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Unit Structure
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Functional units and their interaction
1.3 Basic structure and operation
1.4 Representation of Numbers and Characters
1.4.1 Number representation
1.4.2 Cha racter Representation
1.4.3 Number system
1.4.4 Conversion of Number System
1.4.5 Conversion from Binary to other system
1.4.6 Conversion from other to Binary System
1.4.7 Two’s Complement Number System
1.5 Let u sS u mU p
1.6 List of References
1.7 Unit En dE x e r c i s e s
In this chapter you will learn about:
A brief history of computer development
The different types of computers
The basic structure of a computer and its operation
Number and character representations
The co mputer organization is the function and designs of various
units of digital computers that store and process information. It also deals
with input units of computer which receive information from external
sources and the output units which send computed re sults to external
destinations. The input, storage, processing and output operations are
governed by a list of instructions that constitute a program.
Computer hardware consists of electronic circuits, magnetic and
optical storage devices, displays, elect romechanical devices, and
communication facilities. Computer architecture encompasses
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2specification of an instruction set and the functional behavior of the
hardware units that implement the instructions.
Figure above shows the functional units of the computer. A
computer consists of five functionally independent main parts input,
memory, arithmetic logic unit (ALU), and output and control unit.
Input device accepts the coded information as source progra mi . e .
high level language. This is either stored in the memory or immediately
used by the processor to perform the desired operations. The program
stored in the memory determines the processing steps. Basically the
computer converts one source program to an object program. i.e. into
machine language.
Finally the results are sent to the outside world through output
device. All of these actions are coordinated by the control unit.
Input unit:
The source program/high level language program/coded
informati on/simply data is fed to a computer through input devices
keyboard is a most common type. Whenever a key is pressed, one
corresponding word or number is translated into its equivalent binary code
over a cable & fed either to memory or processor.
Examples of input devices:
Keyboard, Joysticks, trackballs, mouse, scanners etc are other input
Memory unit:
Its function is to store programs and data. It is basically to two types
1.Primary memory :
Is the one exclusively associated with the processo r and operates at
the electronics speeds ,programs must be stored in this memory while they
are being executed. The memory contains a large number of
semiconductor storage cells. Each capable of storing one bit
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3information. These are processed in a grou p of fixed si zed memory unit
called as ‘ word ’.
2. Secondary memory:
Is used where large amounts of data & programs have to be stored,
particularly information that is accessed infrequently.
Examples: -Magnetic disks & tapes, optical disks (ie CD -ROM’s),
floppies etc.
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU):
Most of the computer operators are executed in ALU of the
processor like addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, etc. The
operands are brought into the ALU from memory and stored in high speed
storage el ements called register. Then according to the instructions the
operation is performed in the required sequence. The control and the ALU
are many times faster than other devices connected to a computer system.
This enables a single processor to control a nu mber of external devices
such as key boards, displays, magnetic and optical disks, sensors and other
mechanical controllers.
Output unit:
These actually are the counterparts of input unit. Its basic function
is to send the processed results to the outside world.
Examples: -Printer, speakers, monitor etc
Control unit:
It effectively is the nerve center that sends signals to other units
and senses their states. The actual timing signals that govern the transfer
of data between input unit, processor, memory and output unit are
generated by the control unit.
Computer is a fast electronic calculating machine which accepts
digital input, processes it according to the internally stored instructions
(Programs) and produces the r esult on the output device. The internal
operation of the computer can be as depicted in the following
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Basic operation of an instruction
An Instruction consists of two parts, an Operation code and
operand/s as shown below:
Opcode operand
Letus take an instruction
Step to execute instruction
1.Fetch the instruction from main memory into the processor
2.Fetch the operand at location LOCA from main memory into the
processor Register R1
3.Add the content of Register R1 and the contents of register R0
4.Store the result (sum) in R0.
The following diagram shows how the memory and the processor
are connected. As shown in the diagram, in addition to the ALU and the
control circuitry, the processor contains a number of registers used for
several different purposes. The instruction register holds the instruction
that is currently being executed. The program counter keeps track of the
execution of the program. It contains the memory address of the next
instruction to be fetched and executed. Th ere are n general purpose
registers R 0to R n-1which can be used by the programmers while writing
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The interaction between the processor and the memory and the
direction of flow of information is as shown in the diagram below:
1.4.1Number representation
a) Integer representation
The binary numbers used in digital computers must be represented
by using binary storage devices such as Flip -Flops (FF). Each device
represent one bit. The most direct number system representation for binary
valued storage devices is an integer representation system. Simply writing
the value or states of the flip -flops gives the number in integer form.
For example, a 6 -bit FF register could store binary numbers
ranging from 0 00000 to 111111 (0 to 63 in decimal). Since digital
computers handle +ve as well as –ve numbers, some means is required for
representing the sign of the number (+ or -). This is usually done by
placing another bit called sign bit to the left of the magnitu de bits. A‘0’in
sign bit position represent a +ve number while a ‘1’in sign bit position
represent a –ve number.
a.Unsigned Integer
Simply writing the values of the number in binary form gives the
magnitude of the number in the Unsigned Integer
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6b.Signed Integer
0 in the leftmost bit represents positive and 1 in the sign bit represents
The above example explains representation of +27 and -27 in sign -
magnitude representation
Sign magnitude numbers are used only when we do not add or
subtract the data. They are used in analog to digital conversions. They
have limited use as they require complicated arithmetic circuits.
b)Fixed point and Floating point representation:
A real number or floating point number has integer part and
fractiona l part separated by a decimal.
It is either positive or negative. e.g. 0.345, -121.37 etc.
Fixed Point Representation:
One method of representing real numbers would be to assume a
fixed position for the decimal point. e.g. in a 8 -bit fixed point
represen tation, where 1 bit is used for sign (+ve or –ve) and 5 bits are used
for integral part and two bits are used for fractional part:
Figure: Representation of fixed point number in memory
The above diagram r epresents binary number +11100.11
Largest posit ive number which can be stored is11111.11 while s mallest
positive number which can be stored is00000.01 .This range is quite
inadequate even for simple arithmetic calculations. To increase the range
we use floating point representation.
Floating Point R epresentation:
In floating point representation, the number is represented as a
combination of a mantissa ( m),a n da ne x p o n e n t (e).I ns u c ha
representation it is possible to float a decimal point within number towards
left or right side.
For example: 534 36.256 =5 3 4 3 . 6 2 5 6x1 01
=5 3 4 . 3 6 2 5 6x1 02
=53.436256 x 103
=5.3436256 x 104and so on
=5 3 4 3 6 2 . 5 6x1 0-1
=5 3 4 3 6 2 5 . 6x1 0-2
=53436256.0 x 10-3and so
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7Representation of floating point number in computer memory (with four
digit mantissa) Let us assum e we have hypothetical 8 digit computer out
of which four digits are used for mantissa and two digits are used for
exponent with a provision of sign of mantissa and sign of exponent.
1.4.2Character Representation
In computer memory, character are "encoded" (or "represented")
using a chosen "character encoding schemes".
For example, in ASCII:
Code numbers 65D (41H) to 90D (5AH) represents 'A' to 'Z',
Code numbers 97D (61H) to 122D (7AH) represents 'a' to 'z',
Code numbers 48D (30H) to 57D (39H) represents '0' to '9',
It is important to note that the representation scheme must be known
before a binary pattern can be interpreted.
ForE.g., the 8 -bit pattern "0100 0010B" could represent anything
under the sun known onl y to the person encoded it.
The most commonly -used character encoding schemes are: 7 -bit
ASCII (ISO/IEC 646) and 8 -bit Latin -x( I S O / I E C8 8 5 9 -x) for western
European characters, and Unicode (ISO/IEC 10646) for
internationalization (i18n).
A7-bit encoding scheme (such as ASCII) can represent 128
characters and symbols. An 8 -bit character encoding scheme (such as
Latin -x) can represent 256 characters and symbols; whereas a 16 -bit
encoding scheme (such as Unicode UCS -2) can represents 65,536
characters and s ymbols.
In this representation some symbols are non graphic and some are
graphics means some cannot be printed or displayed ,for example “line
feed”, “null”, “escape” etc. and some are printed which includes alphabets,
digits , punctuation mark and other symbols
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8For example the ASCII code table
1.4.3Number system
The technique to represent and work with numbers is called
number system .D e c i m a l number system is the most common number
system . Other popular number systems include binary number sy stem,
octal number system ,h e x a d e c i m a l number system , etc.
1.Decimal Number System
It consists of total 10 digits to represent number given as
Thus the base of the number system is 10. Value of any digit in the
decimal number will be de cided depending on its position. For
example take a number 2,345. Here value of 2 is 2000. As its position
is thousand positions. The above number can be expressed as
Thus in above representation the power of 10 increases from 0 to 3
from right to left.
2.Binary Number system:
It consists of only two digits to represent i.e. 0 and 1. So the base of
the number system is 2. Base is also called as radix .The value
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9each bit is depends on the position of the bit. So position plays role of
power to the base to decide value of bit.
3.Octal Number System:
It consists of 8 digits starting from 0 up to 7. So base or radix of
number system is 8.
4.Hexadecimal Number System
It consists of 16 symbols first ten digits starting from 0 up to 9a n d
remaining 6 symbols A,B,C,D,E,F. So base or radix of number
system is 16.
Number System Relationship
1.4.4Conversion of Number System
Conversions Related to Decimal System
Two types of conversions
1.Conversion from any Radix r to Decimal
Steps to f ollow
(a)Note down given number
(b)Write down weights for different positions.
(c)Multiply each digit in given number with corresponding weight to
obtain product numbers.
(d)Add all the product numbers to get the decimal
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10For example (Binary to Decimal)
10100011 =( 1×27)+( 0×26)+( 1×25)+( 0×24)+( 0×23)+( 0×22)+
(1 ×21)+( 1×20)
=1 2 8+0+3 2+0+0+0+2+1
=1 6 3
Therefore, binary number ( 10100011) 2=( 1 6 3 ) 10decimal number
Similarly for other radix take the power of the respective radix and
obtain the equivalent number
2.Conversion from Decimal to Other System
Number in any other radix can be converted to decimal steps to be
followed is as follows
(a)Divide integer part of given decimal by the base, note the reminder
(b)Continue to divide t he quotient by the base (r) until there is nothing
left, keeping track of reminders from each step. (Select the quotient
such that the remainder is always less than the base)
(c)List reminder values in reverse order to the equivalent.
For example take the fol lowing example
Thus the (35) 10=( 1 0 1 0 0 1 ) 2
In the same steps we can obtain decimal number from any radix. The
divisor will be changed by the radix.
3.Fractional part conversion:
Steps to convert decimal to any other radix
1.Multiply given fractional de cimal number by the base
2.Record carry in the result i.e. integer part
3.Multiply fractional part by radix
4.Repeat step 2 and 3 up to end
5.First carry will be treated as MSD and last will be treated as
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11Following figure shows the example of same
In ca se of mixed part i.e. integer and fraction part number we have
to separate out the integer part and fractional part and carry out the
conversion process mentioned in above procedures. Following figure
shows the example.
1.4.5Conversion from Binary to other system
1Binary to Octal Conversion
Steps to follow
a.Mark 3 -bit from LSB to make Group of 3 bits
b.Convert each group into its equivalent octal
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12Use the table
0 000
1 001
2 010
3 011
4 100
5 101
6 110
7 111
Example : Convert (111011011) 2into its equivalent octal
Solution : Given number is 111011011
Grouping 111 011 011
Starting from LSB group 1 = 011 = 3
Group 2= 011 = 3
Group 3 = 111 =7
So equivalent no is (733) 8
2Binary to Hex Conversion
Steps to follow
a.Mark 4 -bit from LSB to make Group of 4 bits
b.Convert each group into its equivalent hex equivalent.
Example : Convert (111011011) 2into its equivalent hex.
Solution : Given number =111011011
Grou ping = 000 111011011 (3 extra zeros added to LSB)
Starting from LSB Group 1 =1011 = B
Group 2 = 1101 = D
Group 3 = 0001 = 1
So equivalent no is (1DB) 16
1.4.6Conversion from other to Binary System
1Octal to Binary Conversion
Steps to follow
a.Conver t each octal digit into its equivalent binary using 3 bit
b.Write the binary equivalent bits in order to obtain binary no.
For example : Convert (765) 8number in equivalent binary
Solution : binary equivalent of 5=101
binary equivalent of 6=110
binary e quivalent of 7=111
so binary equivalent will be (111110101)
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132Octal to Hex Conversion
Steps to follow
a.Convert each hex digit int o its equivalent binary using 3 -bit
b.Write the binary equivalent bits in order to obtain binary no.
For example : Convert ( 732)18number in equivalent binary
Solution : binary equivalent of 7=111
binary equivalent of 3=011
binary equivalent of 1=001
so binary equivalent will be ( 111 011 001 )2
c.Convert the binary to hexadecimal using group of 4
111011001 = 0001 1101 1001
1.4.7 Two’s Complement Number System
This scheme is most popularly used for number representation.
2’s complement of binary number can be obtained by adding 1 to LSB of
1’s complement of that number.
So2’s complement = 1’s complement+1
Representation of Positive and Negative Numbers using 2’s
Positive numbers in 2’s complement is same as that of signed number
representation. E.g.(+5) is represented as 0101 in 2’s complement form.
Negative numbers are 2’s complement of corresp onding positive numbers.
E.g. ( -6) is represented in 2’s complement form as follows
Number given = -6
Binary equivalent of 6 is =0110
2’s complement =1001+1= 1010
The figure lists the 4 bit representation of signed
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Thus, we ha ve studied the basic concepts about the structure of
computers and their operation. Machine instructions and programs have
been described briefly. The addition and
Subtraction of binary numbers has been explained.
Carl Hamacher e t al., Computer Organization and Embedded
Systems, 6 ed., McGraw -Hill 2012
Patterson and Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design,
Morgan Kaufmann, ARM Edition, 2011
R P Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill Education
Pvt. Ltd. , 4th Edition ,2 0 1 0
1) Write a note on computer number system.
2) Explain basic functional units of computer.
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Unit Structure
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Study of Basic logic gates
2.3 Laws of Boolean algebra
2.3.1 Simplification using Boolean algebra
2.3.2 Sum of Product (SOP) Form
2.3.2 Product of Sums (POS) Form
2.3.3 Canonical Form (Standard SOP and POS Form)
2.3.4 Min terms
2.3.5 Max terms
2.4 K-Map
2.4.1 Minimization with Karnaugh Maps and advantages of K -map
2.4.2 Grouping of K -map variables
2.5 Combinational Circuits
2.5.1 Design Half Adder Circ uit
2.5.2 Design Full Adder
2.5.3 Design Full adder using two half adder.
2.5.4 Ripple Carry Adder
2.5.5 Tristate Buffer
2.5.6 Fan In and Fan Out
2.6 Multiplexer
2.7 De-multiplexer
2.8 Decoder
2.9 Encoder
2.10 Sequential Circuit
2.11 Flip Flop
2.11.1 S-R Flip Flop
2.11.2 Master Slave JK Flip Flop
2.11.3 Delay Flip Flop / D Flip Flop
2.11.4 Toggle Flip Flop / T Flip Flop
2.12 State Diagrams and State Tables
2.13 Let us Sum u p
2.14 List of References
2.15 Unit End
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In this chapter you will learn about:
Machine instructions and program execution
Addressing methods for accessing register and memory operands
Assembly language for representing machine instructions, data,
and programs
Stacks and subroutines
Logic gates are the basic building block of digital electronics. A
gate is an electronic device which is used to compute a function on a two
valued signal.
Combinational circuits are defined as the time independent
circuits which do not depends upon pr evious inputs to generate any output
are termed as combinational circuits. Sequential circuits are that which
are dependent on clock cycles and depends on present as well as past
inputs to generate any output.
A multiplexer is a circuit that accepts many input but give only one
output. A demultiplexer function exactly in the reverse of a multiplexer,
that is a demultiplexer accepts only one input and gives many outputs.
Generally multiplexer and demultiplexer are used together, because of the
communication systems are bi directional.
Logic gates are the basic building blocks of any digital system. It is
an electronic circuit having one or more than one input and only one
output. The relationship between the input and the o utput is based on
certain logic . Based on this, logic gates are named as AND gate,O R gate,
NOT gate etc. All the gate shave graphical symbol, mathematical
equation, truthtable which describes the behavior of the each gate.
Classification of logic gates
1.Basic Gates
a)NOT (Inverter) gate
i.Symbol :
Here input to gate is one named as A. and one output
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So the value at input will be inverted at output as shown in
truth table.
iii.Truth table:
0 110
b)OR gate
i. Symbol:
Here A and B are two inputs and Y is one output, the output
of the OR gate is HIGH when at least one input is HIGH
Y= A+B
iii.Truth table
Input Output
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
The truth table show st h a t the output of OR gate is high at least one
input is high.
c)AND gate
i.Symbol :
Here A and B are two inputs and Y is an output
Y= A.B
ii.Truth table
Input Output
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1
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18The truth table shows that AND gate output will be high only when
both the inputs are high. Otherwise the output is low
2.Universal gates
Auniversal gate is a gate which can implement any Boolean
function without need to use any other gate type. The NAND and NOR
gates areuniversal gates .In practice, this is advantageous since NAND
and NOR gates are economical and easier to fabricate and are the basic
gates used in all IC digital logic families.
1.NAND gate :
i.Symbol :
Here A and B are two inputs and Y is one output.
ii.Equation :
iii.Truth table :
Input Output
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
The truth table shows that NAND gate output will be high when at
least one of the inputs is low.
2.NOR gate :
i.Symbol :
Here A and B are two inputs and Y is one output.
ii.Equation :
iii.Truth table :
Input Output
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0
The truth table shows that output of NOR gate output will be high
when all the inputs are
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193.Exclusive gates :
There are two types of exclusives gates present as stated and
explained below:
a.Exclusive OR (EX -OR)
i.Symbol :
Here A and B are two inputs and Y is one output.
Equation :
ii.Truth table :
Input Output
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
The truth table shows that EX -OR gate output will be high when
odd numbers of inputs are low. When even number of inputs arehigh then
output is low.
b.Exclusive NOR
i.Symbol :
Here A and B are two inputs and Y is one output.
ii.Equation :
iii.Truth table :
Input Output
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
The truth table shows that EX -OR gate output will be high when
even numbers of inputs are low. When even number of inputs are high
then output is low.
NOR and NAND as Universal Gate.
NOR is OR gate with inverter
NAND is AND gate with
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1. The basic Laws of Boolean Algebra can be stated as follows:
1.Commutative Law states that the interchanging of the order of
operands in a Boolean equation does not change its result. For
1.OR operator → A + B = B + A
2.AND operator → A .B=B .A
2.Associative Law of multiplication states that the AND operation
are done on two or more than two variables. For example:
A.(B.C) = (A .B).C
3.Distributive Law states that the multiplication of two variabl es and
adding the result with a variable will result in the same value as
multiplication of addition of the variable with individual variables.
For example:
A+B .C=( A+B ) .(A + C).
