief in the
employer’s idea. To run any organization smoothly ,the leader and
followe rs should have cordial relationship.
Psychologists and many from the business world have developed
useful structures that describe the different ways that people lead. After
understanding different Styles of leader’s, you can culti vate your own
style to leadership, and become a great leader as a result.
Leadership Style
Autocratic leaders Democratic leaders Laissez -faire
Take decisions without
accessing their team
members, even if their
input would be
suitable.Take the final
decisions, but they
involve team members
in the decision -making
process .Give freedom to their
team members to
deicide their work and
completion deadlines .
Appropriate when
quick decisions are to
be made.Boost creativity, and
people are often highly
invol ved in decisions
making .Support is provided in
terms of resource and
advice only if required .
Complete adoption of
this style results in
high employee
turnover and low staff
morale .Not advisable when
quick decision making
is to be done .It may not wo rk if the
team members are not
knowledgeable and time
It is vital to distinguish and understand different leadership styles
including the situations in which they work best. However, you are
improbable to be a successful business leader purel y by copycatting these.
Leadership is not about providing a definite reply in a certain situation. It's
about using your usual leadership strengths in areliable manner to inspire
and motivate employees.munotes.in

Page 76

When a group of individuals wo rk together for achieving the same
setofgoals or objective ; itis known as Team. Team building is about
providing the skills, training and resources that employees or team
members need, so that they can work in synchronization. Team building
is not a o netime process, in fact it is a continu ous process embedded into
your team and organization's culture.
Team building makes stronger bonds among the member so fa n
organization. E mployee srespect each other and their differences and share
common goals and ex pectations.
Team building will ensure the process of turning a group of
individual contributing employees into a more efficient and effective
team—a group of people organized to work together to meet the needs of
their leaders by accomplishing their long and short term goals.
9.6.1 Team Development Stages
The course of learning to work together effectively is known as
team development. Research has revealed that teams go through definitive
stages during development. A five -stage development process tha tm o s t
teams follow to become high performing was coined by Bruce Tuckman,
an educational psychologist. He named the stages: forming, storming,
norming, performing, and adjourning. Team development stages are
shown as below:
1. Forming stage
The formi ng stage is the time of orientation and getting acquainted.
Hesitation is high during this stage, and people are looking for leadership
guidance. A member who is knowledgeable and trust worthy may bemunotes.in

Page 77

77looked upon to take control. Mainly communications are so cial as
members get to know each other.
2. Storming stage
The storming stage is the most hard and acute stage to pass
through. By now ,conflict and competition as individual personalities
appear. Team performance may actually decline in this stage becaus e
energy is put into uncreative activities. Members may strike down on team
goals, and subgroups and gangs may form around strong personalities or
areas of disagreement. To get through this stage, members must work to
overcome problems, to accept individua l differences, and to work through
disagreeing ideas on team tasks and goals.
3. Norming stage
Once the team successfully lives through the storming stage,
conflict is resolved and some degree of unity emerges. In the norming
stage, consensus develops ar ound who mthe leader or leaders are, and
individual member’s roles. Interpersonal differences begin to be resolved,
and a sense of cohesion and unity emerges. Team performance increases
during this stage as members learn to cooperate and begin to focus on
team goals. However, ifteam spirit is lost and disagreements re -emerge
then, the team can return into storming stage.
4. Performing stage
In the performing stage, harmony and cooperation have been well -
established and the team is developed, prepared, an dw e l l -functioning.
There is a strong and stable structure, and members are devoted to the
team’s mission. Difficulties and conflicts still eme rge, but they are dealt
constructively. The team is motivated on problem solving and meeting
team goals.
5. Adjo urning stage
In the adjourning stage, most of the team’s goals have been
achieved. The weight is on enfolding up final tasks and documenting the
effort and results. There may be a feeling of sadness as the team ends, so
anofficial acknowledgement of the work and success of the team can be
The progress of teams and teamwork has grown intensely in all
types of organizations for one simple reason: No one individual has the
ability to deliver the kinds of results required in tod ay's highly competitive
marketplace. Hence ,various types of teams are created for well -
functioning of the organization.munotes.in