4.Annulment law:
5.Identity law:
A.1 = A
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226.Idempotent law:
A.A = A
7.Complement law:
8.Double negation law:
9.Absorption law:
A.(A+B) = A
A+A .B=A
De Morgan’s Law:
De Morgan's Law is also known as De Morgan's theorem, works
depending on the concept of Duality. Duality states that inte rchanging the
operators and variables in a function, such as replacing 0 with 1 and 1 with
0, AND operator with OR operator and OR operator with AND operator.
De Morgan stated 2 theorems, which will help us in solving the
algebraic problems in digital ele ctronics. The De Morgan's statements are:
1."The negation of a conjunction is the disjunction of the negations",
which means that the complement of the product of 2 variables i s
equal to the sum of the comple ments of individual variables.
For example,
2."The negation of disjunction is the conjunction of the negations",
which means that complement of the sum of two variables is equal
to the product of the complement of each variable.
For example,
2.3.1 Simplification using Boolean algebra
Let us consid er an example of a Boolean function:
AB+A (B+C) + B (B+C)
The logic diagram for the Boolean function AB+A (B+C) + B (B+C) can
be represented as:
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23We will simplify this Boolean function on the basis of rules given
by Boolean algebra.
AB + A (B+C) + B (B+ C)
AB + AB + AC + BB + BC {Distributive law; A (B+C) =
AB+AC, B (B+C) = BB+BC}
AB + AB + AC + B + BC {Idempotent law; BB = B}
AB + AC + B + BC {Idempotent law; AB+AB = AB}
AB + AC +B {Absorption law; B+BC = B}
B+A C {Absorption law; AB+B = B}
Hence, the simplified Boolean function will be B + AC.
The logic diagram for Boolean function B + AC can be represented as:
Boolean Function Representation
The use of switching devices like transistors give rise to a special
case of the Boolean algebra called as switching algebra. In switching
algebra, all the variables assume one of the two values which are 0 and 1.
In Boolean algebra, 0 is used to represent the ‘open’ state or ‘false’
state of logic gate. Similarly , 1 is used to represent the ‘closed’ state or
‘true’ state of logic gate.
A Boolean expression is an expression which consists of variables,
constants (0 -false and 1 -true) and logical operators which results in true or
A Boolean function is an al gebraic form of Boolean expression. A
Boolean function of n -variables is represented by f(x1, x2, x3….xn). By
using Boolean laws and theorems, we can simplify the Boolean functions
of digital circuits. A brief note of different ways of representing a Boole an
function is as follows .
Sum-of-Products (SOP) Form
Product -of-sums (POS) form
Canonical forms
There are two types of canonical forms:
Sum-of-min terms or Canonical SOP
Product -of-max terms or Canonical POS
Boolean functions can be represented by usin g NAND gates and also
by using K -map (Karnaugh map) method. We can standardize the Boolean
expressions by using by two standard
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24SOP form –Sum Of Products form
POS form –Product Of Sums form
Standardization of Boolean equations will make the
imple mentation, evolution and simplification easier and more systematic.
2.3.2 Sum of Product (SOP) Form
The sum -of-products (SOP) form is a method (or form) of
simplifying the Boolean expressions of logic gates. In this SOP form of
Boolean function represent ation, the variables are operated by AND
(product) to form a product term and all these product terms are ORed
(summed or added) together to get the final function.
As u m -of-products form can be formed by adding (or summing)
two or more product terms usin g a Boolean addition operation. Here the
product terms are defined by using the AND operation and the sum term is
defined by using OR operation.
The sum -of-products form is also called as Disjunctive Normal
Form as the product terms are ORed together and Disjunction operation is
logical OR. Sum -of-products form is also called as Standard SOP.
SOP form representation is most suitable to use them in FPGA
(Field Programmable Gate Arrays).
F(A,B,C,D,E) =(AB) ̅+A B C+C D E̅
SOP form can be obtained by
Writing an AND term for each input combination, which produces
HIGH output.
Writing the input variables if the value is 1, and write the
complement of the variable if its value is 0.
OR the AND terms to obtain the output fu nction.
Ex: Boolean expression for majority function F = A’BC + AB’C + ABC ‘
+A B
Page 25
25Truth table:
Now write the input variables combination with high output. F = AB + BC
+A C .
By Idempotence law, we know that
([ABC + ABC)] + ABC) = (AB C+A B C )=A B C
Now the function F =A ’ B C+A B ’ C+A B C‘+A B C
=A ’ B C+A B ’ C+A B C ’+( [ A B C+A B C ) ]+A B C )
=( A B C+A B C‘ )+( A B C+A B ’ C )+( A B C+A ’ B C )
=A B( C+C‘ )+A( B+B ’ )C+( A+A ’ )B C
=A B+B C+A C .
2.3.2 Product of Sums (POS) Form
The pro duct of sums form is a method (or form) of simplifying the
Boolean expressions of logic gates. In this POS form, all the variables are
ORed, i.e. written as sums to form sum terms.
All these sum terms are ANDed (multiplied) together to get the
product -of-sum form. This form is exactly opposite to the SOP form. So
this can also be said as “Dual of SOP form”.
Here the sum terms are defined by using the OR operation and the
product term is defined by using AND operation. When two or more sum
terms are multip lied by a Boolean OR operation, the resultant output
expression will be in the form of product -of-sums form or POS form.
The product -of-sums form is also called as Conjunctive Normal
Form as the sum terms are ANDed together and Conjunction operation is
logical AND. Product -of-sums form is also called as Standard POS.
F(A,B,C,D,E)= (A+B) .(A + B + C) .(C +D)
F(A,B,C,D,E)= (A+B) ̅.(C + D + E ̅)
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26POS form can be obtained by
Writing an OR term for each input combination, which produces
LOW output.
Writing the input variables if the value is 0, and write the
complement of the variable if its value is 1.
AND the OR terms to obtain the output function.
Ex: Boolean expression for majority function F = (A + B + C) (A + B + C
‘) (A + B’ + C) (A’ + B + C)
Now write the input variables combination with high output. F = AB + BC
+A C .
By Idempotence law, we know that
[(A + B + C) (A + B + C)] (A + B + C) = [(A + B + C)] (A + B + C) = (A
+B+C )
Now the function
F=( A+B )( B+C )( A+C )
=( A+B+C )( A+B+C‘ )( A+B ’+C )( A ’+B+C )
=[ ( A+B+C )( A+B+C ) ]( A+B+C )( A+B+C‘ )( A+B ’+C )( A ’
+B+C )
=[ ( A+B +C )( A+B+C‘ ) ][ ( A+B+C )( A ’+B+C ) ][ ( A+B+C )( A
+B ’+C ) ]
=[ ( A+B )+( C .C‘ ) ][ ( B+C )+( A .A’)] [(A + C) + (B .B’)]
=[ ( A+B )+0 ][ ( B+C )+0 ][ ( A+C )+0 ]=( A+B )( B+C )( A+C )
2.3.3 Canonical Form (Standard SOP and POS Form)
Any Boolean function that is expressed as a sum of minterms or as
a product of max terms is said to be in its “canonical form”.
It mainly involves in two Boolean terms, “minterms” and
When the SOP form of a Boolean expression is in ca nonical form,
then each of its product term is called ‘minterm’. So, the canonical form
Page 27
27sum of products function is also known as “minterm canonical form” or
Sum-of-minterms or standard canonical SOP form.
Similarly, when the POS form of a Boolean expr ession is in
canonical form, then each of its sum term is called ‘max term’. So, the
canonical form of product of sums function is also known as “maxterm
canonical form or Product -of sum or standard canonical POS form”.
2.3.4 Min terms
A min term is defi ned as the product term of n variables, in which
each of the n variables will appear once either in its complemented or un -
complemented form. The min term is denoted as mi where i is in the range
of 0≤i<2ⁿ.
A variable is in complemented form, if its v alue is assigned to 0,
and the variable is un -complimented form, if its value is assigned to 1.
For a 2 -variable (x and y) Boolean function, the possible minterms are:
x’y’, x’y, xy’ and xy.
For a 3 -variable (x, y and z) Boolean function, the possible mi nterms are:
x’y’z’, x’y’z, x’yz’, x’yz, xy’z’, xy’z, xyz’ and xyz.
1–Minterms = minterms for which the function F = 1.
0–Minterms = minterms for which the function F = 0.
Any Boolean function can be expressed as the sum (OR) of its 1 -
min terms. The representation of the equation will be
F(list of variables) = Σ(list of 1 -min term indices)
Ex: F (x, y, z) = Σ(3, 5, 6, 7)
The inverse of the function can be expressed as a sum (OR) of its
0-min terms. The representation of the equation will be
F(list of variables) = Σ(list of 0 -min term indices)
Ex: F’ (x, y, z) = Σ(0,1, 2, 4)
Examples of canonical form of sum of products expressions (min term
canonical form):
i) Z = XY + XZ '
ii) F = XYZ '+X ' Y Z+X ' Y Z '+X Y ' Z+X Y Z
In standard SOP form, the maximum possible product terms for n
number of variables are given by 2 ⁿ. So, for 2 variable equations, the
product terms are 22 = 4. Similarly, for 3 variable equations, the product
terms are 23 =
Page 28
282.3.5 Max terms
A max term is defined as the product of n variables, within the
range of 0 ≤i<2 ⁿ. The max term is denoted as Mi. In max term, each
variable is complimented, if its value is assigned to 1, and each variable is
un-complimented if its value is assigned to 0.
For a 2 -variable (x and y) Boolean fu nction, the possible max terms are:
x+y ,x+y ’ ,x ’+ya n dx ’+y ’ .
For a 3 -variable (x, y and z) Boolean function, the possible
maxterms are:
x+y+z ,x+y+z ’ ,x+y ’+z ,x+y ’+z ’ ,x ’+y+z ,x ’+y+z ’ ,x ’+y ’
+za n dx ’+y ’+z ’ .
1–Max terms = max terms for which the function F = 1.
0–max terms = max terms for which the function F = 0.
Any Boolean function can be expressed the product (AND) of its 0
–max terms. The representation of the equation will be
F(list of variables) = Π (list of 0-max term indices)
Ex: F (x, y, z) = Π (0, 1, 2, 4)
The inverse of the function can be expressed as a product (AND)
of its 1 –max terms. The representation of the equation will be
F(list of variables) = Π (list of 1-max term indices)
Ex: F’ (x, y, z) = Π (3, 5, 6, 7)
Examples of canonical form of product of sums expressions (max
term canonical form):
i. Z = (X + Y) (X + Y ')
ii. F = (X '+Y+Z ' )( X '+Y+Z )( X '+Y '+Z ' )
In standard POS form, the maximum possible sum terms for n
number of variables are given by 2 ⁿ. So, for 2 variable equations, the sum
terms are 22=4 .
Similarly, for 3 variable equations, the sum terms are 23=8 .
Table for 23min terms and 23max terms
The below table will make you understand abou t the representation
of the mean terms and max terms of 3
Page 29
2.4 K -MAP
Karnaugh Map or K -map is introduced by a telecom engineer,
Maurice Karnaugh at Bell labs in 1953, as a refined technique of ‘Edward
Veitch’s Veitch diagram’ and it is a met hod to simplify or reduce the
complexities of a Boolean expression.
Karnaugh map method or K -map method is the pictorial
representation of the Boolean equations and Boolean manipulations are
used to reduce the complexity in solving them. These can be cons idered as
a special or extended version of the ‘Truth table’.
Karnaugh map can be explained as “An array containing 2kcells in
a grid like format, where k is the number of variables in the Boolean
expression that is to be reduced or optimized”. As it is evaluated from the
truth table method, each cell in the K -map will represent a single row of
the truth table and a cell is represented by a square.
The cells in the k -map are arranged in such a way that there are
conjunctions, which differ in a single var iable, are assigned in adjacent
rows. The K -map method supports the elimination of potential race
conditions and permits the rapid identification.
By using Karnaugh map technique, we can reduce the Boolean
expression containing any number of variables, su ch as 2 -variable Boolean
expression, 3 -variable Boolean expression, 4 -variable Boolean expression
and even 7 -variable Boolean expressions, which are complex to solve by
using regular Boolean theorems and laws.
2.4.1 Minimization with Karnaugh Maps and adv antages of K -map
K-maps are used to convert the truth table of a Boolean equation
into minimized SOP form.
Easy and simple basic rules for the simplification.
The K -map method is faster and more efficient than other
simplification techniques of Boolean alg
Page 30
30All rows in the K -map are represented by using a square shaped
cells, in which each square in that will represent a minterm.
It is easy to convert a truth table to k -map and k -map to Sum of
Products form equation.
2.4.2 Grouping of K -map variables (SOP case)
There are some rules to follow while we are grouping the variables
in K-maps. They are
The square that contains ‘1’ should be taken in simplifying, at least
The square that contains ‘1’ can be considered as many times as
the grouping is po ssible with it.
Group shouldn’t include any zeros (0).
A group should be the as large as possible.
Groups can be horizontal or vertical. Grouping of variables in
diagonal manner is not allowed.
If the square containing ‘1’ has no possibility to be pl aced in a
group, then it should be added to the final expression.
Groups can overlap.
The number of squares in a group must be equal to powers of 2,
such as 1, 2, 4, 8
Page 31
31Groups can wrap around. As the K -map is considered as spherical
or folded, the squa res at the corners (which are at the end of the
column or row) should be considered as they adjacent squares.
The grouping of K -map variables can be done in many ways, so
they obtained simplified equation need not to be unique always.
The Boolean equation must be in must be in canonical form, in
order to draw a K -map.
2 variable K -maps
There are 4 cells (22)in the 2 -variable k -map. It will look like (see
below image)
The possible min terms with 2 variables (A and B) are A.B, A.B’,
A’.B and A’.B’. Th e conjunctions of the variables (A, B) and (A’, B) are
represented in the cells of the top row and (A, B’) and (A’, B’) in cells of
the bottom row. The following table shows the positions of all the possible
outputs of 2 -variable Boolean function on a K -map.
Page 32
32A general representation of a 2 variable K -map plot is shown below.
When we are simplifying a Boolean equation using Karnaugh map,
we represent the each cell of K -map containing the conjunction term with
1. After that, we group the adjacent cell s with possible sizes as 2 or 4. In
case of larger k -maps, we can group the variables in larger sizes like 8 or
The groups of variables should be in rectangular shape, that means
the groups must be formed by combining adjacent cells either vertically or
horizontally. Diagonal shaped or L -shaped groups are not allowed. The
following example demonstrates a K -map simplification of a 2 -variable
Boolean equation.
Simplify the given 2 -variable Boolean equation by using K -map.
F=XY ’+X ’Y+X ’ Y ’
First, let’s construct the truth table for the given equation,
We put 1 at the output terms given in equation.
In this K -map, we can create 2 groups by following the rules for
grouping, one is by combining (X’, Y) and (X’, Y’) terms and the other is
bycombining (X, Y’) and (X’, Y’) terms. Here the lower right cell is used
in both groups. After grouping the variables, the next step is determining
the minimized expression.
By reducing each group, we obtain a conjunction of the minimized
expression such as by taking out the common terms from two groups, i.e.
X’ and Y’. So the reduced equation will be X’ +Y’.
3 variable K -maps
For a 3 -variable Boolean function, there is a possibility of 8 output
min terms. The general representation of all the min terms using 3 -
variables is shown
Page 33
A typical plot of a 3 -variable K -map is shown below. It can be
observed that the positions of columns 10 and 11 are interchanged so that
there is only change in one variable across adjacent cells. This
modification will allow in minimizing the logic.
Up to 8 cells can be grouped in case of a 3 -variable K -map with
other possibilities being 1,2 and 4.
Simplify the given 3 -variable Boolean equation by using k -map.
F=X ’YZ+X ’Y ’Z+XYZ ’+X ’Y ’Z ’+XY Z+XY ’Z ’
First, let’s construct the truth table for the given equation,
We put 1 at the output terms given in equation.
There are 8 cells (23) in the 3 -variable k -map. It will look like (see
below image).
The largest group size will be 8 but we can also form the groups of
size 4 and size 2, by possibility. In the 3 variable Karnaugh map, we
consider the left most column of the k -map as the adjacent column of
rightmost column. So the size 4 group is formed as shown below.
Page 34
34And in both the terms, we have ‘Y’ in common. So the group of
size 4 is reduced as the conjunction Y. To consume every cell which has 1
in it, we group the rest of cells to form size 2 group, as shown below.
The 2 size group has no common variables, so they are written
with their variables and its conjugates. So the reduced equation will be X
Z’ + Y’ + X’ Z. In this equation, no further minimization is possible.
4 variable K -maps
There are 16 possible min terms in case of a 4 -variable Boolean
function. The general representation of minterms using 4 variables is
shown below.
A typical 4 -variable K -map plot is shown below. It can be
observed that both the columns and rows of 10 and 11 are interchanged.
The possible number of cells that can be grouped together are 1, 2,
4, 8 an d1 6
Page 35
Simplify the given 4 -variable Boolean equation by using k -map. F
(W, X, Y, Z) = (1, 5, 12, 13)
Sol: F (W, X, Y, Z) = (1, 5, 12, 13)
By preparing k -map, we can minimize the given Boolean equation as
F=WY ’Z+W‘ Y ’Z
A digital logic circuit is defined as the one in which voltages are
assumed to be having a finite number of distinct value. Types of digital
logic circuits are combinational logic circuits and sequential logic circuits.
These are the basic circuit s used in most of the digital electronic devices
like computers, calculators, mobile phones.
Digital logic circuits are often known as switching circuits,
because in digital circuits the voltage levels are assumed to be switched
from one value to another value instantaneously. These circuits are termed
as logic circuits, as their operation obeys a definite set of logic rules.
Classification of logical circuits:
Combinational Circuit :
Combinational digital logic circuits are basically made up of
digital l ogic gates like AND gate, OR gate, NOT gate and
universal gates (NAND gate and NOR gate).
All these gates are combined together to form a complicated
switching circuit. The logic gates are building blocks of
combinational logic circuits. In a combinational logic circuit, the
output at any instant of time depends only on present input at that
particular instant of time and combinational circuits do not have
any memory devices.
Encoders and Decoders are examples of combinational circuit. A
decoder converts th e binary coded data at its present input into a
number of different output lines. Other examples of combinational
switching circuits are half adder and full adder, encoder, decoder,
multiplexer, de -multiplexer, code converter
Page 36
36Combinational circuits ar e used in microprocessor and
microcontroller for designing the hardware and software
components of a computer.
Classification of combinational digital logic circuits
Combinational digital logic circuits are classified into three major
parts –arithmetic o r logical functions, data transmission and code
The following chart will elaborate the further classifications of
combinational digital logic circuit.
Application of combinational circuit:
AnAdder is a device that can add two binary digits. It is a type of
digital circuit that performs the operation of additions of two numbers.
Itis mainly designed for the addition of binary number, but they can be
used in various other applications like binary code decimal, address
decoding, table i ndex calculation, etc. There are two types of Adder. One
isHalf Adder , and another one is known as Full Adder . The detail
explanation of the two types of the adder are as follows
2.5.1 Design Half Adder Circuit
There are two inputs and two outputs in a Half Adder. Inputs are
named as A and B, and the outputs are named as Sum (S) and Carry (C).
Half adder, is designed to add two one bit number with the help of logic
gates. The binary addition as shown below.
Page 37
37Here the output “1” of “10” becomes the carry -out.SUM is the
normal output and the CARRY is the carry -out.
Block diagram of half adder
Inputs Outputs
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
From above truth table we know that we have two k -mapso n ef or
Sum and other for Carry
1.K-Map for Sum is as shown below
S=A ’ B + A B ’
Circuit diagram for this output is EX -OR gate as shown below
2.K-Map for Carry is as shown below
From kmap we get the output as
C = A.B The logic diagram for the same
Page 38
IfA and B are binary inputs to the half adder, then the logic
function to calculate sum S is Ex –OR of A and B and logic function to
calculate carry C is AND of A and B. Combining these two, the logical
circuit to implement the combinational circuit of Hal f Adder is shown
Limitation of Half Adder -
Half adders have no scope of adding the carry bit resulting from the
addition of previous bits. This is a major drawback of half adders.
This is because real time scenarios involve adding the multiple num ber
of bits which can not be accomplished using half adders.
2.5.2 Design Full Adder
Full Adder -
Full Adder is a combinational logic circuit.
It is used for the purpose of adding two single bit numbers with a
Thus, full adder has the ability to pe rform the addition of three bits.
Full adder contains 3 inputs and 2 outputs (sum and carry) as shown
Step 1 : Identify the input and output variables -
Input variables = A, B, C in(either 0 or 1)
Output variables = S, C out(where S = Sum and C out=Carry out)
Step 2 : Truth table for the full adder:
Inputs Outputs
A B Cin S C
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
Page 39
391 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1
Draw K -maps using the above truth table and determine the
simplified Boolean expre ssions -
Step-04:Draw the logic diagram.
The implementation of full adder using 1 XOR gate, 3 AND gates and 1
OR gate is as given
2.5.3 Design Full adder using two half adder.
The full adder can be constructed using two half adder. As shown
inthe figure
Page 40
Figure a: Block diagram of full adder using two half adder
Figure b: Circuit diagram of full adder using two half adder
The proof of how the two half adder is working as full adder for output
sum and carry.
2.5.4 Ripple Carry Ad der
Ripple Carry Adder is a combinational logic circuit.
It is used for the purpose of adding two n -bit binary numbers.
It requires n full adders in its circuit for adding two n -bit binary
It is also known as n-bit parallel adder .
4-bit Ripple Carry Adder -
4-bit ripple carry adder is used for the purpose of adding two 4 -bit
binary numbers.
In Mathematics, any two 4 -bit binary numbers A 3A2A1A0and
B3B2B1B0are added as shown below
Page 41
Using ripple carry adder, this addition is carried out as show nb yt h e
following logic diagram -
As shown -
Ripple Carry Adder works in different stages.
Each full adder takes the carry -in as input and produces carry -out and
sum bit as output.
The carry -out produced by a full adder serves as carry -in for its
adjacent most significant full adder.
When carry -in becomes available to the full adder, it activates the full
After full adder becomes activated, it comes into operation.
Working Of 4 -bit Ripple Carry Adder -
The two 4 -bit numbers are 0101 (A 3A2A1A0)and 1010 (B 3B2B1B0).
These numbers are to be added using a 4 -bit ripple carry adder.
4-bit Ripple Carry Adder carries out the addition as explained in the
following stages
Page 42
42Stage -01:
When C inis fed as input to the full Adder A, it activates the full
adder A.
Then at full adder A, A 0=1 ,B0=0 ,Cin=0 .
Full adder A computes the sum bit and carry bit as -
Calculation of S0 –
S0 = A0 ⊕B0⊕Cin
S0 = 1 ⊕0⊕0
S0 = 1
Calculation of C0 –
C0 = A0B0 ⊕B0Cin ⊕CinA0
C0 = 1.0⊕0.0⊕0.1
C0 = 0⊕0⊕0
C0 = 0
Stage -02:
When C 0is fed as input to the full adder B, it activates the full
adder B.
Then at full adder B, A 1=0 ,B1=1 ,C0=0 .
Full adder B computes the sum bit and carry bit as -
Calculation of S1 –
S1 = A1 ⊕B1⊕C0
S1 = 0 ⊕1⊕0
S1 = 1
Calculation of C1 –
C1 = A1B1 ⊕B1C0 ⊕C0A1
C1 = 0.1⊕1.0⊕0.0
C1 = 0⊕0⊕0
C1 = 0
Stage -03:
When C 1is fed as input to the full adder C, it activates the full
adder C.
Then at full adder C, A2=1 ,B2=0 ,C 1=0 .
Full adder C computes the sum bit and carry bit as -
Calculation of S2 –
S2 = A2 ⊕B2⊕C1
S2 = 1⊕0⊕0
S2 =
Page 43
43Calculation of C2 –
C2 = A2B2 ⊕B2C1 ⊕C1A2
C2 = 1.0⊕0.0⊕0.1
C2 = 0⊕0⊕0
C2 = 0
Stage -04:
When C 2is fed as input to the full adder D, it activates the full
adder D.
Then at full adder D, A 3=0 ,B3=1 ,C2=0 .
Full adder D computes the sum bit and carry bit as -
Calculation of S 3–
S3 = A3 ⊕B3⊕C2
S3 = 0 ⊕1⊕0
S3 = 1
Calculation of C3 –
C3 = A3B3 ⊕B3C2 ⊕C2A3
C3 = 0.1⊕1.0⊕0.0
C3 = 0⊕0⊕0
C3 = 0
Thus finally,
Output Sum = S3S2S1S0=1 1 1 1
Output Carry = C 3=0
Disadvantages of Ripple Carry Adder -
Ripple Carry Adder does not allow to use all the full adders
Each full adder has to necessarily wait until the carry bit becomes
available from its adjacent full adder.
This increases the propagation time.
Due to this reason, ripple carry adder becomes extre mely slow.
This is considered to be the biggest disadvantage of using ripple carry
2.5.5 Tristate Buffer
Before we talk about tri -state buffers, let’s talk about an inverter.
You can read about inverters in the notes about Logic Gates .H o w e v e r ,
we’ll repeat it here for completeness. An inverter is called a NOT gate,
and it looks
Page 44
The inverter is a triangle, followed by a circle/bubble. That circle
sometimes appears by itself, and means negation. What if we remove the
circle? Wh at kind of gate would we have? We’d have a buffer
You might think that a buffer is useless. After all, the output is
exactly the same as the input. What’s the point of such a gate? The answer
is a practical issue from real circuits. As you may know, log ic gates
process 0’s and 1’s. 0’s and1’s are really electric current at certain
voltages. If there isn’t enough current, it’s hard to measure the voltage.
The current can decrease if the fan out is large. Here’s an example:
The "fan out" is the number o f devices that an output is attached to.
Thus, the AND gate above is attached to the inputs of four other devices.
It has a fan out of 4.If the current coming out of the AND gate is i, then
assuming each of the four devices gets equal current, then each de vice gets
i / 4 of the current. However, if we put in a buffer:
Then the current can be "boosted" back to the original strength.
Thus, a buffer (like all logic gates) is an active device. It requires
additional inputs to power the gate, and provide it v oltage and current.
You might wonder "Do I really need to know this? Isn’t this just EE
stuff?" That’s true, it is. The point of the discussion was to motivate the
existence of a plain buffer. Tri -state buffer: It’s a Valve A buffer’s output
is defined
Page 45
45z = x. Thus, if the input, x is 0, the output, z is 0. If the input, x is
1, the output, z is 1. It’s a common misconception to think that 0 is
nothing, while 1 is something. In both cases, they’re something. If you
read the discussion in What’s a Wire, y ou’ll see that a wire either
transmits a 0, a 1, or "Z", which is really what’s nothing. It’s useful to
think of a wire as a pipe and 0 as "red kool aid" and 1 as "green kool aid"
and "Z" as "no kool aid". A tri -state buffer is a useful device that allows us
to control when current passes through the device, and when it doesn’t.
Here are two diagrams of the tri -state buffer.
At r i-state buffer has two inputs: a data input x and a control input
c. The control input acts like a valve. When the control inpu t is active, the
output is the input. That is, it behaves just like a normal buffer. The
"valve" is open. When the control input is not active, the output is "Z".
The "valve" is open, and no electrical current flows through. Thus, even if
x is 0 or 1, that value does not flow through. Here’s a truth table
describing the behavior of a active -high tri -state buffer.
In this case, when the output is Z, that means it’s high impedance,
neither 0, nor 1, i.e., no current. As usual, the condensed truth table is
more enlightening.
As you can see, when c = 1 the valve is open, and z = x. When c =
0 the valve is closed, and z = Z (e.g., high impedance/no current).Active -
low tri -state buffers Some tri -state buffers are active low. In an active
Page 46
46tri-state buffer , c = 0 turns open the valve, while c = 1turns it off. Here’s
the condensed truth table for an active -low tri -state buffer.
As you can see, when c = 0 the valve is open, and z = x. When c =
1 the valve is closed, and z = Z (e.g., high impedance/no curren t). Thus, it
has the opposite behavior of a tri -state buffer.
Why Tri -State Buffers?
We’ve had a long discussion about what a tri -state buffer is, but
not about what such a device is good for. Acommon way for many devices
to communicate with one another i s on a bus, andthat a bus should only
have one device writing to it, although it can have many devices reading
from it. Since many devices always produce output (such as registers) and
these devices are hooked to a bus, we need away to control what gets on
the bus, and what doesn’t. A tri state buffer is good for that. Here’s an
2.5.6 Fan In and Fan Out
Fan In and Fan Out are the characteristics of digital IC. Digital
IC’s are complete functional network.
Fan in:
The term fan in is defined as maximum number of inputs that a
logic gate can accept. If number of input exceeds, the output will be
undefined or incorrect. It is specified by manufacturer and is provided in
the data sheet. e.g. for 2 input OR gate fan in = 2
The fan out ter m is defined as the maximum number of inputs
(load) that can be connected to the output of a gate without degrading the
normal operation. Fan Out is calculated from the amount of current
available in the output of a gate and the amount of current needed in each
input of the connecting gate. It is specified maximum load may cause a
malfunction because the circuit will not be able to supply the demand
Page 47
47ForEg:If output of an X -OR gate is connected to 3 other external
gate without degrading output perfo rmance of the IC then Fan Out =3.
Multiplexer means many to one. A multiplexer (MUX) is a
combinational circuit which is often used when the information from
many sources must be transmitted over long distances and it is less
expensive to multiplex data onto a single wire for transmission.
Multiplexer can be considered as multi -position or rotary switch as
shown in fig. 1. There are n –inputs and one output. The switch position is
controlled by the selector lines. The select inputs decid e which input is
connected to the output.
Figure 1 : Multiplexer as multi -position or rotary switch
The basic operation of multiplexer is controlled by a selector lines
that routes one of many input signals to the output. Fig.1 shows the logic
symbol of general symbol of multiplexer.
Multiplexer are also called as DATA Selector or router because it
accepts several data inputs and allows only one of them to get through to
the output at a time. The basic multiplexer has n input lines and single
output l ine. It also has m –select or control lines. The relation between
number of select lines and number of data inputs are
Page 48
48As multiplexer selects one out of many, it is often called as 2mto 1
line converter.
Types of Multiplexer
Figure -3(a) : Logic symbols of 2 to 1 and 4 to 1 multiplexers
Figure -3(b) : Logic symbols of 8 to 1 and 16 to 1 multiplexers
Similarly we can extend the idea to 8 to 1 multiplexer and 16 to 1
multiplexer as shown in Fig. 3(b). For example 8 to 1 multiplexer with 8
inputs namely D0, D1,… D7, 3 select line S2, S1, So arethe select line
and Y as the single output. Similarly, the 16 to 1 multiplexer has 16 inputs
D0, D1, … D15 , 4 select input S3,S2, S1 and S0 and Y as the output.
De-multiplexer has a si ngle input and n output lines. De -
multiplexer can be visualized as reverse multi -position switch. The select
lines permit input data from single line to be switched to any one of the
many output lines as shown in fig.
Fig : Multi -position switch as De
Page 49
49Thus the de -multiplexer takes one data input source and selectively
distributes it to 1 of N output channels just like multi -position switch. It
also has ‘ m’select lines for selecting the desired output for the input data
as shown in fig. The m athematical relation between select lines and ‘ n’
output are:
Figure: Logic symbol of basic de -multiplexer
As a de -multiplexer takes data from one input line and distributes
over a 2m output line, hence it is often referred to as 1 to 2mline
converter . There are four basic types de -multiplexers: 1 to
2demultiplexer, 1 to 4 de -multiplexer, 1 to 8 de -multiplexer and 1 to 16
de-multiplexer as shown in fig. . Number of select lines decides this
Fig : Types of Demux
In digital electronics, a decoder can take the form of a multiple -
input, multiple -output logic circuit that converts coded inputs into coded
outputs, where the input and output codes are different e.g. n -to-2n,
binary -coded decimal decoders. Decoding is necessary in applications
such as data multiplexing, 7 segment display and memory
Page 50
50decoding. The example decoder circuit would be an AND gate because the
output of an AND gate is "High" (1) only when all its inputs are "High."
Such output is cal led as "active High output". If instead of AND gate, the
NAND gate is connected the output will be "Low" (0) only when all its
inputs are "High". Such output is called as "active low output". A slightly
more complex decoder would be the n -to-2n type binary decoders. These
types of decoders are combinational circuits that convert binary
information from 'n' coded inputs to a maximum of 2nunique outputs. In
case the 'n' bit coded information has unused bit combinations, the decoder
may have less than 2noutputs. 2 -to-4d e c o d e r ,3 -to-8d e c o d e ro r4 -to-16
decoder are other examples. The input to a decoder is parallel binary
number and it is used to detect the presence of a particular binary number
at the input. The output indicates presence or absence of specif ic number
at the decoder input.
Let us suppose that a logic network has 2 inputs S1 and S0. They
will give rise to 4 states S1, S1’, S0, S0’. The truth table for this decoder is
shown below:
Page 51
51For any input combination only one of the outputs is low and all
others are high. The low value at the output represents the state of the
Decoder expansion
We can c ombine two or more small decoders with enable inputs to
form a larger decoder e.g. 3 -to-8-line decoder constructed from two 2 -to-
4-line decod ers. Decoder with enable input can function as de -multiplexer.
It uses all AND gates, and therefore, the outputs are active -high.
For active -low outputs, NAND gates are used. It has 3 input lines and 8
output lines. It is also called as binary to octal decoder it takes a 3 -bit
binary input code and activates one of the 8(octal) outputs corresponding
to that code. The truth table is as follows:
Page 52
An encoder is a device, circuit, transducer, software program,
algorithm or person that converts information from one format or code to
another. The purpose of encoder is standardization, speed, secrecy,
security, or saving space by shrinking size. Encoders are combinational
logic circuits and they are exactly opposite of decoder s. They accept one
or more inputs and generate a multi bit output code.
Encoders perform exactly reverse operation than decoder. An
encoder has M input and N output lines. Out of M input lines only one is
activated at a time and produces equivalent code on output N lines. If a
device output code has fewer bits than the input code has, the device is
usually called an encoder.
Octal to binary encoder
Octal -to-Binary take 8 inputs and provides 3 outputs, thus doing
the opposite of what the 3 -to-8d e c o d e rd o es. At any one time, only one
input line has a value of 1. The figure below shows the truth table of an
Octal -to-binary encoder.
Page 53
Sequential circuit
A Sequential digital logic circuit is different from combinational
logic c ircuits. In sequential circuit the output of the logic device is not
only dependent on the present inputs to the device, but also on past inputs.
In other words output of a sequential logic circuit depends on present input
as well as present state of the c ircuit. So the sequential circuits have
memory devices in order to store the past outputs. In fact sequential digital
logic circuits are nothing but combinational circuit with memory. These
types of digital logic circuits are designed using finite state ma chine.
Block diagram of sequential circuit
Flip flop is a sequential circuit which generally samples its inputs
and changes its outputs only at particular instants of time and not
continuously. Flip flop is said to be edge sensitive o r edge triggered rather
than being level triggered like latches.
2.12.1 S-R Flip Flop
It is basically S -R latch using NAND gates with an additional
enable input. It is also called as level triggered SR -FF. For this, circuit in
output will take place if an d only if the enable input (E) is made active. In
short this circuit will operate as an S -R latch if E = 1 but there is no
change in the output if E =
Page 54
54Block Diagram
Circuit Diagram
Truth Table
Page 55
552.12.2 Master Slave JK Flip Flop
Master slave JK FF is a cascade of two S -R FF with feedback
from the output of second to input of first. Master is a positive level
triggered. But due to the presence of the inverter in the clock line, the
slave will respond to the negative level. Hence when the clock = 1
(positive level) the master is active and the slave is inactive. Whereas
when clock = 0 (low level) the slave is active and master is inactive.
Truth Table
Circuit Diagram
S.N. Condition Operation
1J=K=0( N o
change)When clock = 0, the slave becomes active and
master is inactive. But since the S and R inputs
have not changed, the slave outputs will also
remain unchanged. Therefore outputs will not
change if J = K =0.
2J=0a n dK=1
(Reset)Clock = 1 −Master active, slave inactiv e.
Therefore outputs of the master become Q 1=0
and Q 1bar = 1. That means S = 0 and R =1.
Clock = 0 −Slave active, master inactive.
Therefore outputs of the slave become Q = 0 and
Qb a r=1 .
Again clock = 1 −Master active, slave inactive.
Therefore eve n with the changed outputs Q = 0
and Q bar = 1 fed back to master, its output will
be Q1 = 0 and Q1 bar = 1. That means S = 0
Page 56
56R=1 .
Hence with clock = 0 and slave becoming active
the outputs of slave will remain Q = 0 and Q bar
= 1. Thus we get a stab le output from the Master
3J=1a n dK=0
(Set)Clock = 1 −Master active, slave inactive.
Therefore outputs of the master become Q 1=1
and Q 1bar = 0. That means S = 1 and R =0.
Clock = 0 −Slave active, master inactive.
Therefore outputs of the slave become Q = 1 and
Qb a r=0 .
Again clock = 1 −then it can be shown that the
outputs of the slave are stabilized to Q = 1 and Q
bar = 0.
4 J = K = 1 (Toggle)Clock = 1 −Master active, slave inactive.
Outputs of master will toggle. So S and R also
will be inverted.
Clock = 0 −Slave active, master inactive.
Outputs of slave will toggle.
These changed output are returned back to the
master inputs. But since clock = 0, the master is
still inactive. So it does not respond to these
changed outputs. This avoids the multiple
toggling which leads to the race around
conditi on. The master slave flip flop will avoid
the race around condition.
2.12.3 Delay Flip Flop / D Flip Flop
Delay Flip Flop or D Flip Flop is the simple gated S -R latch with a
NAND inverter connected between S and R inputs. It has only one input.