Page 78

78Types of teams:
Leaders are epitome of good qualities. There is a difference
between a leader and a manager but so metimes these terms are used
interchangeably. For any organisation to be successful ,it should be
working under a strong leadership. Leadership motivate employees and
inspire them to scale new h eights in their career. For this ,open
communicat ion is needed so that people can share their thoughts with free
mind. Reward creates motivation among employees therefore ;this should
be given to employees from time to time. There are various leadership
styles that one can adapt as per the situation. The common leade rship style
highlighted in the chapter our :democratic ,autocratic, laissez -faire. Trust ,
support ,and job satisfaction are the theory objective for effective
communication to be developed among the team members by making
them to work cohesively. The four stages of team building areforming ,
storming ,norming and performing stage. Dependi ng on the nature of the
taskto be undertaken ,a team can be cross functional or problem solving.
Whatever isthe type of team ,there should be good understanding among
itsv a r i o u sm e m b e r s .
1.How can you differentiate leadership from management?
2.What are the different leadership styles ?Explain three of them .
3.What are the four stages of team building ?Explain each stage briefly .
4.What are the differen t traits that form the core characteristics of an
effective leader?
5.What is a problem solving team?


Page 79

Unit Structure
10.1 Objective
10.2 Introduction to decision making
10.3Steps for decision making
10.4Decision making techniques
10.5 Negotiation fundamentals
10.6 Negotiations styles
10.7Major negotiation concepts
10.7.1 BATNA best alternative in negotiated agreements
10.7.2 WATNA worst alternative in a negotiated agreement
10.7.3 Z O P A zone of possible agreeme nt
10.8 Summary
10.9 Summative question
After going through this chapter, you will be able to :
oLearn about significance of decision making and negotiation .
oKnow how decision making is essential at workplace .
oUnderstan d the power of inform ation and research in decision
making .
oKnow the planned steps for decision -making .
oLearn the techniques for effective decision making .
oUnderstand how negotiation helps in decision making .
Decision m aking and problem s olving are two key aspects of life,
whether you are a student or a professional. Every day we make countless
decisions, some of it are ‘big’ having more impact on us and few are
‘small’ which have less effect on us.
Few decisions and problems are way too small sothat we may not
even count them. For some individual s,even small decisions, sometimes,
can be overwhelming. They may face a dilemma while taking their
decisions. Example of small decisions could be “Tea or coffee” ,“Ice-munotes.in

Page 80

80cream or cold drink”. Man y such minor decisions require less time and are
easy.E x a m p l e of big decisions are“Commerce or Science after 10th”, “Do
a Job or Work for organizations” .Big decisions are life changing and have
greater impact on individual.
Problem solving and decision making go hand in hand. You can
solve a problem by taking a decision. There are three main types of
decision makers. Few are systematic decision maker, few are rational
decision maker and even fewer are intuitive decision makers. They go
with their gut feeling and think it’s a right approach, but cannot explain
why they have chosen this decision.
SixProblem -Solving Steps
1. Identify the Problem –Problem accepted is half solved. Each time you
face a problem, just wait for a while to assess ‘What is the problem?’
Many a times we try and focus only on the outcome because of the
problem or we focus on the cause of the problem. In both the situation the
control is not in our hands. Hence it is necessary to look at the prob lem
2. Search the alternative –There is no lock without a key, which means
the problem or the decision that we are planning to take will have
alternative to take you to the desired result. Sometimes you are so
engrossed with the problem that you stop looking for an alternative or
solution to change your present condition.
3. Compare the alternatives –In this step you will evaluate the
alternative solutions or outcome before you freeze any one. One of the
simplest way sis just to list the pros a nd cons of each alternative and then
move forward. In this step you could also use the Rule of Elimination
means, rule out the options that does not make any value addition to you.
4. Make a choice –If all the three steps are done properly then this ste p
would turn out to be the most easy and logical step. By now you are clear
with the problem statement and have looked for various alternative sto
change or solve the problem and from all of these alternative syou willmunotes.in

Page 81

81happen to choose the best. Generally ,lay man will only think the point on
which you decide the alternative is your way of making decision.
5. Implementation of choice –Just by choosing the right alternative your
problem will not be solved, implementation is the key. In organization ,
imple mentation is carried out at a vast extent. As organizations are wide
spread across location and deal with people at large, s ome decision take
time to implement, on the other hand few can be i mplemented quickly.
Change in petrol p rice is implemented at lar ge but quickly, whereas new
education policy issued in 2020 will take time to be implemented.
6. Evaluate results –Though this is the last step in the process of decision
making b ut most people miss this step a s they don’t measure or evaluate
their outc ome of the decision that they had made.
As a leader, the majority of t he time is consumed to have the final
say in decisions related to organizations goal. But many a times, your team
will have to choose the best alternati ve. Leader has to deal with diffe rent
opinions and personalities. T his can be a nerve -wracking thought for a
leader who wants to continue a good bond and understanding among
group members.
Below are techniques used for deci sion making and problem solving:
Brainstorming -This is clear and creative approach for de veloping
alternative. Gathering all membe rs of a group interested in solving a
problem to think together about the problem and contribute their ideas to
arrive at the most viable solution. The ba sic idea behind brainstorming is
to get fresh ideas for all the group members. For the success of
brainstorming, every idea should be welcomed and the group members
should refrain from judging each other ’sidea on the spot.
Nominal group -It is one step ahead of brainstorming as it inc ludes a
voting process to select the idea or solution generated by the group
members. Every member get sequal representation in the group to
contribute to decision making. First ,every member states his or her
solution brief ly,explain the reasons why he or she opted for that solution.
Then ,all the so lutions are listed and later on voting is arranged to choose
the most valued one . Decision making techniques is the job of the
facilitator to encourage all gr oup members to shar e their choice and then
invite them to rank all the choices to select the best one.
5W h y s -No problem can have one root cause or reason. The 5 whys
technique enables you to know the multiple cause sof the problems. In this
technique ,a single problem is exploded extensively by repeating the
question “why?” This technique is used to study the cause and effectmunotes.in

Page 82

relationship of a given problem. The success of this technique depend
upon how appropriately are the questions asked to find out the cause of a
probl em and its solution.
Negotiation is an art which we learn at every stage of life. You
negotiate with people every day on various personal and professional
issues. Negotiations are a mean sthrough which you ca n resolve your
differences with people at workplace and with your family instead of
getting into a dispute or by restoring to heated arguments. At workplace,
you negotiate because there is a disagreement between you and your
colleague regarding the solutio n of a problem or a goal of the project. Two
parties conduct negotiation by keeping sidesbeneficial to both. Good
communication and interpersonal skills are essential to conduct effective
negotiation . For successful negotiation, everyone across the table should
participate and discuss all possi ble ways to resolve the issue to finalize a
business agr eement. They accept the solution that is most suitable to both
the parties. To conduct fruitful n egotiation, always believe in a win -win
situation for both the parties.
There are three basic negotiation style sthat you can adopt
depending on the situation.
Red style
Direct style negotiators and highly competitive and therefore
consider in densely competitive bargain s. They follow the ideology that
one side's gain is the other side’s loss. They are self -centred ,hard
negotiators who do not trust the other party and their focus ison ga ining
the maximum share of the p ie.munotes.in

Page 83

83Blue style
This style of negotiation adopt sacooperative style a nd believe sin
looking for a wide range of interest to be addressed and served. They
focus on building long term relationships with mutual benefits of the
parties involved in the negotiation and create a value for them.
Purple style
The purple style negotiation represents a fusion of the red and blue
style negotiators. They believe in give get principle that is ;having a
consistent behaviour when the y gain something or give something .They
are also called principal negotiator as they use a strict tit for tat strategy .
The following concepts help both the sides tomake informed
decisions about possible options for a deal. With these concepts ,they
explore what are their best and worst point sand how are they going to
negoti ate them along with an alternative deal.
10.7.1 B A T N A (Best A lternativ etoNegotiated A greement)
B A T N A represents the best option to one party in a negotiation
ifthetalks fail . Before starting the negotiation put all the possible choices
on you r side. Once all the alternatives are listed ,choose the best
alternative to be negotiated for the agreement.
10.7.2 W ATNA (Worst Alternative toNegotiated A greement)
The term W A T NA define the leverage the other party has over
you in a negotiatio n process. It works positively for your counte rpart in a
negotiation tha ny o u .
10.7.3 Z O P A (Zone of Possible A greement)
It refers to the overla pping of aspirations of both negotiating
parties. In other words , it represents a range of choices within wh ich the
negotiating parties may reach a n agreement. It is the win -win situation for
both the parties.
Problem solving abilities are the key skills for doing well in
business and life. For making good decisions ,a leader must have clear
think ing, strong convi ction and effective implementation of the decisi ons.
Every organization emphasizes on right and timely decision making an d
effective negotiations as they are vital for progress and productivity.
Effective and suc cessful decision making req uire following systematic
process of identifying and analyzing a problem, gathering all the facts,
pondering over available choices, choosing the best options and taking
actions for implementation of the chosen. Negotiation is an organized
process through which two parties try to settle a dispute and reach anmunotes.in

Page 84

84agreement. The negotiation process demands that we listen to our
counterparts in negotiation, respect them and treat them equal in every
issue . Negotiation ability is a skill that we use all our lifeti me. It is not
about winning every time but succeeding whi le collaborating with others.
Itisexploring a common link between two or more groups to resolve a
dispute and reach an agreement.
1.What is decision making and why is it ess ential at workplace?
2.Discuss in detail the importance of decision making and negotiation at
3.Explain the major techniques commonly employed to arrive at a
4.How does power and trust influence the process of negotiation?
5.What are the basic steps to be followed for effective decision making
at workplace?