The inpu t data is appearing at the output after some time. Due to this data
delay between i/p and o/p, it is called delay flip flop. S and R will be the
complements of each other due to NAND inverter. Hence S = R = 0 or S =
R = 1, these input condition will never appear. This problem is avoid edby
SR = 00 and SR = 1 conditions.
Block Diagra m
Page 57
57Circuit Diagram
Truth Table
S.N. Condition Operation
1 E=0 Latch is disabled. Hence no change in output.
2E=1a n dD
=0If E = 1 and D = 0 then S = 0 an dR=1 .H e n c e
irrespective of the present state, the next state is Q n+1
=0a n dQ n+1bar = 1. This is the reset condition.
3E=1a n dD
=1If E = 1 and D = 1, then S = 1 and R = 0. This will set
the latch and Q n+1=1a n dQ n+1bar = 0 irrespective of
the present state.
2.12.4 Toggle Flip Flop / T Flip Flop
Toggle flip flop is basically a JK flip flop with J and K terminals
permanently connected together. It has only input denoted by Tas shown
in the Symbol Diagram. The symbol for positive edge trig gered T flip flop
is shown in the Block Diagram.
Symbol Diagram
Page 58
58Block Diagram
Truth Table
S.N. Condition Operation
1T=0 ,J=K
=0The output Q and Q bar won't change
2T=1 ,J=K
=1Output will toggle corresponding to every leadin g
edge of clock signal.
State table:
State diagrams are used to give an abstract description of the
behavior of a system. This behavior is analyzed and represented by a
series of events that can occur in one or more possible states. Hereby
"each diagram usually represents objects of a single class and tracks the
different states of its objects through the system.
Fundamental to the synthesis of sequential circuits is the concept
of internal states. At the start of a design the total number of states
required is determined. This is achieved by drawing a state diagram,
which shows the internal states and the transitions between them.
State diagram representation:
All states are stable (steady) and transitions from one state to
another are caused by input (or clock) pulses. Each internal state is
represented in the state diagram by a circle containing an arbitrary number
or letter ; transitions are shown by arrows labeled with the particular input
causing the change of state. In the case of pulse outputs the transition
arrows are also labeled with the output associated with the input pulse.
This will be made clear by examples given below.
As a simple example, consider a basic counter circuit that is driven
by clock pul ses (x) and counts in the following decimal sequence:
Page 59
59It follows that there are four unique states yielding the following
state diagram:
The corresponding state table is derived directly from the above:
It follows that since there are 4 unique states then two flip -flops are
required in the design. Each flip -flop output can take on the value 0 or 1,
giving four possible combinations. It should be pointed out at the outset
that once the state diagram and corresponding sta te table are derived from
the given specification, the design procedure that follows is relatively
State Diagrams and State Table Examples
In a circuit having input pulses x1andx2the output z is said to be a
pulse occurring wit h the first x2pulse immediately following an x1pulse.
State Table: Alternatively:
Page 60
60Example state table and state diagram for SR flip flop
Page 61
Thus, we have studied basic concepts of logic gates, truth table and
logic circuits functions and categories of combinational circuit and
Sequential circuit, K -map and minimization of k -map. Also you learned
what is multiplexer and demultiplexer as well.
Carl Hamacher et al., Computer Org anization and Embedded
Systems, 6 ed., McGraw -Hill 2012
Patterson and Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design,
Morgan Kaufmann, ARM Edition, 2011
R P Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill Education
Pvt. Ltd. , 4th Edition, 2010
1)Explain the concept of universal gate.
2)Design and explain full adder circuit
3)Compare multiplexer and De -multiplexer
4)Draw the circuit for half -adder using k -map reduction technique.
5)Explain tristate buffer.
Page 62
Unit Structure
3.0 Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Memory Locations and Addresses
3.2.1 Byte Addressability
3.2.2 Big -Endian and Little -Endian Assignments
3.2.3 Word Alignment
3.3 Memory Operations
3.4 Instructions and Instruction Sequencing
3.4.1 Register Transfer Notation
3.4.2 Assembly -Language Notation
3.4.3 RISC and CISC Instruction Sets
3.4.4 Introduction to RISC Instruction Sets
3.4.5 Instruction Execution and Straight -Line Sequencing
3.4.6 Branching
3.4.7 Generating Memory A ddresses
3.5 Addressing Modes
3.5.1 Implementation of Variables and Constants
3.5.2 Indirection and Pointers
3.5.3 Indexing and Arrays
3.6 Assembly Language
3.6.1 Assembler Directives
3.7 Stacks
3.8 Subroutines
3.8.1 Subroutine Nesting and the Processor St ack
3.8.2 Parameter Passing
3.8.3 The Stack Frame
3.9 Types of machine instruction
3.9.1 Logical Instruction
3.9.2 Shift and Rotate
3.9.3 Multiplication and Division
3.10 CISC Instruction Set
3.10.1 Additional Addressing Modes
3.10.2 Relative Mode
3.11 CIS Ca n dR I S CS t y l e
Page 63
633.12 Let us Sum up
3.13 List of References
3.14 Unit End Exercises
In this chapter you will learn about:
Machine instructions and program execution
Addressing methods for accessing register and memory operands
Assembly language for representing machine instructions, data,
and programs
Stacks and subroutines
Programs and the data that processor operate are held in the main
memory of the computer during execution, and the data with high storage
requirem ent is stored in the secondary memories such as floppy disk, etc.
In this chapter, we discuss how this vital part of the computer operates.
The dominant architecture in the PC market, was the Intel IA -32,
belongs to the complex instruction set computing (CISC) design. The
CISC instruction set architecture is too complex in nature and developers
develop it very complex so to use with higher level languages which
supports complex data structures
For variety of reasons, in the early 1980’s designers started looking
at simple Instruction set architectures, as these ISAs tend to produce
instruction sets with less number of instructions known as Reduced
Instruction Set Computer(RISC)
The memory consists of many millions of st orage cells ,e a c ho f
which can store a bitof information having the value 0 or 1. Because a
single bit represents a very small amount of information, bits are seldom
handled individually. The usual approach is to deal with them in groups of
fixed size. Fo r this purpose, the memory is organized so that a group of n
bits can be stored or retrieved in a single, basic operation. Each group of n
bits is referred to as a word of information, and nis called the word length .
The memory of a computer can be schema tically represented as a
collection of words, as shown in Figure
Page 64
Fig 3.1 Memory words
Modern computers have word lengths that typically range from 16
to 64 bits. If the word length of a computer is 32 bits, a single word can
store a 32 -bit signed number or four ASCII -encoded characters, each
occupying 8 bits, as shown in Figure 3.2. A unit of 8 bits is called a byte.
Machine instructions may require one or more words for their
representation. We will discuss how machine instructions are encoded int o
memory words in a later section, after we have described instructions at
the assembly -language level.
Fig 3.2 Examples of encoded information in a 32 -bit word
Accessing the memory to store or retrieve a single item of
information, either a word or a byte, requires distinct names or
Page 65
65for each location. It is customary to use numbers from 0 to 2 k−1, for
some suitable value of k, as the addresses of successive locations in the
memory. Thus, the memory can have up to 2 kaddressable locations. T he
2kaddresses constitute the address space of the computer.
For example, a 24 -bit address generates an address space of 224
(16,777,216) locations. This number is usually written as 16M (16 mega),
where 1M is the number 220(1,048,576). A 32 -bit addres s creates an
address space of 232or 4G (4 giga) locations, where 1G is 230. Other
notational conventions that are commonly used are K (kilo) for the
number 210(1,024), and T (tera) for thenumber 212.
3.2.1 Byte Addressability
There are three basic info rmation quantities to deal with: bit, byte,
and word. A byte is always 8 bits, but the word length typically ranges
from 16 to 64 bits. It is impractical to assign distinct addresses to
individual bit locations in the memory. The most practical assignment is to
have successive addresses refer to successive byte locations in the
memory. This is the assignment used in most modern computers. The term
byte-addressable memory is used for this assignment. Byte locations have
addresses 0 ,1,2,.... Thus, if the word length of the machine is 32 bits,
successive words are located at addresses 0 ,4,8,..., with each word
consisting of four bytes.
3.2.2 Big -Endian and Little -Endian Assignments
There are two ways that byte addresses can be assigned across
words, as shown in Figure 3.3. The name big-endian is used when lower
byte addresses are used for the more significant bytes (the leftmost bytes)
of the word. The name little -endian is used for the opposite ordering,
where the lower byte addresses are used for t he less significant bytes (the
rightmost bytes) of the word.
The words “more significant” and “less significant” are used in
relation to the weights (powers of 2) assigned to bits when the word
represents a number. Both little -endian and big -endian assig nments are
used in commercial machines. In both cases, byte addresses 0 ,4,8,...
,are taken as the addresses of successive words in the memory of a
computer with a 32 -bit word length.
These are the addresses used when accessing the memory to store
orretrieve a word. In addition to specifying the address ordering of bytes
within a word, it is also necessary to specify the labeling of bits within a
byte or a word. The most common convention, and the one we will use in
this book, is shown in Figure 3.2a. It is the most natural ordering for the
encoding of numerical data. The same ordering is also used for labeling
bits within a byte, that is, b7,b6,...,b 0, from left to
Page 66
Fig 3.3 Byte and word addressing
3.2.3 Word Alignment
In the case of a3 2-bit word length, natural word boundaries occur
at addresses 0 ,4,8,..., as shown in Figure 3.3. We say that the word
locations have aligned addresses if they begin at a byte address that is a
multiple of the number of bytes in a word. For practica l reasons associated
with manipulating binary -coded addresses, the number of bytes in a word
is a power of 2. Hence, if the word length is 16 (2 bytes), aligned words
begin at byte addresses 0 ,2,4,..., and for a word length of 64 (23 bytes),
aligned w ords begin at byte addresses 0 ,8,16,..
Both program instructions and data operands are stored in the
memory. To execute an instruction, the processor control circuits must
cause the word (or words) containing the instruction to be transferred from
the memory to the processor. Operands and results must also be moved
between the memory and the processor. Thus, two basic operations
involving the memory are needed, namely, Read andWrite .
The Read operation transfers a copy of the contents of a specific
memory location to the processor. The memory contents remain
unchanged. To start a Read operation, the processor sends the address of
the desired location to the memory and requests that its contents be read.
The memory reads the dat a stored at that address and sends them to the
The Write operation transfers an item of information from the
processor to a specific memory location, overwriting the former contents
of that location. To initiate a Write operation, the processor sends the
address of the desired location to the memory, together with the data to be
written into that location. The memory then uses the address and data to
perform the
Page 67
The tasks carried out by a comp uter program consist of a sequence of
small steps, such as adding two numbers, testing for a particular condition,
reading a character from the keyboard, or sending a character to be
displayed on a display screen. A computer must have instructions capable
of performing four types of operations:
Data transfers between the memory and the processor registers
Arithmetic and logic operations on data
Program sequencing and control
I/O transfers
3.4.1 Register Transfer Notation
The transfer of information from one location in a computer to
another it is an possible locations that may be involved in such transfers
are memory locations, processor registers, or registers in the I/O
subsystem. Most of the time, we identify such locations symbolically with
convenient names.
For example, names that represent the addresses of memory
locations may be LOC, PLACE, A, or VAR2. Predefined names for the
processor registers may be R0 or R5. Registers in the I/O subsystem may
be identified by names such as DATAIN or UTSTATUS. To describe the
transfer of information, the contents of any location are denoted by placing
square brackets around its name. Thus, the expression means that the
contents of memory location LOC are transferred into processor register
As another exam ple, consider the operation that adds the contents
of registers R2 and R3, and places their sum into register R4. This action
is indicated as
This type of notation is known as Register Transfer Notation
(RTN). Note that the right hand side of an RTN expr ession always denotes
a value, and the left -hand side is the name of a location where the value is
to be placed, overwriting the old contents of that location.
In computer jargon, the words “transfer” and “move” are
commonly used to mean “copy.” Transferr ing data from a source location
A to a destination location B means that the contents of location A are
read and then written into location B. In this operation, only the contents
of the destination will change. The contents of the source will stay the
Page 68
683.4.2 Assembly -Language Notation
Another type of notation to represent machine instructions and
programs is the Assembly -language notation .
For example, a generic instruction that causes the transfer
described above, from memory location LOC to proce ssor register R2, is
specified by the statement
The contents of LOC are unchanged by the execution of this
instruction, but the old contentsof register R2 are overwritten. The name
Load is appropriate for this instruction, because the contents read from a
memory location are loaded into a processor register.
The second example of adding two numbers contained in processor
registers R2 and R3 and placing their sum in R4 can be specified by the
assembly -language statement
In this case, registers R2 and R3 hold the source operands, while
R4 is the destination.
Aninstruction specifies an operation to be performed and the
operands involved. In the above examples, we used the English words
Load and Add to denote the required operations. In the assembly -langu age
instructions of actual (commercial) processors, such operations are defined
by using mnemonics , which are typically abbreviations of the words
describing the operations.
For example, the operation Load may be written as LD, while the
operation Store, which transfers a word from a processor register to the
memory, may be written as STR or ST. Assembly languages for different
processors often use different mnemonics for a given operation. To avoid
the need for details of a particular assembly language a t this early stage,
we will continue the presentation in this chapter by using English words
rather than processor -specific mnemonics.
3.4.3 RISC and CISC Instruction Sets
One of the most important characteristics that distinguish different
computers is the nature of their instructions. There are two fundamentally
different approaches in the design of instruction sets for modern
computers. One popular approach is based on the premise that higher
performance can be achieved if each instruction occupies exa ctly one
word in memory, and all operands needed to execute a given arithmetic or
logic operation specified by an instruction are already in processor
registers. This approach is conducive to an implementation of the
processing unit in which the various op erations needed to process a
sequence of instructions are performed in “pipelined” fashion to overlap
activity and reduce total execution time of a
Page 69
69The restriction that each instruction must fit into a single word
reduces the complexity and the n umber of different types of instructions
that may be included in the instruction set of a computer. Such computers
are called Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC). An alternative to
the RISC approach is to make use of more complex instructions which
may span more than one word of memory, and which may specify more
complicated operations.
This approach was prevalent prior to the introduction of the RISC
approach in the 1970s. Although the use of complex instructions was not
originally identified by any particular label, computers based on this idea
have been subsequently called Complex Instruction Set Computers
3.4.4 Introduction to RISC Instruction Sets
Two key characteristics of RISC instruction sets are:
Each instruction fits in a single wo rd.
Aload/store architecture is used, in which
–Memory operands are accessed only using Load and Store
–All operands involved in an arithmetic or logic operation must
either be in processor registers, or one of the operands may be
given ex plicitly within the instruction word.
At the start of execution of a program, all instructions and data
used in the program are stored in the memory of a computer. Processor
registers do not contain valid operands at that time. If operands are
expected to be in processor registers before they can be used by an
instruction, then it is necessary to first bring these operands into the
registers. This task is done by Load instructions which copy the contents
of a memory location into a processor register. Load instructions are of the
or more specifically
The memory location can be specified in several ways. The term
addressing modes is used to refer to the different ways in which this may
be accomplished. Let us now consider a typical arithmetic oper ation. The
operation of adding two numbers is a fundamental capability in any
computer. The statement in a high -level language program instructs the
computer to add the current values of the two variables called A and B,
and to assign the sum to a third va riable, C.
Page 70
70When the program containing this statement is compiled, the three
variables, A, B, and C, are assigned to distinct locations in the memory.
For simplicity, we will refer to the addresses of these locations as A, B,
and C, respectively. The co ntents of these locations represent the values of
the three variables.
Hence, the above high -level language statement requires the action
to take place in the computer. To carry out this action, the contents of
memory locations A and B are fetched fro m the memory and transferred
into the processor where their sum is computed. This result is then sent
back to the memory and stored in location C.
The required action can be accomplished by a sequence of simple
machine instructions. We choose to use regis ters R2, R3, and R4 to
perform the task with four instructions:
It Add is a three -operand ,o ra three -address , instruction of the
The Store instruction is of the form
where the source is a processor register and the destination is a memory
location. Observe that in the Store instruction the source and destination
are specified in the reverse order from the Load instruction; this is a
commonly used convention.
Note that we can accomplish the desired addition by using only
two registers, R2 and R3, if one of the source registers is also used as the
destination for the result. In this case the addition would be performed as
3.4.5 Instruction Execution and Straight -Line Sequencing
In the preceding subsection, we used the task C = A + B,
implem ented as C ←[A] + [B], as an example. Figure 3.4 shows a possible
program segment for this task as it appears in the memory of a computer.
We assume that the word length is 32 bits and the memory is byte -
addressable. The four instructions of the program are in succes sive word
locations, starting at location i. Since each instruction is 4 bytes long, the
second, third, and fourth instructions are at addresses i+4 , i+8 ,a n d
Page 71
7112. For simplicity, we assume that a desired memory address can be
directly specified in Load and Store instructions, although this is not
possible if a full 32 -bit address is involved.
Ap r o g r a mf o r C←[A] + [B]
Let us consider how this program is executed. The processor
contains a register called the program counter (PC), which holds the
address of the next instruction to be executed. To begin executing a
program, the address of its first instruction (iin our example) must be
placed into the PC.
Then, the processor control circuits use the information in the PC
to fetch and execute instructions, one at a time, in the order of increasing
addresses. This is called straight -line sequencing . During the execution of
each instruction, the PC is incremented by 4 to point to the next
Thus, after the Store instruction at location i+ 12 is executed, the
PC contains the value i+ 16, which is the address of the first instruction of
the next prog ram segment. Executing a given instruction is a two -phase
procedure. In the first phase, called instruction fetch , the instruction is
fetched from the memory location whose address is in the PC.
This instruction is placed in the instruction register (IR) in the
processor. At the start of the second phase, called instruction execute ,t h e
instruction in IR is examined to determine which operation is to be
performed. The specified operation is then performed by the
Page 72
72This involves a small number o f steps such as fetching operands
from the memory or from processor registers, performing an arithmetic or
logic operation, and storing the result in the destination location. At some
point during this two -phase procedure, the contents of the PC are
advanc ed to point to the next instruction. When the execute phase of an
instruction is completed, the PC contains the address of the next
instruction, and a new instruction fetch phase can begin.
3.4.6 Branching
Consider the task of adding a list of nnumbers .T h ep r o g r a m
outlined in Figure 3.5 is a generalization of the program in Figure 3.4. The
addresses of the memory locations containing the nnumbers are
symbolically given as NUM1, NUM2 ,..., NUM n, and separate Load and
Add instructions are used to add each number to the contents of register
R2. After all the numbers have been added, the result is placed in memory
location SUM.
Instead of using a long list of Load and Add instructions, as in
Figure 3.5, it is possible to implement a program loop in whic ht h e
instructions read the next number in the list and add it to the current sum.
To add all numbers, the loop has to be executed as many times as there are
numbers in the list. Figure 3.6 shows the structure of the desired program.
The body of the loop i s a straight -line sequence of instructions executed
repeatedly. It starts at location LOOP and ends at the instruction
Branch_if_[R2] >0. During each pass through this loop, the address of the
next list entry is determined, and that entry is loaded into R5 and added to
R3. The address of an operand can be specified in various ways, as will be
described in Section 2.4. For now, we concentrate on how to create and
control a program loop.