Page 85

Unit Structure
11.0 Objective
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Stress in today’s times
11.2.1 Identify the stress sources
11.2.2 Sign of stress
11.3 Ways to combat stress
11.4 Time Management Techniques
11.4.1 Time Management Matrix
11.4.2 SMART goal setting
11.4.3-4D’s of Email Decision Making
11.5 Summary
11.6 Summative questions
After going through this c hapter, you will be able to :
oKnow the reason of stress in individual ’s life .
oLearn about signs of stress .
oKnow the ways to cope up with stress .
oUnderstand the importance of time management .
oLearn the four D's of Email Decision Making .
Stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires an
adjustment or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical,
mental, and emotional responses. Stress is a normal part oflife.Y o uc a n
experience stress from your environment, your body, and your thoughts.
Every human being experiences stress at some or the other in life. Thanks
to our tiring jobs, faulty eating habits, pollution and, most of all, our
lethargy which adds to the cause sof stress.
Everyone reacts to stress differently . Some cope up easily while
others may not. Studies have proved that an increase in stress hormones
might speed up cognitive decline in people as they age.munotes.in

Page 86

Stress can be constructive or destructive. As seen in the above
diagram, the job performance tends to be low because of low stress
resulting in boredom and absence of job challenges. As stress increases the
performance also improve as the individual gather resources to meet the
new requirement. Some stress is construct ive.
Stress becomes destructive, when the stress becomes excess. This
could be becaus e too much stress leads to tension ,anxiety and low
performance. To summarize ,stress within the limits is beneficial .It is only
when the stress is excessive that it becomes counter -productive and has
negative effect . If there is no stress at all the n,ap e r s o n may not be
motivated to give his/her best.
11.2.1.Identify the stress sources
For dealing with stress, we need to first understa nd the various
means that ca usestress. Occurrence of stress is very individualistic means
each individual may experience stress due to different reasons and of
different level.
Sources of stress and Individual
Individual Sources
Student Exams, Peer Pressure, Social Dilemma
Housewife Household chores, monthly expenses management
Junior Employee Low salary, career s growth, peer comp etitors
Top Management Financial decisions, company reputation and others
As observed from above ,each individual has its own source and
reasons. To generalize we can say that stress could be due to change or the
speed in which changes happen with a person.
11.2.2.Sign of stress
Signs of stress are the outcome that reflects in a person when dealt
with prolonged stress.munotes.in

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87Continuou s stress leads to mental and physical imbalance.
As illustrated in the given diagram employees tend to behave
inefficient due to constant increase in stress.
Few symptoms are lack of interest in work, lack of initiative from
employee side, gossips floating and reduced outputs.
Physically ,it may cause fatigue, body pain ,upset stomach and
lack of sleep .
There are many ways to cope upwith stress but as well said by
Israelmore Ayivor ,“Stop over loading yo urself with numerous tasks. Give
time to yourself fir st and positive deliberation. You cannot think better and
plan better when you are under stress .”
Below is a four step model which will help an individual to combat
stress at personal level.