Assume that the number of entries in the list, n, is stored in
memory l ocation N, as shown. Register R2 is used as a counter to
determine the number of times the loop is executed. Hence, the contents of
location N are loaded into register R2 at the beginning of the program.
Then, within the body of the loop, the instructi on reduces the
contents of R2 by 1 each time through the loop. (We will explain the
significance of the number sign ‘#’ in Section 3.4.1.) Execution of the
loop is repeated as long as the contents of R2 are greater than
Page 73
fig.3.5 A program for oddi ng n numbers
We now introduce branch instructions. This type of instruction
loads a new address into the program counter. As a result, the processor
fetches and executes the instruction at this new address, called the branch
target , instead of the instruc tion at the location that follows the branch
instruction in sequential address order. A conditional branch instruction
causes a branch only if a specified condition is satisfied. If the condition is
not satisfied, the PC is incremented in the normal way, a nd the next
instruction in sequential address order is fetched and executed.
In the program in Figure 3.6, the instruction is a conditional branch
instruction that causes a branch to location LOOP if the contents of
register R2 are greater than zero. This means that the loop is repeated as
long as there are entries in the list that are yet to be added to R3. At the
end of the nth pass through the loop, the Subtract instruction produces a
value of zero in R2, and, hence, branching does not occur. Instea d, the
Store instruction is fetched and executed. It moves the final result from R3
into memory location
Page 74
Fig. 3.6 Using a loop to odd n numbers
The capability to test conditions and subsequently choose one of a
set of alternative ways to continue computation has many more
applications than just loop control. Such a capability is found in the
instruction sets of all computers and is fundamental to the programming of
most nontrivial tasks.
One way of implementing conditional branch instructions is t o
compare the contents of two registers and then branch to the target
instruction if the comparison meets the specified requirement. For
example, the instruction that implements the action
It compares the contents of registers R4 and R5, without changin g
the contents of either register. Then, it causes a branch to LOOPif the
contents of R4 are greater than the contents of R5.
3.4.7 Generating Memory Addresses
The purpose of the instruction block starting at LOOP is to add
successive numbers from the li st during each pass through the loop.
Hence, the Load instruction in that block must refer to a different
Page 75
75during each pass. How are the addresses specified? The memory operand
address cannot be given directly in a single Load instruction in the loo p.
Otherwise, it would need to be modified on each pass through the loop. As
one possibility, suppose that a processor register, R i, is used to hold the
memory address of an operand. If it is initially loaded with the address
NUM1 before the loop is entere d and is then incremented by 4 on each
pass through the loop, it can provide the needed capability.
This situation, and many others like it, give rise to the need for
flexible ways to specify the address of an operand. The instruction set of a
computer ty pically provides a number of such methods, called addressing
modes . While the details differ from one computer to another, the
underlying concepts are the same.
In general, a program operates on data that reside in the computer’s
mem ory. These data can be organized in a variety of ways that reflect the
nature of the information and how it is used. Programmers use data
structures such as lists and arrays for organizing the data used in
Programs are normally written in a high-level language, which
enables the programmer to conveniently describe the operations to be
performed on various data structures. When translating a high -level
language program into assembly language, the compiler generates
appropriate sequences of low -level instructions that implement the desired
operations. The different ways for specifying the locations of instruction
operands are known as addressing modes .
Table 3.1 RISC type addressing
In this section we present the basic addressing modes found in
RISC -style processors. A summary is provided in Table 3.1, which also
includes the assembler syntax we will use for each
Page 76
763.5.1 Implementation of Variables and Constants
Variables are found in almost every computer program. In
assembly l anguage, a variable is represented by allocating a register or a
memory location to hold its value. This value can be changed as needed
using appropriate instructions. The program in Figure 3.5 uses only two
addressing modes to access variables. We access an operand by specifying
the name of the register or the address of the memory location where the
operand is located. The precise definitions of these two modes are:
Register mode —The operand is the contents of a processor register; the
name of the regist er is given in the instruction.
Absolute mode —The operand is in a memory location; the address of this
location is given explicitly in the instruction.
The instruction
Add R4, R2, R3
uses the Register mode for all three operands. Registers R2 and R3 hol d
the two source operands, while R4 is the destination. The Absolute mode
can represent global variables in a program. A declaration such as
Integer NUM1, NUM2, SUM;
in a high -level language program will cause the compiler to allocate a
memory location to each of the variables NUM1, NUM2, and SUM.
Whenever they are referenced later in the program, the compiler can
generate assembly -language instructions that use the Absolute mode to
access these variables.
The Absolute mode is used in the instruction
Load R2, NUM1
which loads the value in the memory location NUM1 into register R2.
Constants representing data or addresses are also found in almost every
computer program. Such constants can be represented in assembly
language using the Immediate addressing m ode.
Immediate mode —The operand is given explicitly in the instruction.
For example, the instruction
Add R4, R6, 200 immediate
adds the value 200 to the contents of register R6, and places the result into
register R4. Using a subscript to denote the Imme diate mode is not
appropriate in assembly languages. A common convention is to use the
number sign (#) in front of the value to indicate that this value is to be
used as an immediate operand. Hence, we write the instruction above in
the form
Add R4, R6, #2
Page 77
77In the addressing modes that follow, the instruction does not give the
operand or its address explicitly. Instead, it provides information from
which an effective address (EA) can be derived by the processor when the
instruction is executed. The effect ive address is then used to access the
3.5.2 Indirection and Pointers
The program in Figure 3.6 requires a capability for modifying the
address of the memory operand during each pass through the loop. A good
way to provide this capability is to use a processor register to hold the
address of the operand. The contents of the register are then changed
(incremented) during each pass to provide the address of the next number
in the list that has to be accessed. The register acts as a pointer to the l ist,
and we say that an item in the list is accessed indirectly by using the
address in the register. The desired capability is provided by the indirect
addressing mode.
Indirect mode —The effective address of the operand is the contents of a
register tha t is specified in the instruction.
Fig 3.7 Register indirect addressing
To execute the Load instruction in Figure 3.7, the processor uses
the value B, which is in register R5, as the effective address of the
operand. It requests a Read operation to fetc h the contents of location B in
the memory. The value from the memory is the desired operand, which the
processor loads into register R2. Indirect addressing through a memory
location is also possible, but it is found only in CISC -style processors.
Let us now return to the program in Figure 3.6 for adding a list of
numbers. Indirect addressing can be used to access successive numbers in
the list, resulting in the program shown in Figure 3.8. Register R4 is used
as a pointer to the numbers in the list, and the operands are accessed
indirectly through R4. The initialization section of the program loads the
counter value nfrom memory location N into R2.
Then, it uses the Clear instruction to clear R3 to 0. The next
instruction uses the Immediate addressing mode to place the address value
NUM1, which is the address of the first number in the list, into R4.
Observe that we cannot use the Load instruction to load the
Page 78
78immediate value, because the Load instruction can operate only on
memory source operand s. Instead, we use the Move instruction
Move R4, #NUM1
Fig. 3.8 Use of indirect addressing in the program of Fig 3.6
In many RISC -type processors, one general -purpose register is
dedicated to holding a constant value zero. Usually, this is register R0. Its
contents cannot be changed by a program instruction. We will assume that
R0 is used in this manner in our discussion of RISC -style processors.
Then, the above Move instruction can be implemented as
Add R4, R0, #NUM1
It is often the case that Move is provided as a pseudo instruction
for the convenience of programmers, but it is actually implemented using
the Add instruction. The first three instructions in the loop in Figure 3.8
implement the unspecified instruction block starting at LOOP in Figure
3.6. The first time through the loop, the instruction
Load R5, (R4)
fetches the operand at location NUM1 and loads it into R5. The first Add
instruction adds this number to the sum in register R3. The second Add
instruction adds 4 to the contents of the pointer R4, so that it will contain
the address value NUM2 when the Load instruction is executed in the
second pass through the loop.
As another example of pointers, consider the C -language statement
A=* B ;
where B is a pointer variable and the ‘*’ sy mbol is the operator for indirect
accesses. This statement causes the contents of the memory location
pointed to by B to be loaded into memory location A. The statement may
be compiled into
Load R2, B
Load R3, (R2)
Store R3,
Page 79
79Indirect addressing through registers is used extensively. The program in
Figure 3.8 shows the flexibility it provides.
3.5.3 Indexing and Arrays
The next addressing mode we discuss provides a different kind of
flexibility for accessing operands. It is useful in dealing with lists and
Index mode —The effective address of the operand is generated by adding
a constant value to the contents of a register.
For convenience, we will refer to the register used in this mode as
theindex register . Typically, this is just a general -purpose register. We
indicate the Index mode symbolically as
where X denotes a constant signed integer value contained in the
instruction and R iis the name of the register involved. The effective
address of the operand is given by
EA = X + [R i]
The contents of the register are not changed in the process of
generating the effective address.
Figure 3.9 illustrates two ways of using the Index mode. In Figure
3.9a, the index register, R5, contains the address of a memory location,
and the value X defi nes an offset (also called a displacement ) from this
address to the location where the operand is found. An alternative use is
illustrated in Figure 3.9b. Here, the constant X corresponds to a memory
address, and the contents of the index register define t he offset to the
operand. In either case, the effective address is the sum of two values; one
is given explicitly in the instruction, and the other is held in a register.
The usefulness of indexed addressing, consider a simple example
involving a list of test scores for students taking a given course. Assume
that the list of scores, beginning at location LIST, is structured as shown in
Figure 3.10. A four -word memory block comprises a record that stores the
relevant information for each student. Each recor d consists of the student’s
identification number (ID), followed by the scores the student earned on
three tests. There are nstudents in the class, and the value nis stored in
location N immediately in front of the list.
The addresses given in the figur e for the student IDs and test
scores assume that the memory is byte addressable and that the word
length is 32 bits. We should note that the list in Figure 2.10 represents a
two-dimensional array having nrows and four columns. Each
Page 80
80contains the entri es for one student, and the columns give the IDs and test
Fig 3.9 Indexed addressing
Fig. 3.10 A list of students marks
Suppose that we wish to compute the sum of all scores obtained on
each of the tests and store these three sums in memory lo cations SUM1,
Page 81
81SUM2, and SUM3. A possible program for this task is given in Figure
3.11. In the body of the loop, the program uses the
Index addressing mode in the manner depicted in Figure 3 .9ato
access each of the three scores in a student’s record. Re gister R2 is used as
the index register. Before the loop is entered, R2 is set to point to the ID
location of the first student record which is the address LIST.
On the first pass through the loop, test scores of the first student
are added to the running sums held in registers R3, R4, and R5, which are
initially cleared to 0. These scores are accessed using the Index addressing
modes 4(R2), 8(R2), and 12(R2). The index register R2 is then
incremented by 16 to point to the ID location of the second student .
Register R6, initialized to contain the value n, is decremented by 1 at the
end of each pass through the loop. When the contents of R6 reach 0, all
student records have been accessed, and the loop terminates. Until then,
the conditional branch instructio n transfers control back to the start of the
loop to process the next record. The last three instructions transfer the
accumulated sums from registers R3, R4, and R5, into memory locations
SUM1, SUM2, and SUM3, respectively.
Fig. 3.11 indexed addressing used in accessing test scores in the list in
Fig. 3.10
Machine instructions are represented by patterns of 0s and 1s. Such
patterns are awkward to deal with when discussing or preparing programs.
Therefore, we use symbolic names to represent the patterns. So far, we
have used normal words, such as Load, Store, Add, and Branch, for the
instruction operations to represent the corresponding binary code
Page 82
82When writing programs for a specific computer, such words are
normally re placed by acronyms called mnemonics ,s u c ha sL D ,S T ,A D D ,
and BR. A shorthand notation is also useful when identifying registers,
such as R3 for register 3. Finally, symbols such as LOC may be defined as
needed to represent particular memory locations.
Acomplete set of such symbolic names and rules for their use
constitutes a programming language, generally referred to as an assembly
language . The set of rules for using the mnemonics and for specification
of complete instructions and programs is called t hesyntax of the language.
Programs written in an assembly language can be automatically translated
into a sequence of machine instructions by a program called an assembler .
The assembler program is one of a collection of utility programs that are a
part o f the system software of a computer.
The assembler, like any other program, is stored as a sequence of
machine instructions in the memory of the computer. A user program is
usually entered into the computer through a keyboard and stored either in
the memo ry or on a magnetic disk.
At this point, the user program is simply a set of lines of
alphanumeric characters. When the assembler program is executed, it
reads the user program, analyzes it, and then generates the desired
machine language program. The la tter contains patterns of 0s and 1s
specifying instructions that will be executed by the computer. The user
program in its original alphanumeric text format is called a source
program , and the assembled machine -language program is called an object
program .
The assembly language for a given computer may or may not be
case sensitive, that is, it may or may not distinguish between capital and
lower -case letters. In this section, we use capital letters to denote all names
and labels in our examples to improve the readability of the text. For
example, we write a Store instruction as
The mnemonic ST represents the binary pattern, or operation (OP)
code , for the operation performed by the instruction. The assembler
translates this mnemonic into the bin ary OP code that the computer
The OP -code mnemonic is followed by at least one blank space or
tab character. Then the information that specifies the operands is given. In
the Store instruction above, the source operand is in register R2. This
information is followed by the specification of the destination operand,
separated from the source operand by a comma. The destination operand is
in the memory location that has its binary address represented by the name
Page 83
83Since there are several possi ble addressing modes for specifying
operand locations, an assembly -language instruction must indicate which
mode is being used. For example, a numerical value or a name used by
itself, such as SUM in the preceding instruction, may be used to denote the
Absolute mode. The number sign usually denotes an immediate operand.
Thus, the instruction
ADD R2, R3, #5
adds the number 5 to the contents of register R3 and puts the result into
register R2. The number sign is not the only way to denote the Immediate
addre ssing mode. In some assembly languages, the immediate addressing
mode is indicated in the OP -code mnemonic.
For example, the previous Add instruction may be written as
ADDI R2, R3, 5
The suffix I in the mnemonic ADDI states that the second source
operand is given in the Immediate addressing mode. Indirect addressing is
usually specified by putting parentheses around the name or symbol
denoting the pointer to the operand. For example, if register R2 contains
the address of a number in the memory, then this number can be loaded
into register R3 using the instruction
LD R3, (R2)
3.6.1 Assembler Directives
In addition to providing a mechanism for representing instructions
in a program, assembly language allows the programmer to specify other
information need ed to translate the source program into the object
program. We have already mentioned that we need to assign numerical
values to any names used in a program. Suppose that the name TWENTY
is used to represent the value 20. This fact may be conveyed to the
assembler program through an equate statement such as
This statement does not denote an instruction that will be executed
when the object program is run; in fact, it will not even appear in the
object program. It simply informs the assembler that the name TWENTY
should be replaced by the value 20 wherever it appears in the program.
Such statements, called assembler directives (orcommands ), are used by
the assembler while it translates a source program into an object
Page 84
fig. 3.12 Memo ry arrangement for the program in fig. 3.8
Of the object program are to be loaded in the memory starting at address
100. It is followed by the source program instructions written with the
appropriate mnemonics and syntax. Note that we use the statement
BGTR 2 ,R 0 ,L O O P
to represent an instruction that performs the operation
Branch_if_[R2] >0L O O P
The second ORIGIN directive tells the assembler program where in the
memory to place the data block that follows. In this case, the location
specified has the a ddress 200. This is intended to be the location in which
the final sum will be stored. A 4 -byte space for the sum is reserved by
means of the assembler directive RESERVE. The next word, at address
204, has to contain the value 150 which is the number of en tries in the
Page 85
Fig. 3.13 Assembly Language representation for the program in fig.
The DATAWORD directive is used to inform the assembler of this
requirement. The next RESERVE directive declares that a memory block
of 600 bytes is to be reserve d for data. This directive does not cause any
data to be loaded in these locations. The last statement in the source
program is the assembler directive END, which tells the assembler that
this is the end of the source program text.
A different way of asso ciating addresses with names or labels is
illustrated in Figure 3.13. Any statement that results in instructions or data
being placed in a memory location may be given a memory address label.
The assembler automatically assigns the address of that location to the
label. For example, in the data block that follows the second ORIGIN
directive, we used the labels SUM, N, and NUM1. Because the first
RESERVE statement after the ORIGIN directive is given the label SUM,
the name SUM is assigned the value 200. When ever SUM is encountered
in the program, it will be replaced with this value. Using SUM as a label
in this manner is equivalent to using the assembler directive
Similarly, the labels N and NUM1 are assigned the values 204 and 208,
respectively, because they represent the addresses of the two word
locations immediately following the word location with address 200.
Most assembly languages require statements in a source program
to be written in the form Label: Operation Operand(s) Comment These
fourfields are separated by an appropriate delimiter, perhaps one or more
blank or tab characters. The Label is an optional name associated with
Page 86
86memory address where the machine -language instruction produced from
the statement will be loaded. Labels may also be associated with addresses
of data items. In Figure 3.13 there are four labels: LOOP, SUM, N, and
Astack is a list of data elements, usually words, with the accessing
restriction that elements can be added or removed at one end o f the list
only. This end is called the top of the stack, and the other end is called the
bottom. The structure is sometimes referred to as a pushdown stack.
Imagine a pile of trays in a cafeteria; customers pick up new trays from the
top of the pile, and clean trays are added to the pile by placing them onto
the top of the pile. Another descriptive phrase, last -in–first-out (LIFO)
stack, is also used to describe this type of storage mechanism; the last data
item placed on the stack is the first one removed when retrieval begins.
The terms push and pop are used to describe placing a new item on the
stack and removing the top item from the stack, respectively.
In modern computers, a stack is implemented by using a portion of
the main memory for this purpose. One processor register, called the stack
pointer (SP), is used to point to a particular stack structure called the
processor stack.
Data can be stored in a stack with successive elements occupying
successive memory locations. Assume that the first eleme nt is placed in
location BOTTOM, and when new elements are pushed onto the stack,
they are placed in successively lower address locations. We use a stack
that grows in the direction of decreasing memory addresses in our
discussion, because this is a common practice.
Figure 3.14:A stack of words in the
Page 87
87Figure 3.14 shows an example of a stack of word data items. The stack
contains numerical values, with 43 at the bottom and −28 at the top. The
stack pointer, SP, is used to keep track of the address of the element of the
stack that is at the top at any given time. If we assume a byte -addressable
memory with a 32 -bit word length, the push operation can be implemented
Subtrac tSP, SP, #4
Store Rj, (SP)
where the Subtract instruction subtracts 4 from the contents of SP and
places the result in SP. Assuming that the new item to be pushed on the
stack is in processor register Rj, the Store instruction will place this value
on th e stack. These two instructions copy the word from Rj onto the top of
the stack, decrementing the stack pointer by 4 before the store (push)
operation. The pop operation can be implemented as
Load Rj, (SP)
Add SP, SP, #4
These two instructions load (pop ) the top value from the stack into
register Rj and then increment the stack pointer by 4 so that it points to the
new top element. Figure15 shows the effect of each of these operations on
the stack in Figure 14
Fig. 3.15 Effect of stock operations on t he stock in fig 3.14
In a given program, it is often necessary to perform a particular
task many times on different data values. It is prudent to implement this
task as a block of instructions that is executed each time the task has to be
performed. Such a block of instructions is usually called a subroutine.