Page 88

88Step 1 –Avoid stress: Each one should keep oneself away from all those
things that aggravate stress level.
Do not say yes when you want to say no -This is essential for
happiness in personal and professional life .Never try to be good to
others by compromising on your personal emotional levels .
Ignore people who stress you out -One cannot ignore all those
people who create stress in an individual’s life but ,we can avoid or
ignore such people and conversations which would lead to increase in
stress levels. Ex ample ishaving a conversation on political or
economic issues or religious debates etc.
Step 2 -Change the situation: In some situations, one just cannot avoid
being stressed. In such situation one can try to–
Be assertive –Express your view point ,limitall day activity, which
will save you from being trapped in social or work pressure.
Be open for compromise –Don’t except to be understood always.
There will be time where you have to whole heartedly accept others
Adapt yourself -With e ver evolving situations, i t is not possible that
each time things would go as per plan .Hence,it is important to adapt
to new situation, people and technology to combat stress.
Step 3 –Accept the situation: If a student has failed in an exam that
he/she had appeared, i t would be natural that the student would feel sad
and feel stressed about the same. This example teaches us that in some
cases we have to accept ground reality and move forward.
But at the same time ,it is a fact that the situation or the result would
not change even after taking more stress.
Many a times ,individual spend lot of time undoing few events, which
are not possible. There is no point controlling the uncontrollable .
Step 4 –Create ME time: Nowadays ,ME time is a trending conc ept
where individual are ask to take up activ ities that help them relax and
rejuvenate. In this they are asked to pick a hobby of choice.
They are encouraged to talk to people and extend support.
Humo uri sa l s oi n t r o d u c e d by means of laughing club and st and-up
comedy shows. As laugh ter help sto keep stress in control.
During ME time ,not only mental but physical relaxing are also
included –doing workout, exercise.
Healthy eating and sleeping habits are made part of lifestyle. An adult
individual needs a tleast 7 -8hours of sound sleep during night to stay
healthy both mentally and physically.munotes.in

Page 89

‘Time is Money’ is an old saying but hold true even today and for
coming generations also. Studies show one of the major reason for Stress
is lack of Time management or prioritizing work. It is observed that if one
of the task misses the deadline or the date of completion its effects will
spill over other projects. In short if time is not managed appropriately then
it will have a D omino effect of delay on all the activities. To overcome the
same lets understand the below matrix.
11.4.1. Time Management Matrix
The Time Management Matrix is a self -management tool,
developed by Steven Covey in his infamous book, the 7 Habits of Hig hly
Effective People. It's now widely used by business and individuals to
prioritise the important tasks and identify time wasters .
Simple formula to manage t ime is tohave focus on Quadrant II and
address the Quadrant I as and when task comes up. Beware that activities
of Quadrant IV do not consume more of your time.
If the time management is done well, you could achieve your goals
11.4.2S M A R Tg o al setting
What Does SMART Mean?
Ref-https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/smart -goals.htm
SMART is an acronym that you can use to guide your goal setting.munotes.in

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90Its criteria are commonly attributed to Peter Drucker's Management by
Objectives concept. The first known use of the term occurs in the
November 1981 issue of Management Review by George T. D oran. Since
then, Professor Robert S. Rubin (Saint Louis University) wrote about
SMART in an article for The Society for Industrial and Organizational
Psychology. He stated that SMART has come to mean different things to
different people, as shown below.
To make sure your goals are clear and reachable, each one should be:
Specific (simple, sensible, significant).
Measurable (meaningful, motivating).
Achievable (agreed, attainable).
Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results -based).
Time bound (t ime-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time -
To practice ,write any three goals which are ontop of your mind and
ensure that your goals are SMART goals .
Name : Specific Measurable Achievable RelevantTime
Goal 2
Goal 3
11.4.3-4 Ds of Email Decision Making
With increase in use of technology and internet availability ,people
are addicted to prompt repose. But this is one of the reason swhy general
impulsiveness and impatience has increase d in this millennium generation .
They would wish to see and reply to every message now and then .T o
overcome this habit ,below are the four Ds that can be of use.
1. Delete :All those non required messages/ mails .
2. Do : The urgent mail should be replied at the earliest .
3. Delegate: If the mail is not directly pertaining to you, delegate or assign
the mail to the concern person.munotes.in

Page 91

914. Defer : If the mail needs to be answered at length then allot time in
which all such messages areto be replied .
If the ab ove time management techniques are followed ,then the
indiv idual will be ab let oa c h i eve his or her goals with outany stress.
We have covered the below topic sto help an individual to combat
stress, manage his/her time well and achieve se tg o a l s .
oIdentify the stress sources –The first step to manage stress is to
understand what causes stress to you. Reasons are very subjective in
nature. Some stress ac ts as a motivation to employees.
oEffects of Stress –Each on e will react to stress in their own way but
prolong edstress harms one’s health mentally and physically.
oWays to combat Stress
oStep 1 –Avoid Stress
oStep2 –Change the situation
oStep 3 –Accept the situation
oStep 4 -Create ME time
oTime Management Techniques
oTime Management Matrix gives clarity of urgent and i mportant
tasksand way sto handle them .
oSMART goal s etting .
o4 Ds of Email decision making.
1. What can you infer by good time management in terms of work?
2. What classification should be do ne to prioritize your task?
3. Is stress harmful or beneficial? Explain ways to manage stress.
4. What is SMART goal? Explain.