Page 88
88example, a subroutine may evaluate a mathematical function, or it may
sort a list of values into increasing or decreasing order.
It is possible to reproduce the block of instruc tions that constitute a
subroutine at everyplace where it is needed in the program. However, to
save space, only one copy of this block is placed in the memory, and any
program that requires the use of the subroutine simply branches to its
starting locatio n. When a program branches to a subroutine we say that it
is calling the subroutine. The instruction that performs this branch
operation is named a Call instruction.
After a subroutine has been executed, the calling program must
resume execution, continu ing immediately after the instruction that called
the subroutine. The subroutine is said to return to the program that called
it, and it does so by executing a Return instruction. Since the subroutine
may be called from different places in a calling progra m, provision must
be made for returning to the appropriate location. The location where the
calling program resumes execution is the location pointed to by the
updated program counter (PC) while the Call instruction is being
executed. Hence, the contents o f the PC must be saved by the Call
instruction to enable correct return to the calling program.
The way in which a computer makes it possible to call and return
from subroutines is referred to as its subroutine linkage method. The
simplest subroutine lin kage method is to save the return address in a
specific location, which may be a register dedicated to this function. Such
a register is called the link register. When the subroutine completes its
task, the Return instruction returns to the calling program by branching
indirectly through the link register.
The Call instruction is just a special branch instruction that
performs the following operations:
1.Store the contents of the PC in the link register
2.Branch to the target address specified by the Call ins truction.
The Return instruction is a special branch instruction that performs
the operation
Branch to the address contained in the link register
Figure 3.16 illustrates how the PC and the link register are affected by the
Call and Return
Page 89
Fig. 3.16 subroutine linkage using a link register
3.8.1 Subroutine Nesting and the Processor Stack
A common programming practice, called subroutine nesting, is to
have one subroutine call another. In this case, the return address of the
second call is also stored in the link register, overwriting its previous
contents. Hence, it is essential to save the contents of the link register in
some other location before calling another subroutine. Otherwise, the
return address of the first subroutine will be lo st.
Subroutine nesting can be carried out to any depth. Eventually, the
last subroutine called completes its computations and returns to the
subroutine that called it. The return address needed for this first return is
the last one generated in the neste d call sequence. That is, return addresses
are generated and used in a last -in–first-out order. This suggests that the
return addresses associated with subroutine calls should be pushed onto
the processor stack.
Correct sequencing of nested calls is achie ved if a given subroutine
SUB1 saves there turn address currently in the link register on the stack,
accessed through the stack pointer, SP, before it calls another subroutine
SUB2. Then, prior to executing its own Return instruction, the subroutine
SUB1 h as to pop the saved return address from the stack and load it into
the link register.
3.8.2 Parameter Passing
When calling a subroutine, a program must provide to the
subroutine the parameters, that is, the operands or their addresses, to
Page 90
90used in the computation. Later, the subroutine returns other parameters,
which are the results of the computation. This exchange of information
between a calling program and a subroutine is referred to as parameter
passing. Parameter passing may be accomplished in se veral ways. The
parameters may be placed in registers or in memory locations, where they
can be accessed by the subroutine. Alternatively, the parameters may be
placed on the processor stack.
Fig. 3.17 Program of fig. 3.8 written as a subroutine
paramet ers passed through registers
Passing parameters through processor registers is straightforward
and efficient. Figure 3.17 shows how the program in Figure 8 for adding a
list of numbers can be implemented as a subroutine, LISTADD, with the
parameters passe d through registers. The size of the list, n, contained in
memory location N, and the address, NUM1, of the first number, are
passed through registers R2 and R4. The sum computed by the subroutine
is passed back to the calling program through register R3. The first four
instructions in Figure 17 constitute the relevant part of the calling
program. The first two instructions load nand NUM1 into R2 and R4. The
Call instruction branches to the subroutine starting at location LIST ADD.
This instruction also sa ves the return address (i.e., the address of the Store
instruction in the calling program) in the link register. The subroutine
computes the sum and places it inR3. After the Return instruction is
executed by the subroutine, the sum in R3 is stored in memo ry location
SUM by the calling program.
In addition to registers R2, R3, and R4, which are used for
parameter passing, the subroutine also uses R5. Since R5 may be used in
the calling program, its contents are saved by pushing them onto the
processor sta ck upon entry to the subroutine and restored before returning
to the calling
Page 91
Figure 19 shows the stack entries for this example. Assume that before the
subroutine is called, the top of the stack is at level 1. The calling program
pushes the addr ess NUM1and the value onto the stack and calls subroutine
LISTADD. The top of the stack is now at level 2. The subroutine uses four
registers while it is being executed. Since these registers may contain valid
data that belong to the calling program, their contents should be saved at
the beginning of the subroutine by pushing them onto the stack. The top of
the stack is now at level 3. The subroutine accesses the parameters n and
NUM1 from the stack using indexed addressing with offset values relative
to the new top of the stack (level 3). Note that it does not change the stack
pointer because valid data items are still at the top of the stack. The value
n is loaded into R2 as the initial value of the count, and the address
NUM1is loaded into R4, which is us ed as a pointer to scan the list entries.
At the end of the computation, register R3 contains the sum. Before the
subroutine returns to the calling program, the contents of R3 are inserted
into the stack, replacing the parameter NUM1, which is no longer ne eded.
Then the contents of the four registers used by the subroutine are restored
from the stack. Also, the stack pointer is incremented to point to the top of
the stack that existed when the subroutine was called, namely the
parameter n at level 2. After the subroutine returns, the calling program
stores the result in location SUM and lowers the top of the stack to
Page 92
92original level by incrementing the SP by 8.Observe that for subroutine
LISTADD in Figure 2.18, we did not use a pair of instructions
Subtr act SP, SP, #4
Store Rj, (SP)
to push the contents of each register on the stack. Since we have to save
four registers, this would require eight instructions. We needed only five
instructions by adjusting SP immediately to point to the top of stack that
will be in effect once all four registers are saved. Then, we used the
Index mode to store the contents of registers. We used the same
optimization when restoring the registers before returning from the
Parameter Passing by Value and by Ref erence
Note the nature of the two parameters, NUM1 and n, passed to the
subroutines in Figures17 and 18. The purpose of the subroutines is to add
a list of numbers. Instead of passing the actual list entries, the calling
program passes the address of the f irst number in the list. This technique is
called passing by reference. The second parameter is passed by value, that
is, the actual number of entries, n, is passed to the subroutine
3.8.3 The Stack Frame
Now, observe how space is used in the stack in th e example in
Figures 18 and 19.During execution of the subroutine, six locations at the
top of the stack contain entries that are needed by the subroutine. These
locations constitute a private work space for the subroutine, allocated at
the time the subrou tine is entered and deallocated when the subroutine
returns control to the calling program. Such space is called a stack frame.
If the subroutine requires more space for local memory variables,
the space for these variables can also be allocated on the s tack. Figure 20
shows an example of a commonly used layout for information in a stack
In addition to the stack pointer SP, it is useful to have another
pointer register, called the frame pointer (FP), for convenient access to the
parameters passed to the subroutine and to the local memory variables
used by the subroutine. In the figure, we assume that four parameters
Page 93
93passed to the subroutine, three local variables are used within the
subroutine, and registers R2, R3, and R4 need to be saved bec ause they
will also be used within the subroutine. When nested subroutines are used,
the stack frame of the calling subroutine would also include the return
address, as we will see in the example that follows.
With the FP register pointing to the locatio n just above the stored
parameters, as shown in Figure 20, we can easily access the parameters
and the local variables by using the Index addressing mode. The
parameters can be accessed by using addresses 4(FP), 8(FP),....The local
variables can be accesse d by using addresses −4(FP), −8(FP),....The
contents of FP remain fixed throughout the execution of the subroutine,
unlike the stack pointer SP, which must always point to the current top
element in the stack.
Now let us discuss how the pointers SP and FP are manipulated as
the stack frame is allocated, used, and deallocated for a particular
invocation of a subroutine. We begin by assuming that SP points to the old
top-of-stack (TOS) element in Figure 20. Before the subroutine is called,
the calling program pushes the four par ameters onto the stack. Then the
Call instruction is executed. At this time, SP points to the last parameter
that was pushed on the stack. If the subroutine is to use the frame pointer,
it should first save the contents of FP by pushing them on the stack,
because FP is usually a general -purpose register and it may contain
information of use to the calling program. Then, the contents of SP, which
now points to the saved value of FP, are copied into FP.
Thus, the first three instructions executed in the sub routine are
Subtract SP, SP, #4
Store FP, (SP)
Move FP,
Page 94
94The Move instruction copies the contents of SP into FP. After
these instructions are executed, both SP and FP point to the saved FP
contents. Space for the three local variables is now alloc ated on the stack
by executing the instruction
Subtract SP, SP, #12
Finally, the contents of processor registers R2, R3, and R4 are
saved by pushing them onto the stack. At this point, the stack frame has
been set up as shown in Figure 2.20.The subrout ine now executes its task.
When the task is completed, the subroutine pops the saved values of R4,
R3, and R2 back into those registers, deallocates the local variables from
the stack frame by executing the instruction
Add SP, SP, #12
and pops the saved old value of FP back into FP. At this point, SP points
to the last parameter that was placed on the stack. Next, the Return
instruction is executed; transferring control back to the calling program.
The calling program is responsible for deallocating the parameters from
the stack frame, some of which may be results passed back by the
subroutine. After deallocation of the parameters, the stack pointer points to
the old TOS, and we are back to where we started.
3.9.1 Logica l Instruction
Logic operations such as AND, OR, and NOT, applied to
individual bits, are the basic building blocks of digital circuits, as
described in Appendix A. It is also useful to be able to perform logic
operations in software, which is done using i nstructions that apply these
operations to all bits of a word or byte independently and in parallel. For
example, the instruction
And R4, R2, R3
computes the bit -wise AND of operands in registers R2 and R3, and
leaves the result in R4.An immediate form of this instruction may be
And R4, R2, #Value
where Value is a 16 -bit logic value that is extended to 32 bits by placing
zeros into the 16most -significant bit positions.
Consider the following application for this logic instruction.
Suppose that four ASCII characters are contained in the 32 -bit register R2.
In some task, we wish to determine if the rightmost character is Z. If it is,
then a conditional branch to FOUND Z is to be made. which is expressed
in hexadecimal notation as 5A. The three -instruction s equence
AndR2, R2, #0xFF
MoveR3, #0x5A
implements the desired action. The And instruction clears all bits in the
leftmost three character positions of R2 to zero, leaving the rightmost
character unchanged. This is the result of us ing an immediate operand
Page 95
95has eight 1s at its right end, and 0s in the 24 bits to the left. The Move
instruction loads the hex value 5A into R3. Since both R2 and R3have 0s
in the leftmost 24 bits, the Branch instruction compares the remaining
characte r at the right end of R2 with the binary representation for the
character Z, and causes a branch to FOUNDZ if there is a match.
3.9.2 Shift and Rotate
There are many applications that require the bits of an operand to
be shifted right or left some specif ied number of bit positions. The details
of how the shifts are performed depend on whether the operand is a signed
number or some more general binary -coded information. For general
operands, we use a logical shift. For a signed number, we use an
arithmetic shift, which preserves the sign of the number. Logical Shifts
Two logical shift instructions are needed, one for shifting left (LShiftL)
and another for shifting right (L Shift R). These instructions shift an
operand over a number of bit positions specifi ed in a count operand
contained in the instruction. The general form of a Logical -shift-left
instruction is
LShiftL Ri,Rj, count
which shifts the contents of register Rj left by a number of bit positions
given by the count operand, and places the resu lt in register Ri, without
changing the contents of Rj. The count operand may be given as an
immediate operand, or it may be contained in a processor register. To
complete the description of the shift left operation, we need to specify the
bit values broug ht into the vacated positions at the right end of the
destination operand, and to determine what happens to the bits shifted out
of the left end. Vacated positions are filled with zeros. In computers that
do not use condition code flags, the bits shifted o ut are simply dropped. In
computers that use condition code flags, these bits are passed through the
Carry flag, C, and then dropped. Involving the C flag in shifts is useful in
performing arithmetic operations on large numbers that occupy more than
one wo rd. Figure 3.23ashows an example of shifting the contents of
register R3left by two bit positions. The Logical -shift-right instruction, L
Shift R, works in the same manner except that it shifts to the right. Figure
21 billustrates this
Page 96
In an a rithmetic shift, the bit pattern being shifted is interpreted as
as i g n e dn u m b e r .As t u d yo ft h e2 ’ s -complement binary number
representation in Figure 3.3 reveals that shifting a number one bit position
to the left is equivalent to multiplying it by 2, and shifting it to the right is
equivalent to dividing it by 2. Of course, overflow might occur on shift in
g left, and the remainder is lost when shifting right. Another important
observation is that on a right shift the sign bit must be repeated as the fill -
in bit for the vacated position as a requirement of the 2’s -complement
representation for numbers. This requirement when shifting right
distinguishes arithmetic shifts from logical shifts in which the fill -in bit is
always 0. Otherwise, the two types of s hifts are the same. An example of
an Arithmetic -shift-right instruction, A Shift R, is shown in Figure 21c.
The Arithmetic -shift-left is exactly the same as the Logical -shift-left.
Rotate Operations In the shift operations, the bits shifted out of the
operand are lost, except for the last bit shifted out which is retained in the
Carry flag C. For situations where it is desirable to preserve all of the bits,
rotate instructions may be used instead. These are instructions that move
the bits shifted out of one end of the operand into the other end. Two
versions of both the Rotate -left and Rotate -right instructions are
Page 97
97provided. In one version, the bits of the operand are simply rotated. In the
other version, the rotation includes the C flag. Figure21 show s the left and
right rotate operations with and without the C flag being included in the
rotation. Note that when the C flag is not included in the rotation, it still
retains the last bit shifted out of the end of the register. The OP codes
Rotate L, Rotat e LC, Rotate R, and Rotate RC, denote the instructions that
perform the rotate operations.
3.9.3 Multiplication and Division
Two signed integers can be multiplied or divided by machine
instructions with the same format as we saw earlier for an Add instru ction.
The instruction
Multiply Rk,Ri,Rj
performs the operation
The product of two n -bit numbers can be as large as 2nbits.
Therefore, the answer will not necessarily fit into register Rk. A number of
instruction sets have a Multiply instruc tion that computes the low -order n
bits of the product and places it in register Rk, as indicated. This is
sufficient if it is known that all products in some particular application
task will fit into n bits. To accommodate the general 2n -bit product case,
some processors produce the product in two registers, usually adjacent
registers Rk and R(k+ 1), with the high -order half being placed in register
R(k+ 1).
An instruction set may also provide a signed integer Divide instruction
Divide Rk,Ri,Rj
which pe rforms the operation
placing the quotient in Rk. The remainder may be placed in R(k+ 1), or it
may be lost.
Key difference from RISC
1.We can operate directly on operands. Don’t require to
load/store architecture
2.Instruction can of different length
Instructions in modern CISC processor typically do not use three -
address format. Most arithmetic and logic instruction user the two-address
Syntax of instruction
Operation destination, source
For example Add inst ruction of this type is
Add B,
Page 98
98Which performs the operation B ←[A] + [B] on memory operands.
When the sum is calculated, the result is sent to the memory and stored in
location B, replacing the original contents of this location. This means that
memory location B is both a source and a destination.
Consider again th e task of adding two numbers
where all three operands may be in memory locations. Obviously, this
cannot be done with a single two -address instruction. The task can be
performed by using another two -address instruction that copies the
contents of one memory location into another. Such an instruction is
Move C,B
Which performs the operation C ←[B], leaving the contents of
location B unchanged. The operation C ←[A]+[B] can now be performed
by the two -instruction sequence
Move C,B
Add C,A
Observe that by using this sequence of instructions the contents of neither
A nor B locations are overwritt en.
3.10.1 Additional Addressing Modes
Most CISC processors have all of the five basic addressing
modes —Immediate, Register, Absolute, Indirect, and Index. Three
additional addressing modes are often found in CISC processors.
Auto increment and Auto dec rement Modes
These are two modes that are particularly convenient for accessing
data items in successive locations in the memory and for implementation
of stacks.
Auto increment mode -The effective address of the operand is the contents
of a register spec ified in the instruction. After accessing the operand, the
contents of this register are automatically incremented to point to the next
operand in memory.
We denote the Auto increment mode by putting the specified
register in parentheses, to show that th e contents of the register are used as
the effective address, followed by a plus sign to indicate that these
contents are to be incremented after the operand is accessed. Thus, the
Auto increment mode is written as (Ri)+
To access successive words in a by te-addressable memory with a
32-bit word length, the increment amount must be 4. Computers that have
the Auto increment mode automatically increment the contents of the
register by a value that corresponds to the size of the accessed operand.
Thus, the inc rement is 1 for byte -sized operands, 2 for 16 -bit operands,
Page 99
99and 4 for32 -bit operands. Since the size of the operand is usually specified
as part of the operation code of an instruction, it is sufficient to indicate
the Auto increment mode as (Ri)+.
As a c ompanion for the Auto increment mode, another useful
mode accesses the memory locations in the reverse order:
Auto decrement mode —The contents of a register specified in the
instruction are first automatically decremented and are then used as the
effectiv e address of the operand.
We denote the Auto decrement mode by putting the specified
register in parentheses, pre -ceded by a minus sign to indicate that the
contents of the register are to be decremented before being used as the
effective address. Thus, we write −(Ri)
In this mode, operands are accessed in descending address order.
The address is decremented before it is used in the Auto
decrement mode and incremented after it is used in the Auto increment
mode. The main reason for this is to make it easy to use these modes
together to implement a stack structure.Instead of needing two instructions
Subtract SP, #4
to push a new item on the stack, we can use just one instruction
Similarly, instead of needing two inst ructions
MoveITEM, (SP)
AddSP, #4
to pop an item from the stack, we can use just
MoveITEM, (SP)+
3.10.2 Relative Mode
We have defined the Index mode by using general -purpose
processor registers. Some computers have a version of this mode in which
the pro gram counter, PC, is used instead of a general -purpose register.
Then, X(PC) can be used to address a memory location that is X bytes
away from the location presently pointed to by the program counter. Since
the addressed location is identified relative to the program counter, which
always identifies the current execution point in a program, the name
Relative mode is associated with this type of addressing.
Relative mod e—The effective address is determined by the Index mode
using the program counter in pl ace of the general -purpose register
Page 100
RISC style is characterized by:
1.Simple addressing modes.
2.All instructions fitting in a single word.
3.Fewer instructions in the instruction set, as a consequence of simple
addressing mod es.
4.Arithmetic and logic operations that can be performed only on
operands in processor registers.
5.Load/store architecture that does not allow direct transfers from one
memory location to another; such transfers must take place via a
processor register.
6.Simple instructions those are conducive to fast execution by the
processing unit using techniques such as pipelining.
7.Programs that tend to be larger in size, because more, but simpler
instructions are needed to perform complex task s
CISC style is character ized by:
1.More complex addressing modes.
2.More complex instructions, where an instruction may span multiple
3.Many instructions that implement complex tasks.
4.Arithmetic and logic operations that can be performed on memory
operands as well as operands i np r o c e s s o rr e g i s t e r s .
5.Transfers from one memory location to another by using a single
Move instruction.
6.Programs that tend to be smaller in size, because fewer, but more
complex instructions are needed to perform complex tasks.
Before the 1970s, all comp uters were of CISC type. An important
objective was to simplify the development of software by making the
hardware capable of performing fairly complex tasks, that is, to move the
complexity from the software level to the hardware level. This is
conducive to making programs simpler and shorter, which was important
when computer memory was smaller and more expensive to provide.
Today, memory is inexpensive and most computers have large amounts
of it.
RISC -style designs emerged as an attempt to ach ieve very high
performance by making the hardware very simple, so that instructions can
be executed very quickly in pipelined fashion. This results in moving
complexity from the hardware level to the software level. Sophisticated
compilers were developed t o optimize the code consisting of
Page 101
101instructions. The size of the code became less important as memory
capacities increased.
While the RISC and CISC styles seem to define two significantly
different approaches, today’s processors often exhibit what m ay seem to
be a compromise between these approaches. For example, it is attractive to
add some non -RISC instructions to a RISC processor in order to reduce
the number of instructions executed, as long as the execution of these new
instructions is fast.
Thus, we have studied the representation and execution of
instructions and programs at the assembly and machine level as seen by
the programmer. The discussion emphasized the basic principles of
addressing techniques and instruction sequ encing. The programming
examples illustrated the basic types of operations implemented by the
instruction set of any modern computer.
Carl Hamacher et al., Computer Organization and Embedded Systems,
6e d . ,M c G r a w -Hill 2012
Patter son and Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, Morgan
Kaufmann, ARM Edition, 2011
R P Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill Education
Pvt. Ltd. , 4th Edition, 2010
1)Explain how memory is used to read write operat ions.
2)Explain Big -Endian and Little Endian Assignment.
3)Explain characteristics of RISC instruction set.
4)State and explain the ways of byte address assignment.
5)What is pointer? Explain its use in indirection operation.
Page 102
Unit Structure
4.1.1 Objectives
4.1.2 Introduction
4.1.3 Main Components of a Processor Registers and Registers Files ALU Control Unit Interfaces to instruction and data memories
4.1.4 Data Path
4.1.5 Instruction fetch and execute; executing arithmetic/logic, memory
access and branch instructions
4.1.6 Hardwired and micro -programmed control for RISC and CISC
At the end, the learners will be able to
Describe the various components of a processor
Illustrate the concept of Datapath.
Compare and Constrast between various types of instruction
Differentiate between the RISC and CISC processor
1.At a highest level, a computer consists of CPU(central processing
unit),memor ya n dI n p u t -output components with one or more module
of each
Page 103
1032.These components are interconnected in some fashion to achieve the
basic function of the computer, which is to execute programs.
3.Thus at a top level we can characterize a computer system by
describing a)The external behavior of each component, that is the data
and control signals that it exchanges with other components and b)The
interconnection structure and the contrls required to manage the use of
the interconnection structure.
4.This top -level view of structure and function is important because of
its explanatory power in understanding the nature of a computer.
5.Equally important is its use to understand the increasingly complex
issues of performance evaluation.
6.Ag r a s po f the top -level structure and function offers insight in to
system bottlenecks, alternate pathways, the magnitude of system
failures if a component fails and the ease of adding performance
7.In many cases, requirements for greater system po wer and fail safe
capabilities are being met by changing the design rather than merely
increasing the speed and reliability of individual components.
8.Thus, this unit focuses on major components of computer, instruction
fetch and RISC and CISC.
1. All computer designs are based on concepts developed by john von
Neumann at the institute of Advanced studies, Princeton. Such a
design is referred to as the Von Neumann architecture and is based on
three key concepts.
1.1 Data and instr uctions are stored in a single read -write memory.
1.2 The contents of this memory are addressable by location, without
regard to the type of data contained there.
1.3 Execution occurs in a sequential fashion from one instruction to
the next.
2.There is a small set of basic logic components that can be combined in
various ways to store binary data and perform arithmetic and logical
operations on that data.
3.If there is a particular computation to be performed, a configuration of
logic components designe d specifically for that computation could be
4.One can think of the process of connecting the various components in
the desired configuration as a form of
Page 104
1045.The resulting “program” is in the form of hardware and is termed a
hardwired program.
6.Suppose we construct a general -purpose configuration of arithmetic
and logic functions. This set of hardware will perform various
functions on data, depending on the control signals applied to the
7.In the original case of customized hardware, the system accepts data
and control signals and produces results.
8.But with general -purpose hardware, the system accepts data and
control signals and produces results.
9. Thus instead of rewriting the hardware for each new program ,t h e
programmer merely needs to supply a new set of control signals.
10. At each step, some arithmetic logical operation is performed on
some data. For each step, a new set of control signals is needed.
11. Let us provide a unique code for each possible set of control signals,
and let us add to the general -purpose hardware a segment that can
accept a code and generate control signals as shown in figure given
12. Programming is now much easier. Instead of rewriting the hardware
for each new program, all we need to do is provide a new sequence of
13. The two major components of the system, an instruction interpreter
and a module of general -purpose arithmetic and logic functions. These
two constitute the CPU.
14. An input device will bring instr uctions and data in sequentially.
15. Operations on data may require access to more than just one element at
a time in a predetermined sequence. Thus there must be a place to
temporarily store both instructions and data. That module is called
memory or ma in memory to distinguish it from other peripheral
16. The CPU exchanges data with memory, for this purpose a two types of
registers is required such as Memory address register(MAR) which
specifies the address in memory for the next read or write a nd a
memory buffer register (MBR) which contains the data to be written in
to memory or receives the data read from memory.
17. A Memory module consists of a set of locations, defined by
sequentially numbered addresses. Each location contains a binary
numb er that can be interpreted as either an instruction or data. An I/O
module transfers data from external devices to CPU and memory and
vice versa. It contains internal buffers for temporarily holding these
data until they can be sent
Page 105
Fig 1 (Program ming in Hardware) and Fig 2 (Programming in Software)
Fig 2 Different Components of a
Page 106
1064.1.3.1 Register and Register Files
1.Computers compute. The component that performs computation is
CPU or more concretely it is the ALU(Arithmetic logical unit) in CPU
that do the computation.
2.To compute, we need first prepared input, however ALU cannot access
memory directly, instead a set of registers are provided as a cache that
is faster but smaller than main memory.
3.Not only the General purpose registers are involved in computation,
but CPU also has some registers in the purpose of control and
recording status.
4.Data Registers -for eg MOV AX, 1234H here this instruction explains
data is moved from address 1234H to register H & L.
5.Address registers: -To access some location of memory, we simply use
an address register to contain the address of that location, but the
actual practice is kind of much more complex. One popular addressing
method is segmented addressing. With this method, memory is divided
in to segments and each segment is of variable -length, blocks of
words. To refer to a location in such a memory system, we need to
give two pieces of information. One is the segment number and second
the location of data in that segment. That is the address consists of two
parts, segment address and the offset within the segment. For example
CPU 8086 shifts the content of CS to the left by 4 bits and then adds
up the result and the content of IP. Finally the sum is used as the
effective address.
It should b made clear that segment is just a logical concept, not a
physically existing entity in memory. We may simply write to CS to
change the segment it point to.
Stack Pointers
Due to the popularity of stack in program execution, computer systems
provide registers to access memory segment in the way of accessing
stacks. For eg in 8086, we have SS:SP where SS gives the stack
segment and SP always points to the top of the stack. Thus the
following two sets of instructions have the sa me
Page 107
SUB Sp,2
Mov(SS:SP), AX
6.Control Registers -All the registers discussed above are related to data
access, but there are some control registers which are used for
executing instructions in the machine.
6.1Program Counter(PC) -Contains the a ddress of an instruction to be
fetched from memory.
6.2Instruction Register(IR) -contains the instruction most recently
fetched. The execution of an instruction is actually to interpret the
operation code in the instruction and generate signals for ALU or oth er
components in CPU. For example when xy==00, ALU does
A+B==>C ad when xy=01, ALU does A -B==>C, etc.
7.Status Register -CPU also includes registers, that contain status
information. Thy are known as Program Status word(PSW). PSW
typically contain condition codes with other status information.
7.1Condition codes are bits set by the processor hardware as the result of
operations. For example an arithmetic operation may produce a
positive, negative, zero or overflow result. The code may subsequently
b tested as p art of conditional branch operation, Lets say
JGE Exit
Generally, the condition codes cannot b altered by explicit referece
becae they are intended for feedback regarding the execution of an
instruction and are updated automatically whenever a r elated instruction is
executed. There are a number of factors that have to be taken in to
account. One is operating system support and another key factor is the
allocation of control information between registers and memory. As
registers are much faster, b ut due to the price reason a computer system
doesn’t have many registers so atleast part of control information has to be
put in memory.
8.Register File -There are two set of registers called “General Purpose”
and “Special Purpose”.
8.1The origin of the register set is simply the need to have some sort of
memory on the computer and the inability to build what we now call
“Main Memory”.
8.2When reliable technologies such as magnetic cores, became
available for main memory, the concept of CPU registers was
8.3Registers are now implemented as a set of flip -flops physically
located on the CPU chip. These are used because access time for
registers are two orders of magnitude faster than access times for
main memory (1 nanosecond Vs. 80 nanoseconds)
Page 108
1088.4General Purpose registers -These are mostly used to store
intermediate results of computation. The count of such registers is
often a power of 2 say 2^4=16 and so on, as N bit address 2^N
8.5Special Purpose registers -These are often used by the con trol unit in
its execution of the program.
8.5.1PC-The Program counter -It is also called as the Instruction
pointer(IP) which points to the memory location of the instruction to
be executed next.
8.5.2IR(Instruction Register) -This holds the machine language versi on of
the instruction currently being executed.
8.5.3MAR(Memory address register) -This holds the address of the
memory word being referenced. All execution steps begin with PC,
8.5.4MBR(Memory Buffer Register) -also called MDR(Memory Data
Register) which holds the data being read from memory o written to
8.5.5PSR(Program status Register) -often called the PSW (Program status
word) contains a collection of logical bits that characterize the status
of the program executed lastly in memory.
8.5.6PSR(Program Status R egister) is actually a collection of bits that
describe the running status of the process. The PSR is generally
divided in to two parts
ALU Result Bits: The carry –out from the last arithmetic computation.
Vset if the last arithmetic operation resulted in overflow.
Nset if the last arithmetic operation gave a negative number.
Zset it the last arithmetic operation resulted in a 0.
Control Bits: Is set if interrupts are enabled. When I = 1, an I/O device
can raise an interrupt when it is ready for a dat a transfer.
Priority : A multi –bit field showing the execution priority of the CPU;
e.g., a 3 –bit field for priorities 0 through 7.This facilitates management of
I/O devices that have different priorities associated with data transfer
Access Mode :The privilege level at which the current program is allowed
to execute. All operating systems require atleast two modes: Kernel and
User. ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
1. The heart of every computer is an Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU). This is
the part of the computer which performs arithmetic operations on
numbers eg addition, substraction,
Page 109
Fig 3 Simple Block Diagram of ALU
2.Above figure is describing about ALU which will perform 10 functions
on 8 -bit inputs. So this ALU will generate an 8bit res ult, one bit
carry(c), and a one bit zero -bit(Z). So ALU uses control lines for
selection of particular function among these 10 functions.
3.The following Table describes these instructions which will be
executed by ALU shown in above figure
Sr.No Mnemoni c Description
1 LOAD (Load DATA into RESULT) DATA =>
RESULT C is a don’t care 1 ->Z if RESULT
== 0, 0 ->Z otherwise
RESULT C is carry from addition 1 ->Z if
RESULT == 0, 0 ->Z otherwise
3 SUBA (Subtract DATA f rom ACCA) ACCA –
DATA => RESULT C is borrow from
subtraction 1 ->Z if RESULT == 0, 0 ->Z
4 ANDA (Logical AND DATA with ACCA) ACCA &
DATA => RESULT C is a don’t care 1 ->Z if
RESULT == 0, 0 ->Z otherwise
DATA => RESULT C is a don’t care 1 ->Z if
RESULT == 0, 0 ->Z otherwise
6 COMA (Compliment with ACCA)
1->C1->Z if RESULT == 0, 0 Z
Page 110
1107 INCA (Increment ACCA by 1) ACCA + 1 =
RESULT C is a don’t care 1 if RESULT ==
0, 0->Z otherwise
8 LSRA (Logical shift right of ACCA) Shift all bits of
ACCA one place to the right: 0 RESULT[7],
ACCA[7:1] RESULT[6:0] ACCA[0] C 1 -
>Z if RESULT == 0, 0 Z otherwise
9 LSLA (Logical shift left of ACCA) Shift all bits of
ACCA one place to the left: 0 ->RESULT[0],
ACCA[6:0] RESULT[7:1] ACCA[7] ->C1 -
>Zif RESULT == 0, 0 ->Z otherwis e
10 ASRA (Arithmetic shift right of ACCA) Shift all bitsof ACCA one place to the right: ACCA[0]RESULT[7], ACCA[7:1] ->RESULT[6:0]
ACCA[0] ->C
1->Z if RESULT == 0, 0 ->Zotherwise
For example here we are going to see the designing of one bit ALU which
does operation like AND, OR, ADD, where 00 implies the AND
operation, 01 implies OR, and 10 implies ADD operation
One bit ALU
Now Same ALU can be designed for one bit sub straction in which A -B
operation is performed by method of A+2’s Complement of B and A+1’s
Complement of
Page 111
One bit ALU for subtraction Control Unit
1. A machine instruction set goes a long way towards defining the
proces sor.
2. But before the execution of instruction, one must know the machine
instruction set along with the effect of each opcode, addressing modes,
set of available registers and also along with the functions that the
processor has to do the execution, but this is the not the actual case as
to execute functions , also there is a requirement of external interfaces,
usually through a buses and how interrupts are handled, so to handle
all these operations altogether in an controlled manner, there is need to
for a separate unit, known as Control unit.
3. So control unit is one which is going to handle the functions like
3.1 Operation (opcodes)
3.2 Addressing Modes
3.3 Registers
3.4 I/O Module interface
3.5 Memory Module Interface
3.6 Interrupts
4. Items from 3.1 to 3.3 are defined by the instruction set. Item 3.4 and 3.5
are typically defined by specifying the system bus. Item 3.6 is defined
partially by the system bus and partially by the type of support the
processor offers to the operating system.
5.The opera tion of a computer, in executing a program, consists of a
sequence of instruction cycles, with one machine instruction per cycle.
6.Each instruction cycle is made up of a number of smaller units. I.e
fetch, indirect, execute and interrupt.
7.Each instr uctions is executed during an instruction cycle made up of
shorter sub cycles (eg fetch, indirect, execute, interrupt)
Page 112
1128.The execution of each sub cycle involves one or more shorter
operations, that is micro -operations.
Elements of a Program Execut ion
9.Fetch Cycle -It is the cycle which occurs at the beginning of each
instruction cycle and causes an instruction to be fetched from memory.
Four registers are involved
9.1 Memory Address Register(MAR) -It specifies the address in memory
for a read or write operation.
9.2 Memory Buffer Register(MIBR) -It contains the value to be stored in
memory or the last value read from memory.
9.3 Program Counter(PC) -Holds the address of the next instruction to be
9.4 Instruction Register -Holds the last in struction fetched.
10. The Interrupt Cycle -At the completion of the execute cycle, a test is
made to determine whether any enabled interrupt have occurred. If
yes then the interrupt cycle occurs. For eg
In the first step, the contents of the P C are transferred to the MBR,
so that they can be saved for return from the interrupt. Then the
MAR is loaded with the address at which the contents of the PC are
to be saved and the PC is loaded with the address of the start of the
interrupt -processing ro utine.
10.The Execute Cycle -The fetch, indirect and interrupt cycles are simple
and predictable. Each involves a small, fixed sequence of micro -
operations and in each ease, the same micro -operations are repeated
each time around. This is not true of the exe cute cycle, because of
the variety of opcodes there are number of different sequences of
micro -operations that can occur. For example instruction ADD R1,X
adds the contents of the location X to register
Page 113
113The following sequence of micro -operation might occur
1.MAR(IR address), 2.MBR(memory), 3. R1 -(R ) + ( M B R ) .T h e s et h r e e
complete set of operation is required to complete the instruction
12.The Instruction Cycle -Each phase of the instruction cycle can be
decomposed in to a sequence of elementary micro -operations.
Fig 6 Flow chart for Instruction Cycle Interfaces to instruction and data memories
Fig 7 Block Diagram of an I/O
Page 114
1141.Module connects to the computer through a set of signal lines -system
2.Data transferred to and from the modul e are buffered with data
3.Status registers are useful for providing status to the signal lines and
also act as a control registers.
4.Set of control lines are used by module logic for interaction purpose.
5.To issue commands to the I/O Module, proces sor uses control signals
6.To control an device module must generate and recognize addresses for
an device.
7.The function of an I/O module to allow an processor to view devices.
8.I/O module may hide device details from the processor so that only the
processor will be incharge of performing the read ad write operations.
9.I/O Commands -The processor issues an address, specifying I/O
Module and device , and an I/O command. The commands are as
9.1Control -Activate a peripheral and tell it what to do.
9.2Test-Test various status conditions associated with an I/O module ad
its peripherals.
9.3Read -Causes the I/O module to obtain an item of data from the
peripheral and place it in to an internal register.
9.4Write -Causes the I/O module to take a unit of data from the data bus
and transmit it to the peripheral
Three techniques for input of a Block of
Page 115
115The above figure depicts three techniques by means of which block
of data is fetched to a processor. The first technique is programmed I/O
where processor executes an I/O instruction by issuing command to
appropriate I/O module. The second technique is Interrupt -Driven I/O
where the processor does not have to repeatedly check the I/O module
status, in order to overcomes the processor having to wait long peri ods of
time for I/O modules. The third techniques is Direct Memory access which
is used to eliminate the drawback of programmed and Interrupt -Driven I/O
as drawback is I/O transfer rate limited to speed that processor ca test and
service devices and proces sor tied up managing I/O transfers, where as
DMA module only uses system bus when processor does not need it to
fasten the process of serving an request.
1. The data path is the “brawn” of a processor, since it implements the
fetch -decode -execute cycle. The general discipline for data path design
is to
1) Determine the instruction classes and formats in the ISA.
2) Design datapath components and interconnections for each
instruction class or format and
3) Compose the data path segments designed in step 2 to produce a
composite datapath.
2. Datapath comprises of following components like memory(for storing
the current instruction), Program Counter (stores the address of current
instruction) and ALU for executing the current instruction).
Interaction between components to form a basic data path
3. Types of Data Path
3.1 R Format -To implement R format instructions only the register
file and ALU I required. The ALU accepts its input from the Data
Read ports of the register file a nd the register file is the output of the
ALU. for example opcode r1, r2,r3 is the R -format data path
Page 116
Fig 10 R -format Data Path
3.2 Load/Store Data Path -It performs the following actions in the order
given as 1) Register Access takes inp ut from the register file, to implement
the instruction data or address fetch of the fetch -decode -execute cycle.
2) Memory Address Calculation -decodes the base address and offset,
combining them to produce the actual memory address. This step u ses the
sign extender and ALU. 3) Read/Write from memory takes data or
instruction from the data memory and implements the first part of the
execute step of the fetch/decode/execute cycle. 4) Write in to Register File
puts data or instructions in to the da ta memory implementing the second
part of the execute step of the fetch/decode/execute cycle.
Schematic diagram of Load/Store data
Page 117
1173.3 Branch/Jump Data -path performs the following actions in the order
given -
1)Register Access takes input from the register file, to implement the
instruction fetch or data fetch step of the fetch -decode -execute cycle.
2) Calculate Branch Target -It evaluates the branch condition along with it
also calculates the branch target address to be read y for the branch if it
is taken. This completes the decode step of the fetch -decode -execute
3) Evaluate Branch Condition and Jump -It determines whether or not the
branch should be taken. This effectively changes the PC to the branch
target address and completes the executes step of the fetch -decode -
execute cycle.
Schematic diagram of the branch instruction data path
CPU repeatedly performs the following operations such as
1.1 Fetch -The next instruction from memory in to the instruction register.
1.2 Decode -The instruction (that is work out which it is).
1.3 Execute the instruction
2. Fetching and an Executing an instruction simply requi re the CPU’s
Control section to issue levels and pulses which set up pathways and
fire register transfers so that. Data is moved from memory to
Page 118
118and between registers, Data is passed through the ALU and Data is
stuffed back in to the memory.
3. Fo r eg Instruction fetch MAR < -PC, MBR< -(MAR), IR< -MBR, PC+1
Schematic Diagram of Fetch cycle
Fetch and Execute of LDA X Instruction with X=5 and PC=2
4.The above figure shows how fetch and execute of LDA x is executed by
CPU and its Registers l ike Arithmetic logic unit.
4.1During the fetch MAR< -PC
4.2Addressing Location 2
4.3Reading the memory MBR< -(MAR)
4.4Now the MBR is transferred to the
Page 119
1194.5The last part of the fetch is to increment the PC.
4.6Decode then first step of execute is MAR< -IR(operand)
4.7Now addr essing location 5
4.8Reading the memory MBR < -(MAR) again.
4.9Now transfer to the Accumulator AC < -MBR
5.Execution of Branch Instruction -
For eg JMP X -Branch unconditionally to new location for next
instruction. The PC is always incremented during the fetch c ycle on
the assumption that the next instruction is in the next memory location.
This instruction allows an unconditional branching to a non -
consecutive instruction.
1.To execute an instructi on, there are two types of control units
hardwired control unit and micro -programmed control unit.
2.Hardwired control unit are generally faster than micro -programmed
3.Am i c r o -programmed control unit is a relatively simple logic circuit
that is c apable of 1)Sequencing through micro -instructions and 2)
Generating control signals to execute each micro -instructions.
4.The Following Table shows the difference between the Hardwired and
Micro -Programmed control unit
Table 1 Difference about RISC and C ISC
1Hardwired control unit generatesthe control signals needed for theprocessor using logic circuitsMicro-programmed control unitgenerates the control signals withthe help of micro instructionsstored in control memory
2Hardwiredcontrol unit is fasterwhen compared to microprogrammed control unit as therequired control signals aregenerated with the help ofhardwaresThis is slower than the other asmicro instructions are used forgenerating signals here
3Difficult to modify as the controlsignals that need to be generatedare hard wiredEasy to modify as themodification need to be doneonly at the instruction
Page 120
1204More costlier as everything hasto be realized in terms of logicgatesLess costlier than hardwiredcontrol as only micro instructionsare used for generating controlsignals
5It cannot handle complexinstructions as the circuit designfor it becomes complexIt can handle complexinstructions
6Only limited number ofinstructions are used due to thehardware implementationControl signals for manyinstructions can be generated
7Used in computer that makes useof Reduced Instruction SetComputers(RISC)Used in computer that makes useof Complex Instruction SetComputers(CISC)
Miscellaneous Questions
Q1. E xplain the main components of a processor?
Q2. Difference between Hardwired and Micro -Programmed instructions
Q3. Illustrate the concept of Data Path?
Q4. Explain the procedure for instruction fetch and execute?
Q5. Explain the Branch Instruction?
Page 121
Unit Structure
4.2.1 Objectives
4.2.2 Introduction
4.2.3 Accessing I/O devices
4.2.4 Data transfers between processor and I/O devices
4.2.5 Interrupts and exceptions: interrupt requests and processing
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
Describe about the different I/O devices
Elaborate the concept of data transfer between processor and I/O
Illustrate the concept of Interrupts and Exceptions
1.The I/O subsystem of a computer provides an efficient mode of
communication between the central system and the outside
environment. It handles all the input -output operations of the computer
2.I/O devices that are connected to computer are ca lled peripheral
devices. These devices are designed to read information in to or out of
the memory unit upon command from the CPU and are designed to be
the part of computer system.
3.These devices are also called as peripherals. Below is the three types
of peripherals discussed here
3.1 Input Peripherals -Allows user input, from the outside world to the
computer. Eg Keyboard, mouse
Page 122
1223.2 Output Peripherals -Allows information output, from the computer
to the outside world. Example printer,monitor etc.
3.3 Input -Output Peripherals -Allows both input(from outside world to
computer) as well as output(from computer to the outside world)
Example Touch Screen etc.
4. Interface is a shared boundary between two separate components of the
computer system which can be used to attach two or more components
to the system for communication purposes.
5. So there are two types of interface a)CPU Interface b)I/O Interface.
6. Peripherals connected to a computer need special communication links
for interfacing with CP U. In computer system, there are special
hardware components between the CPU and peripherals to control or
manage the input -output transfers.
7. These components are called input -output interface units because they
provide communication links between proc essor bus and peripherals.
8. They provide a method for transferring information between internal
system and input -output devices.
1. Storage is only one of many types of I/O devices within a computer.
2. A large portion of o perating system code is dedicated to managing I/O,
both because of its importance to the reliability and performance of a
system and because of the varying nature of the devices.
3. A general purpose computer system consists of CPUs and multiple
device con trollers that are connected through a common bus.
4. Each device controller is in charge of a specific type of device
maintains two types of buffer commonly known as Local Buffer
Storage and set of special Purpose registers.
5. Typically, operating systems have a device driver for each device
6. This device driver understands the device controller and presents a
uniform interface to the device to the rest of the operating system.
7. The following diagram (Fig 1) explains about how an device driv er will
request for an particular I/O device. To start an I/O operation,
Page 123
123device driver loads the appropriate registers within the device
7.1 The device controller, in turn examines the contents of these registers
to determine what action to take.
7.2 The controller starts the transfer of data from the device to its local
7.3 Once the transfer of data is complete, the device controller informs the
device driver via an interrupt that it has finished its operation.
7.4 The device driver then returns control to the operating system. This
form of interrupt -driven I/O is fine for moving small amounts of data
but can produce high overhead when used for bulk data movement.
7.5 To solve this problem, Direct Memory Access (DMA) is used. After
setting up buffers, pointers and counters for the I/O device, the device
controller transfers an entire block of data directly to or from its own
buffer storage to memory with no interruption by the CPU.
Fig 1 Working of an I/O operation
8.Single -Bus Stru cture -The bus enables all the devices connected to it to
exchange information. Typically, the bus consists of three sets of lines
used to carry address, data and control signals. Each I/O device is assigned
a unique set of
Page 124
Fig 2 Single -Bus S tructure.
9.To access the device appropriately, three data transfer techniques are
required such as memory mapped I/O, Programmed I/O, Interrupt
Driven and Direct Memory Access(DMA).
A. Memory Mapped I/O
1When I/O devices and the memory share the same address space, the
arrangement is called memory -mapped I/O.
2.With memory -mapped I/O, any machine instruction that can access
memory can be used to transfer data to or from an I/O device.
3.Most Computer sy stems use memory -mapped I/O.
4.Some processors have special IN and OUT instructions to perform I/O
transfers. When building a computer system based on these processors,
the designer has the option of connecting I/O devices to use the
Special I/O address spac e or simply incorporating them as part of the
memory address space.
5.The address decoder, the data and the status registers, and the control
circuitry required to coordinate I/O transfers constitute the device’s
Page 125
Fig 3 I/O Interface for an Input Device
6.Above figure explains how processor access I/O devices. First of all
processor places a particular address on the address lines, it is
examined by the address decoders of all devices on the bus. The
device that recognizes this address re sponds to the commands issued
on the control lines. The processor uses the control lines to request
either a Read or a Write operation, and the requested data are
transferred over the data lines. Intel processor uses I/O mapped I/O.
B. Programmed -Contr olled I/O
1.Consider a simple example of I/O operations involving a keyboard and
a display device in a computer system. The four registers shown below
are used in the data transfer operations. The two flags KIRQ and
DIRQ in status register are used in conju nction with interrupts.
Fig 4 Programmed -Controlled I/O for Keyboard
2.For example A Program that reads on line from the keyboard, stores it
in memory buffer and echoes it back to the
Page 126
Fig 5 Program Snippet about Keyboard Interface
3.The example described above illustrates programmed -controlled I/O, in
which the processor repeatedly checks a status flag to achieve the
required synchronization between the processor and an input or output
device. We say that the processor polls the devices.
4.There are two other commonly used mechanisms for implementing I/O
operations: Interrupts and Direct Memory Access.
4.1Interrupts: Synchronization is achieved by having the I/O device send
a special signal over the bus whenever it is ready for a data transfer
operat ion.
4.2Direct Memory Access: It involves having the device interface transfer
data directly to or from the memory.
C Interrupt Driven I/O
1.To avoid the processor being not performing any useful computation, a
hardware signal called an interrupt to the proce ssor can do it. At least
one of the bus control lines, called an interrupt -request line, is usually
dedicated for this purpose.
2.An interrupt -service routine usually is needed and is executed when an
interrupt request is issued.
3.On the other hand, the proc essor must inform the device that its request
has been recognized so that it may remove its interrupt -request signal.
An interrupt -acknowledge signal serve this
Page 127
Fig 5 Example of Interrupt Driven I/O
4.Treatment of an interrupt -service routine is very similar to that of
subroutine. An important departure from the similarity should be
noted. A subroutine performs a function required by the program from
which it is called. The interrupt -service rout ine may not have anything
in common with the program being executed at the time the interrupt
request is received. In fact, the two programs often belong to different
5.Before executing the interrupt -service routine, any information that may
be alt ered during the execution of that routine must be saved. This
information must be restored before the interrupted program is
6.The information that needs to be saved and restored typically includes
the condition code flags and the contents of any registers used by both
the interrupted program and the interrupt -service routine.
7.Saving registers also increases the delay between the time an interrupt
request is received and the start of execution of the interrupt -service
routine. The delay is called i nterrupt latency.
8.Typically, the processor saves only the contents of the program counter
and the processor status register. Any additional information that needs
to be saved must be saved by program instruction at the beginning of
the interrupt -service ro utine and restored at the end of the routine.
9.An equivalent circuit for an open -drain bus used to implement a
common interrupt -request
Page 128
Fig 6 Interrupt Hardware Design
10.Handling Multiple Devices gives rise to a many questions
10.1How can the processor recognize the device requesting an interrupt?
10.2Given that different devices are likely to require different interrupt -
service routines, how can the processor obtain the starting address of
the appropriate routine in each case?
10.3Should a device be allowed to interrupt request be handled?
11.The information needed to determine whether a device is requesting an
interrupt is available in its status register. When a device raises an
interrupt request, it sets to one of the bits in its status register, which is
called IRQ bit.
12.The simplest way to identify the interrupting device is to have the
interrupt -service routine poll all the I/O devices connected to the bus.
The polling scheme is easy to implement. Its main disadvantages is the
time spent interrogating all the devices.
13.A device requesting an interrupt may identify itself directly to the
processor. Then, the processor can immediately start executing the
corresponding interrupt -service routine. This is called vectored
14.An interrupt request from a high -priority device should be accepted
while the processor is servicing another request from a lower -priority
15.The processor’s priority is usually encoded in a few bits of the
processor status word. It can be changed by program instructions that
write in to the program status register(PS). These are privileged
instructions which can be executed only while the processor is running
in the supervisor
Page 129
12916.The processor is in the supervisor mode only when executing
operating system routines. It switches t o the user mode before
beginning to execute application program,
17.An attempt to execute a privileged instruction while in the user mode
leads to a special type of interrupt called a privilege exception.
18.An example of the implementation of a multiple -priorit ys c h e m e
Fig 7 Interrupt Priority arbitration circuit
19.Above figure illustrates when there is arrival of two or more request
from different devices for interrupt so priority arbitration circuit will
decide which request to serve first.
20.To serve request more accurately priority arbitration circuit is used
with daisy chain
Fig 7 Interrupt Priority with daisy chain
D.Direct Memory Access
1.To transfer large blocks of data at high speed, a special control unit
may be provided between an external device a nd the main memory,
without continuous intervention by the processor. This approach is
called direct memory access (DMA)
Page 130
1302.DMA transfers are performed by a control circuit that is part of the I/O
device interface. We refer to this circuit as a DMA controll er.
3.Since it has to transfer blocks of data, the DMA controller must
increment the memory address for successive words and keep track of
the number of transfers.
4.Although a DMA controller can transfer data without intervention by
the processor, its opera tion must be under the control of a program
executed by the processor.
Fig 8 DMA Controller
Fig 9 DMA controller in a Computer system
5.Memory accesses by the processor and the DMA controllers are
interwoven. Request by DMA devices for using the bus a re always
given higher priority than processor requests.
6.Among different DMA devices, top priority is given to high -speed
peripherals such as disk, a high -speed network interface etc.
7.Since the processor originates most memory access cycles, the DMA
contr oller can be said to “steal” memory cycles from the processor.
Hence, this interweaving technique is usually called cycle stealing.
8.The DMA controller may transfer a block of data without interruption.
This is called block/burst mode.
9.A conflict may arise if both the processor and a DMA controller or two
DMA controller try to use the bus at the same time to access the
Page 131
131memory. To resolve this problem, an arbitration procedure on bus is
10.The device that is allowed to initiate data transfer on the bus at any
given time is called the bus master. When the current master releases
control of the bus, another device can acquire this status.
11.Bus arbitration is the process by which the next device to become the
bus master take in to account the needs of v arious devices by
establishing a priority system for gaining access to the bus.
12.There are two approaches to bus arbitration -Centralized and
13.In centralized arbitration, a single bus arbiter performs the required
Fig 10 Centraliz ed
Page 132
13214.In distributed arbitration, all devices participate in the selection of the
next bus master.
Fig 11 Distributed Arbitration
15.A bus protocol is the set of rules that govern the behavior of various
devices connected to the bus as to when to place information on the
bus, assert control signals, and so on.
16.In a synchronous bus, all devices derive timing information from a
common clock line. Equal spaced pulses on this line define equal time
17.In the simplest form of a synchronous bu s, each of these intervals,
constitutes a bus cycle during which one data transfer can take place.
Fig 12 Synchronous Bus
Page 133
13318.An alternative scheme for controlling data transfers on the bus is based
on the use of a handshake between the master and slave.
Fig 13 Asynchronous bus example
19.The choice of a particular design involves trade -offs among factors
such as simplicity of the device interface, ability to accommodate
device interfaces that introduce different amounts of delay, total time
requir ed for bus transfer , ability to detect errors results from
addressing a non -existent device or from an interface malfunction.
20.Asynchronous bus -The handshake process eliminates the need for
synchronization of the sender and receiver clock, thus simplifyin g
timing design
21.Synchronous bus -Clock Circuitry must be designed carefully to ensure
proper synchronization and delays must be kept within strict bounds.
1.Exceptions and interrupts are u nexpected events that disrupt the
normal flow of instruction. An exception is an unexpected event from
within the processor. An interrupt is an unexpected event from outside
the processor.
2.When an exception or interrupt occurs, the hardware begins execu ting
code that performs an action in response to the exception. This action
may involve killing a process, outputting a error message,
communicating with an eternal device or horribly crashing the entire
computer system by initiating a “Blue screen of Deat h” and halting the
CPU. The instruction responsible for this action reside in the operating
system kernel and the code that performs this action is called the
interrupt handler
Page 134
1343.Exception Types
Sr.No Exception Type Explanation
1 Arithmetic Overflow Occurs during the execution of
an add or sub instruction. If the
result of the computation is too
large or too small to hold in the
result register, the overflow
output of the ALU will become
high during the execute state.
This event triggers an exception .
2 Undefined instruction Occurs when an unknown
instruction is fetched. This
exception is caused by an
instruction in the IR that has an
unknown opcode or an R -type
instruction that has an unknown
function code.
3 System Call Occurs when the processor
executes a syscall instruction.
Syscall instructions are used to
implement operating system
4.Interrupt Request (IRQ) Pin is the first pin which will allow an external
device to interrupt to the processor. Since the processor don’t wan t to
service any external interrupts before it is finished executing the
current instruction, we may have to make the external device wait for
several clock cycles. Because of this, we need a way to tell the eternal
device that we have serviced this interr upt. So this problem be solved
by adding a second pin known as IACK(Interrupt acknowledge), that
will be an output.
Fig 14 Timing Diagram for external
Page 135
1355.When an exception or interrupt occurs, the processor may perform the
following actions:
5.1Move the current PC in to another register, call the EPC.
5.2Record the reason for the exception in the cause register.
5.3Automatically disable further interrupts or exceptions from occuring,
by left -shifting the status register.
5.4Change control (jump) to a hardwi red exception handler address.
5.5To return from a handler, the processor may perform the following
Move the contents of the EPC register to the PC.
Re-enable interrupts and exceptions, by right -shifting the status
6.When multiple types of ex ceptions and interrupts can occur, there must
be a mechanism in place where different handler code can be executed
for different types of events. So there are two methods to handle this
6.1Polled interrupt -The processor can branch to a certain addr ess that
begins a sequence of instructions that check the cause of the exception
and branch to handler code for the type of exception encountered.
6.2Vectored interrupt -The processor can branch to a different address for
each type of exception. Each exception address is separated by only
one word. A jump instruction is placed at each of these addresses that
forces the processor to jump to the handler code for each type of
Miscellaneous Questions
Q1. Explain the operation of DMA
Q2. Explain the Inpu t-operation
Q3. Illustrate about the different data transfer techniques used in CPU
Q4. Illustrate the concept of Exception and Interrupt Request
Q5. Explain the concept of Single -bus Structure